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Hi we're Joel & Lia and this video is about dating in the UK we get lots of
questions all about UK based stuff and one of the questions we get with
regards to moving to London or living in London is how do you get a date? Yeah and
a lot of people ask are we dating, we get that question quite a lot which we're gonna get into in the video
stay tuned! It's complicated, we'll reveal everything! Are they married? So many people assume, they jump straight to marriage I get
texts being like oh I love you and your wife and I'm like ... texts?! Oh not texts, DMs, yeah messages on
Instagram. Slide into my DMs. I'm like you didn't even go for girlfriend you just went straight
for wife so before we get down and dirty
okay so before we get to the action so before we get to the juicy bits so before we get
to the juicy bits I need to tell you that this video is actually being
sponsored by Wingman. Wingman are an app that help your best friend play
matchmaker to find you a date so I'm here teaming up with Wingman to help
find Joel the perfect date because I love him this isn't about me it's about
my best mate. It's all about me! *sings* not too much.
so Joel give us a little rundown so far of your London life and your dating
existence in London okay cuz a lot of people want to know a lot of people want to know. And this is the video you have ALL
been waiting for. Watch to the end to find out how you can win a date with me
basically I hate dating I hate romance I hate love I don't
really like until recently I don't want anyone in my life like I don't need
anyone to complete me I'm very much like a lone wolf whatever so I
think in my life I've been on two dates no you've been on more than that, okay maybe when I was a teenager but
that was like doesn't really count - like friend zoned. Since being an adult
since being an adult I've been on two dates so I'm gonna help you Joel I have
downloaded this app you might have already seen we did a little post on our
Instagram about the people I've been swiping left or right for Joel and the
reason I'm doing this for him is because Joel doesn't like dating he's too lazy
to go on the app no you're not that lazy and also you're probably - you read into
things too much yeah I'm scared a bit I think because I don't like- I have
downloaded some apps before and I just get fed up with them because I'm just
like I swiped because I liked you and you haven't matched with me so you obviously
don't like me back well the trick is to just forget about all these things, so I'm handling all the swiping. That's the thing so then I won't even know because you're
handling it all so I won't know if someone's swipe no to me exactly. For anyone who
isn't familiar with the dating app it goes like this
people's faces appear on the screen who are also single and looking for a date
and usually the person who's looking would swipe right for yes and left for
no but with Wingman your best friend does that for you I'm filtering out
people who I absolutely know won't be right for my amazing best friend and I
am selling him on the app by writing his profile for him you are the kindest guy
anyone is ever gonna meet I've said not to be messed around with the person you
meet needs to have a bit of banter yeah if they were Plain Jane they're just not
gonna get further than five minutes. What if they're vanilla oh there's nothing worse
than someone vanilla. Vanilla is an insult. Have you ever been on a date
though because you've used apps in the past have you ever been on a date where
it's just bombed oh yeah 100% oh really and you've been like you've got no
personality I'm scared to talk about it because I know they watch the channel, so now you've just given it away
It's YOU. If you're watching... it's you. Yeah, you know,
sometimes you turn up and they're very vanilla or the chemistry's
just not there so really this is actually more scary for you because if I turn up
on a date and they're vanilla then I've got you to blame, oh don't put it on me, Joel, I am an incredible Wingwoman
I am basically I love playing cupid in life, I've already set up
people that are getting married next year that was me I set that up I was
born for this job it's never been more right and who
better yeah to sell than you oh it's true because also whoever it is that I end up
with in the future has got to get along with you like
you're a huge part of my life so it might as well go through you in the first
place. They're gunna have to deal with me. And they're gunna have to not get jelly.
like "you're spending way too much time with Lia" no I'm not okay business partner, yeah business/best friend
Exactly, I've got a lot of work to do and you know you can just enjoy the rewards
Yeah I will, I'm excited to see who you match for me, oh it's a very specific type
yeah it's not all about image either, it's about what they say
about them so if they've not written any bio straight away gone yeah wasn't Harry
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle set up by a mutual friend
and they said that in an interview and everyone was thinking my god I wish I
was that mutual friend. Imagine the responsibility being like, I set up
these two people that the world are going crazy over crazy about showbiz meets
royalty. What friend was that?
