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Hi We're Joel & Lia and today's video is all about Australian slang that Brits
just don't get! so just to start this off Joel, I've been- as you know I've been
working with an Australian well she's actually Kiwi yeah but she then moved to
Australia and sometimes I'm hearing these Aussie slang words and I'm
thinking what on earth is she saying? I have to actually stop her and be like "wait, what?"
so I just wanted to bring them to a video okay I'm gonna put them to
you see if you know what they mean yeah and I mean there's one of them that's
pretty obvious okay but let's just kick off I'm so
excited you know how much I love Australians, you love it
Shall I do it all in Aussie? Yeah! Okay, first word: bottlo. Bottlo?? I thought that maybe you would know this. I think it
just means bottle doesn't it? or a bottle of beer ... No. Does it not? No! bottlo. A bottle opener!
I was like what's a bottlo it's a drive-through for wine and beer. Really?! for alcoholic drinks
mental! A drive-thru and a shop or just a drive-through so basically I
found out wine isn't sold in supermarkets in Australia, so
interesting so they've got just like you know like wine merchant wine shops
booze Express that we have over in the UK they call those sort of - and they
all have drive-thrus like McDonalds that's so cool. And it's a bottlo.
I thought you might have known it because don't you watch Australian soap
drama? I used to watch Neighbours but they would never refer to alcohol. I don't think, I never heard it anyway! Bottlo, oh great!
that's that's so good, imagine if we had a drive-thru for booze like
Brits would go mental, oh literally, but maybe that encourages drink driving I was just
thinking that no wonder we don't have it here. And also like, if I was
If I was an owner of a supermarket in Australia surely you'd be
like no we are gonna sell booze here. must be a law against it. Must be, let us know!
Let us know in the comments guys we'd love to know about bottlo bottlo. right the
second one is so hard I genuinely have no idea what this means, well up until like
yesterday fair dinkum fair dinkum! How funny is that! is that like fair enough? Like "oh that's fair
dinkum" I've written down it means you serious?! I think my inflection was wrong.
Fair dinkum = you serious? That's so funny! How good is that? I love that! Fair dinkum! I was saying to the woman I work with you need a thousand
subscribers to be a partner with YouTube, she was like "fair dinkum!" Aw that's sooo good!
Aw this is why I love Australians also isn't it true that Australians seem to be the only English
speakers in the world that abbreviate everything and lots of
the abbreviations end in O like bottlo and I won't mention any others coz they might be on the list!
but yeah they tend to abbreviate all the time the abbreviations are amazing and that's
actually probably gonna be a whole other video yeah I saw an amazing one on
Facebook I wanna share that with with you guys if you haven't seen it,
you probably have it went viral but it's all about Aussie abbreviations they were
fantastic, so good! The next one far out far out
far out I swear I think I might have heard that on Neighbours, what do you think? Is that just like "no way" yeah, it's no way!
Kelly who I will link in the description and in the cards was doing
exercise and it was getting so difficult and she also said like "far out" which is
exhausted it's used quite a lot but the main use is "no way". But it's always just like
"far out!" That's so good! Joel, we've got 7 videos to film today ... far out! fair dinkum! How good is that!?
I just wanna reiterate that we absolutely love like we're laughing but this is
from a place of love like we absolutely love ... oh yeah I wouldn't want you guys to
think that we're laughing at Australians being like you're stupid no laughing coz we're
like we love you guys!
we love sounds and words and the way that things are said so this is just really
interesting for us. You ready for the next one? The next one is quite easy okay Sheila
Sheila just meaning all women yeah. So if you're like "that Sheila", isn't the same male version is Bruce? Oh it must be! "Oh that Bruce over there..."
People do that in improv all the time when they can't think of what to name a character
Bruce or Sheila comes out. that's really good let us know in the comments if you're an
Australian and if you still use Sheila to refer to a woman who you don't know the
name of and Bruce for a man, I'd love to know! Right last one,
Arvo. I know this one this is like one of the ones I do know, just meaning
"afternoon" "this arvo" "tomorrow arvo" I don't know if they'd say
tomorrow arvo I don't know if it has to be today "oh you coming over this arvo?"
yeah that's good "you coming over this arvo?" I love it that's what I mean bottlo, arvo,
like lots of the slang tends to be abbreviated with an O on the end it's
really interesting that's so funny what would my name be "Lio"
Imagine if I was called Leo and you were called Lia, "Leo and Lia"
brilliant! Shall we change the name? Rebrand! Leo & Lia!
what a tongue twister - What would yours be? "Joelo" That's good! I asked Kelly
my Australian friend I said what would my name be abbreviated to because
Australians love to shorten everything, she was like L
Would Kelly be Kello? No! Like Jello, hey Kello!
no I call her Kels and she said that's really Australian she was like none of my English
friends do it and I miss hearing it. But she was like you call me Kels and it reminds me of Australia
hey Kels! So guys if you enjoyed
this video, we would love to make more, leave us a comment if you
know any more slang or phrases definitely and we've done an Australian
accent tutorial if you haven't seen it already we'll link it in the cards and
the description yeah we love you guys we love those accents we do Australian
accents all the time most Australians commented on that video saying that like
it was the best Australian accent they've heard from a non Australian so
amazing blessed so check that out if you like! if you like our channel
we also make videos on British culture accents language all sorts of stuff
please subscribe if you're interested and you can buy us a coffee
we've got our coffee links in the description we absolutely love drinking
coffee that's bought to us by our lovely viewers yeah while we're editing
we're just constantly sipping coffee so if you'd like to do that, we'll link it below yeah and we'll see you next time! Bye!