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  • Hi We're Joel & Lia and today's video is all about Australian slang that Brits

  • just don't get! so just to start this off Joel, I've been- as you know I've been

  • working with an Australian well she's actually Kiwi yeah but she then moved to

  • Australia and sometimes I'm hearing these Aussie slang words and I'm

  • thinking what on earth is she saying? I have to actually stop her and be like "wait, what?"

  • so I just wanted to bring them to a video okay I'm gonna put them to

  • you see if you know what they mean yeah and I mean there's one of them that's

  • pretty obvious okay but let's just kick off I'm so

  • excited you know how much I love Australians, you love it

  • Shall I do it all in Aussie? Yeah! Okay, first word: bottlo. Bottlo?? I thought that maybe you would know this. I think it

  • just means bottle doesn't it? or a bottle of beer ... No. Does it not? No! bottlo. A bottle opener!

  • I was like what's a bottlo it's a drive-through for wine and beer. Really?! for alcoholic drinks

  • mental! A drive-thru and a shop or just a drive-through so basically I

  • found out wine isn't sold in supermarkets in Australia, so

  • interesting so they've got just like you know like wine merchant wine shops

  • booze Express that we have over in the UK they call those sort of - and they

  • all have drive-thrus like McDonalds that's so cool. And it's a bottlo.

  • I thought you might have known it because don't you watch Australian soap

  • drama? I used to watch Neighbours but they would never refer to alcohol. I don't think, I never heard it anyway! Bottlo, oh great!

  • that's that's so good, imagine if we had a drive-thru for booze like

  • Brits would go mental, oh literally, but maybe that encourages drink driving I was just

  • thinking that no wonder we don't have it here. And also like, if I was

  • If I was an owner of a supermarket in Australia surely you'd be

  • like no we are gonna sell booze here. must be a law against it. Must be, let us know!

  • Let us know in the comments guys we'd love to know about bottlo bottlo. right the

  • second one is so hard I genuinely have no idea what this means, well up until like

  • yesterday fair dinkum fair dinkum! How funny is that! is that like fair enough? Like "oh that's fair

  • dinkum" I've written down it means you serious?! I think my inflection was wrong.

  • Fair dinkum = you serious? That's so funny! How good is that? I love that! Fair dinkum! I was saying to the woman I work with you need a thousand

  • subscribers to be a partner with YouTube, she was like "fair dinkum!" Aw that's sooo good!

  • Aw this is why I love Australians also isn't it true that Australians seem to be the only English

  • speakers in the world that abbreviate everything and lots of

  • the abbreviations end in O like bottlo and I won't mention any others coz they might be on the list!

  • but yeah they tend to abbreviate all the time the abbreviations are amazing and that's

  • actually probably gonna be a whole other video yeah I saw an amazing one on

  • Facebook I wanna share that with with you guys if you haven't seen it,

  • you probably have it went viral but it's all about Aussie abbreviations they were

  • fantastic, so good! The next one far out far out

  • far out I swear I think I might have heard that on Neighbours, what do you think? Is that just like "no way" yeah, it's no way!

  • Kelly who I will link in the description and in the cards was doing

  • exercise and it was getting so difficult and she also said like "far out" which is

  • exhausted it's used quite a lot but the main use is "no way". But it's always just like

  • "far out!" That's so good! Joel, we've got 7 videos to film today ... far out! fair dinkum! How good is that!?

  • I just wanna reiterate that we absolutely love like we're laughing but this is

  • from a place of love like we absolutely love ... oh yeah I wouldn't want you guys to

  • think that we're laughing at Australians being like you're stupid no laughing coz we're

  • like we love you guys!

  • we love sounds and words and the way that things are said so this is just really

  • interesting for us. You ready for the next one? The next one is quite easy okay Sheila

  • Sheila just meaning all women yeah. So if you're like "that Sheila", isn't the same male version is Bruce? Oh it must be! "Oh that Bruce over there..."

  • People do that in improv all the time when they can't think of what to name a character

  • Bruce or Sheila comes out. that's really good let us know in the comments if you're an

  • Australian and if you still use Sheila to refer to a woman who you don't know the

  • name of and Bruce for a man, I'd love to know! Right last one,

  • Arvo. I know this one this is like one of the ones I do know, just meaning

  • "afternoon" "this arvo" "tomorrow arvo" I don't know if they'd say

  • tomorrow arvo I don't know if it has to be today "oh you coming over this arvo?"

  • yeah that's good "you coming over this arvo?" I love it that's what I mean bottlo, arvo,

  • like lots of the slang tends to be abbreviated with an O on the end it's

  • really interesting that's so funny what would my name be "Lio"

  • Imagine if I was called Leo and you were called Lia, "Leo and Lia"

  • brilliant! Shall we change the name? Rebrand! Leo & Lia!

  • what a tongue twister - What would yours be? "Joelo" That's good! I asked Kelly

  • my Australian friend I said what would my name be abbreviated to because

  • Australians love to shorten everything, she was like L

  • Would Kelly be Kello? No! Like Jello, hey Kello!

  • no I call her Kels and she said that's really Australian she was like none of my English

  • friends do it and I miss hearing it. But she was like you call me Kels and it reminds me of Australia

  • hey Kels! So guys if you enjoyed

  • this video, we would love to make more, leave us a comment if you

  • know any more slang or phrases definitely and we've done an Australian

  • accent tutorial if you haven't seen it already we'll link it in the cards and

  • the description yeah we love you guys we love those accents we do Australian

  • accents all the time most Australians commented on that video saying that like

  • it was the best Australian accent they've heard from a non Australian so

  • amazing blessed so check that out if you like! if you like our channel

  • we also make videos on British culture accents language all sorts of stuff

  • please subscribe if you're interested and you can buy us a coffee

  • we've got our coffee links in the description we absolutely love drinking

  • coffee that's bought to us by our lovely viewers yeah while we're editing

  • we're just constantly sipping coffee so if you'd like to do that, we'll link it below yeah and we'll see you next time! Bye!

Hi We're Joel & Lia and today's video is all about Australian slang that Brits


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A2 初級

オーストラリアンスラングを学ぼう| オーストラリアのスラングを学ぼう (Learn Australian Slang! | Aussie Slang! )

  • 90 3
    Michael Cheung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日