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One of the best ways to sound more fluent when you're speaking English is to use advanced words rather than simple words.
英語を話す時に流暢に聞こえるようにするポイントの 1 つは、簡単な単語ではなく上級者向けの単語を使うことです。
In this video, I'm going to teach you some advanced words, so that you can avoid using the word "very".
In addition, we're going to practice these words in sentences while we practice the rules of linking
which means connecting words together so that you can improve your accent.
Let's practice changing some simple words into advanced words.
The first one is "very interesting."
最初は、「very interesting(とても興味深い)」を見てみます。
Instead of saying very interesting you can simply say "fascinating."
この場合、「very interesting」という代わりに、単純に「fascinating」と言うことができます。
You can say: "That's fascinating."
「That's fascinating」、と言う具合です。
The second one is "very open."
2番目は、「very open(とてもオープン)」です。
Instead of saying: "Thank you for being very open with me.", you can say "transparent."
「Thank you for being very open with me」の文章の中で、「transparent」という単語に切り替えて、
Thank you for being transparent with me.
「Thank you for being transparent with me」と言うことができます。
Number three is "very honest."
3 番目は「very honest(とても正直)」です。
You can say "straightforward" or "frank."
And we will practice these as soon as we finish all ten so make sure you watch this video till the end.
ところで、これらの文章を 10 個見た後で実際に練習してみますから、このビデオを最後まで観てくださいね。
Number four.
さて 4 番目。
Instead of saying "very poor", you can say "destitute" or "impoverished."
「very poor」の代わりの表現としては、「destitute」や「impoverished」があります。
Number five.
5 番目。
Instead of saying "very rich", you can say "well off" or "prosperous."
「very rich」と言うのではなくて、「well off」や「prosperous」が使えますし、
And you probably know wealthy.
That's another one you can use.
Number six: very scared.
6 番目は「very scared」です。
Instead of saying "I was very scared.", you can say "I was petrified." or "I was terrified."
「I was very scared」と言う代わりに、「I was petrified」もしくは「I was terrified」が使えます。
It means exactly the same thing.
Number seven: very intelligent.
7 番目は、「very intelligent」です。
You can say "brilliant."
Number eight: very angry.
8 番目は、「very angry」です。
You can say "indignant" or "enraged."
Number nine: very big.
9 番目は、「very big」です。
You can say "gigantic" or "enormous."
And number ten.
そしていよいよ 10 番目。
Instead of saying "very crowded", you can say "cramped" or "jam-packed."
「very crowded」と言う代わりに、「cramped」や「jam-packed」と言うこともできます。
And now here comes the important part.
Remember everything that you learn, you have to practice.
So we're going to practice these words in sentences.
And we will try to sound as natural as possible.
So listen to the way I say these in sentences and pay attention to which words I stress.
And also pay attention to how I connect the words together.
Number one: I heard a fascinating story.
最初は、I heard a fascinating story.(私はとても面白い話を聞きました)
Did you hear how I connected the "d" and the "a"?
"herda, herda."
Let's do that again: I heard a fascinating story.
もう 1 度見てみましょう。 I heard a fascinating story。
Number two: Thank you for being transparent with me.
2 番目は、thank you for being transparent with me.(包み隠さず話してくれてありがとう)
If you notice I emphasize "transparent."
I did not stress "with" or "me" because those are not keywords.
Those are function words; they don't carry the meaning.
Listen again: Thank you for being transparent with me.
もう 1 度聞いてみてください。thank you for being transparent with me.
Number three: He gave straightforward responses.
3 番目は、he gave straightforward responses. (彼は正直な返事をした)
Number four: We drove through the impoverished neighborhood.
4 番目は、we drove through the impoverished neighborhood.(私たちは貧しいエリアを車で通った)
And you noticed I connect "the" with the letter "i" of impoverished because it begins with the vowel.
So we don't say "the" impoverished, we say "the" impoverished.
Listen again: We drove through the impoverished neighborhood.
もう 1 度聞いてみましょう。we drove through the impoverished neighborhood.
Number five: This is a prosperous city.
5 番目は、this is a prosperous city.(この街は経済的にとても豊かです)
If you notice I connected "this is a", those are linked together and then "prosperous city."
ここでは、「this is a」がまとまってつながっていて、「prosperous city」がまとまってその後に続いています。
We combined those two sounds because they sound the same, and we change it into only one sound.
この 2 つの単語をつなげたのは、音が一緒だからまとめて 1 つの音にして捉えているわけです。
This is a prosperous city.
This is a prosperous city、といった具合です。
Number six: Some people are petrified of snakes.
6 番目は、some people are petrified of snakes.(ヘビがとても怖くてしょうがない人はいます)
Some people are petrified of snakes.
Some people are petrified of snakes、という感じに
I connected the "l" with the "a": people are.
「l」と「a」をつなげて、 people are、という音になります。
And then I connected "petrified of."
それから、「petrified of」もつなげています。
I connected the "d" to the "o": petrified of.
「d」と「o」をつなげて、petrified of、という音になります。
Let's do that again.
もう 1 度やってみましょう。
Some people are petrified of snakes.
Some people are petrified of snakes、です。
Number seven: My professor is brilliant.
7 番目は、my professor is brilliant.(私の教授はとても知的です)
We connect the "r" to the "i": professor is.
ここでは「r」と「i」をつなげて、professor is、という音になります。
Let's do that again: My professor is brilliant.
もう 1 回やってみましょう。my professor is brilliant、ですね。
Number eight: The indignant customer complained about the bad advice.
8 番目は、the indignant customer complained about the bad advice.(激怒した客はアドバイスのひどさに文句を言った)
Listen again: complained about, we connected the "d" with the "a"
もう 1 度聞いてみましょう。complained about、ここでは「d」と「a」がつながっています。
The indignant customer complained about the bad advice.
The indignant customer complained about the bad advice、という感じです。
Number nine: The storm on the ocean created gigantic waves.
9 番目は、the storm on the ocean created gigantic waves.(海上の嵐のせいで巨大な波が発生した)
We connect the "m "to the "o."
The storm on the ocean, and we say "the" ocean, not "the" ocean.
The storm on the ocean の場合は、「ジ」oceanで、「ザ」oceanではありません。
Listen again: The storm on the ocean created gigantic waves.
もう 1 度聞いてみましょう。the storm on the ocean created gigantic waves、という感じです。
Number ten: He doesn't like to be in cramped elevators.
10 番目は、he doesn't like to be in cramped elevators.(彼は混みあったエレベーターは好きではない)
We connect the "ed" of cramped to the "e" of elevators.
cramped の「ed」とelevatorsの「e」をつなげていますから
And it sounds like this: cramped elevators.
こんな感じに聞こえますね。cramped elevators.
Let's do that again: He doesn't like to be in cramped elevators.
もう 1 度やってみましょう。he doesn't like to be in cramped elevators、です。
Keep learning new vocabulary.
As soon as you learn a new word, create your own sentences.
And then practice connecting the words together and stressing the key words
and you're gonna feel a lot more confident about your English!