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- Hi, we're Joel and Lia. - And today, we're going
to be taking a British citizenship test
to see how British we really are.
- I'm fairly confident that we don't know a huge amount
about technical things about the UK.
- Or historical dates. - Or historical dates.
- Because it's the sort of stuff you learn at school
and then you forget. - Yeah.
- Okay, let's kick it off: here's the first question.
Who lives at number 10 Downing Street?
The Prime Minister, or the Queen?
- Prime Minister. - Prime Minister.
(ding) Next question. - Alright.
So far, we're getting into the UK. (laughter)
- How many times have the Olympic games
been hosted in the UK? - I think two?
- Oh, it's been three. (ding) - 1908, 1948, and 2012.
- I only remember 2012. - Me too, probably because
that's when we were alive. - Oh yeah.
(laughter) That's when we were alive.
- That's the dumbest thing you've ever said.
I love when you come out with dumb things,
like "Do you remember the 1908...
- 1908.. - 1908 Olympics?
- Oh, well I wasn't born. - You were not here.
- King Henry VIII's daughter Mary was known as
Mary the Terrible, or Bloody Mary?
Well, actually, it's probably Bloody Mary,
but that's just cause who's called Mary the Terrible?
- (laughter) Who's called Mary, the Terrible Mary?
Bloody Mary, is that where the drink came from?
- Yeah, I think so. - Is a bloody Mary
tomato juice and vodka? - I think so.
How old do you need to be to get into betting shops,
or gambling clubs? - 21 or 18.
- So it says 16, 18, 20, or 21.
- How old do you have to be to get into a gambling...
- 21! - 21.
- Yeah, what would you say? - I'd say 21, I think.
- Okay. (ding) - 18!
- 18, you have to be... - You have to be 18
to get into a betting shop, that's bad.
- Oh that's awful, isn't it? - Alcohol, I think,
is perfectly fine at 18, but betting and gambling?
18-year-olds are thick as sh**. (laughter)
- Okay, what did the Bill of Rights confirm in 1689?
- I remember learning about this in school.
In the olden days, the king or queen would rule the country,
but obviously now that doesn't happen:
it's the prime minister who does it.
So maybe the Bill of Rights was like, "The prime minister
"has more power than the queen or king."
- More power, or like, it's...
- I think they make rules, like the queen
doesn't sit down and make rules to say,
"This isn't allowed, this is," but she does sort of...
oversees it. - Correct! (ding)
- Also, can I just say though, - Yeah.
- With the freedom of speech thing, Americans always say
that, "Oh America's the greatest country in the world
"cause we've got freedom of speech," and I'm like,
"But everywhere has free speech."
Okay, not everywhere, but like, the UK has
freedom of speech, Australia has free speech...
I just never understand like, why they think
they're the only country with freedom of speech.
- You're not. - You're not.
- So, that's...there you are!
What was the estimated population of the
British empire during the Victorian period?
More than 300 million people, 400 million,
450 million, or 500 million people?
- Oh, the British Empire, so that would include
- Everywhere that they've, yeah.
I say, 450... - 400.
(groaning) What's 50 million? - Should we go 400 then?
- Oh, you got it right, 400 million!
- I'm so getting into this country!
So, does Britain have a written constitution?
What the hell is a constitution?
- Let's say yes. - No!
The British constitution is not written down
in any single document. - And therefore,
it's described as unwritten; this is because the UK,
unlike America or France, has never had a revolution
which led permanently to a totally new system of government.
That makes sense! - Right!
- Cause there's never been like, an uprising.
We're just so chilled out that we're just like,
"Yeah." - "Yeah, that's just
"the way it is." (laughter) That's hilarious!
- That's so funny. - Great, well!
- Learned something new there.
- Yeah, we learned something new.
- Which of the following countries was not part of
the Allied Powers during the first World War?
So who wasn't on our side? - Who wasn't on our team.
So Japan, Serbia, Bulgaria, or France.
- Oh my God, it must've been like ten years ago
that I've learned all of this. - Same.
But is there a difference between
the first World War and the second World War?
- So I'll guess, Japan?
No, they were on our side. - They were on our side.
- Japan loved us. - Japan loved us.
- Bulgaria? What is Bulgaria...or Serbia?
- Should we say that Serbia, well, Serbia
might not have been on our side.
(groaning) Bulgaria! - I knew it!
- You knew it! - I knew it!
- You knew we couldn't trust them.
(laughter) Never trust a Bulgarian.
(laughter) Just kidding, just kidding.
- Last question: When did the first World War finish?
- Well, ten PM on a Tuesday! (laughter)
- Or, was it my beans on toast that night?
I remember it vividly; it was a Wednesday
and I just got my feet up. (laughter)
12 AM, oh there's actually timing!
- So there's actually times. - Right.
At 12 AM the 13th of February 1918.
(ding) Damn it! - I thought I was so right.
- It was the morning, 11 AM on November 1918.
- That's us doing it. - I think we did really well.
- A British citizenship test. - See, we're fully British,
pretty much, we know a lot about the UK.
- I'd be interested to see if you know,
people on the street know the answers to these questions.
- Oh definitely, I bet most people don't.
- Yeah, or I bet a lot of students,
kids that are studying history right now
will be like, "Yup, I know the answer to that!"
- Geeks, yeah. - Oh, no!
Geeks, I didn't know all of those questions
when I was like, fourteen. - Yeah.
- Been like, "Pow pow pow," GCSE history.
- Yeah, that's because you were a geek at school.
(laughter) All right then. - All right.
You wouldn't know it, but... - Of course.
- She's not just a pretty face.
- Okay guys, let us know if you got any of those right,
if you were playing along at the same time.
- Yeah, and let us if you know any useless facts
about the UK that you think we should know,
because I love that. - Oh I love useless facts.
Fun one about America: apparently Kinder chocolate
used to be banned. - Yeah.
- So you can buy a gun, you can't buy Kinder.
- Can't buy Kinder. - Can't buy a Kinder egg.
So, I don't know how that weighs up with me.
- America! - Yes! (laughter)
Okay, thank you for watching this video.
Remember to comment, Joel's about to crack up.
- Subscribe... - Do all the things.
- If you liked this video, we did too.
That's what I just wanted to add from the other day.
- Also, we have a platform on Coffee,
if you want to buy us a coffee.
- Yup, it's a one-off donation thing
where if you want to buy us a coffee,
you can just send us a little donation.
It helps towards supporting us and this channel,
so we can make more quality content like this.
- We might send you a picture of us having a coffee.
- I thought you were going to say something different.
- Having a coffee? - Like a nude or something.
- No, God no! - We might send you
a picture of us naked. - No!
We might send you a picture of us,
like drinking champagne or coffee.
- Yeah, we might use it for champagne, not coffee,
so as long as you're okay with that...
- Bye guys! - Bye!