Who knew, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, like who are they? Who have they got in their phonebook?
That's amazing and I can't say it was me. Do you know any Royals? No I know people who are like ancestors. That you can set me up with?
no no one worthy of you. okay, thanks. so this
isn't about me but I love that I'm involved, you LOVE it! I love it so much and I think what I
really want to help you get out of this yeah is for you to not have
the nerves of going on a date with someone and for you to not resent just getting
yourself out there a bit, yeah I think that will take away some of the nerves is
thinking that you're on it you're sorting out there's no pressure for me
to like be on my phone like twice a day just to check like just start swiping
like that bits done for me then they arrive to me and they've been
filtered. It's so celeb isn't it? I just get my matches sorted out for me. You love anything
that's celeb. Any service that suggests an element of celebrity is
so up your street. It's not even necessarily about it being celeb I just like no faff
I just like giving the faff to other people and being like you deal with this
yeah just come back to me once there's like something solid. If you've got a best friend who's
willing to take on a bit of admin fun admin not boring admin, then I can't think of anything
more perfect than this match making app. also it will keep me accountable to you
because you'll be like have you spoken to that person like that you've matched
with because you know that this happened so yeah there's
no escape you can't lie and say oh no I've not had any matches because you know. I'm filtering that.
yeah we're not gonna give away too much guys but Joel has got a couple of
dates lined up he's going red he's had a lot of interest on the app but who knows
maybe if you sign up for the app you might find yourself on a date with Joel. It will be
so weird to like turn up one day and have someone be like oh I watch your YouTube
videos because also that's so awkward yeah I just don't like the fact that
someone could recognise you. yeah I just find it really cringe yeah already I'm
like when I talk to people I'm like I just make YouTube videos. Yeah I said that you were in the
entertainment business so on your profile entertainment. media and
entertainment which is true it is true. they don't need to know that
you're a vlogger no and that's not lying that's just protecting your privacy it's
true so guys for anyone who's watched this and learnt a lot about our dating
lives or Joel's dating life because this isn't about me yeah you keep saying that but you
keep linking it back to yourself. I love it Joel, I love it. I Love it! I hope that this video's been entertaining, we constantly get questions about us yeah
and so you have the answer, we're not together. Someone even asked
the other day they were like... because we've said no it'd be weird if we dated they're
like is it weird because you haven't dated. We're like no, that makes no sense!
we're not siblings we're not together we're not cousins we're not married
we're best friends it's possible for a boy and a girl to be really really
close friends and not want to bang
despite sitting on a bed, we sit on a bed every week but it doesn't mean anything! It's just completely platonic. This is the 21st century guys, get with it.
Get with it, get online, get matching get with it yeah online get your best friend to
get online yeah download Wingman if you're in a big city like London then
get yourself on the app even if you're in the states, if you're in a big city
yeah I would highly recommend Wingman oh definitely me too it's a load of fun it
makes things a lot less scary on my behalf and it's fun to involve your
friend and like have that sort of thing to talk about because so often it's done
in private oh and it can be a very lonely experience, we've not spoken about how depressing it
can be oh yeah but this is like make it you and your friend, there's
something to talk about you're not sitting there whilst I'm looking at the
menu and you're swiping and I'm not at all part of your world it's all secret
and it's yeah why should it be a secret exactly
exactly it shouldn't be it shouldn't be and it's not anymore and it isn't. Coz I know all your names, Sandra, Zoe, Hayley great well we'll
keep you guys updated thanks Wingman for sponsoring this hopefully we'll find the
one. See you next time. if you want to follow our instagram its @joelandlia on all the platforms i'm
still waving. I'll see ya later