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Hi. James from EngVid. I've had a little to drink. Hold on. Sorry. James from EngVid.
I had a little to drink with my friend Mr. E. Today we're going to do "bar talk", and
why it's very important. You know what you're getting.
So let me tell you a little story, okay? I was sober when I started this video, and then,
well, Mr. E invited me out to a bar. He said, "It's on me." I'm not a rich man, but I'm
そういえば、Eさんに誘われてバーに行ったんだ。"俺のおごりだ "と言われた。私は金持ちではありませんが、私は
a smart man, so I said, "Sure, I'll go with you." So, you know, we go to the bar, and
頭のいい男だったから、"もちろん、一緒に行こう "と言ったんだ。それで、バーに行って、
he said, "You know what? It's cheaper to get a pitcher than it is to buy a glass of beer."
And I went, "That's great." So he goes up to the bartender, and he says, "Bartender
私は "それは素晴らしい "と思ったわそれで彼はバーテンダーのところに行って言ったんです。
-- barkeep, he said, what's on tap? What's on tap?" "Well", the bartender said, "Well,
-- バーテンが言ったんだ 何が出てくるんだ?"何があるんだ?""さてと "バーテンダーが言った。
what can I get you? Bud? Blue? Ex? Amsterdam Light? Whatever." Mr. E -- pardon me. So Mr.
E said, "Sure, but I've got my own drink, and it's my own creation. It's two parts beer,
one part vodka, one part you don't need to know." Okay, so it doesn't matter. He brings
this back. I'm sitting at the table. I drink it. After two seconds, I'm moving around like
this about to fall because this drink was really potent, terribly potent. You can see
この飲み物は本当に強力で 恐ろしいほど強力だったからです見てください
the worm is here. I got intoxicated in about five seconds. The police had to call.
And you know what? The bartender said, "Hey, dude, you're cut off, and take the worm with
you." Long story. Now, this is "bar talk". Because in Canada
"あなた"長い話ださて、これは "バートーク "です。カナダでは
and many places across the world, we use a lot of the words I've given you, all this
vocabulary, to explain or express things. And today, I'm going to let you into our secret
world, so you can socialize and improve your English.
So let's go back to the beginning. What did I say? I said I was "sober". Well, if you
don't have any alcohol whatsoever, which is this, okay? You don't have any of this, you're
アルコールは一切持っていません これはこれでいいですよね?あなたは、これのいずれかを持っていない、あなたは
going to be "sober" -- no alcohol. I have no alcohol in my body.
"シラフ "になるつもりです -- アルコールは入っていません私の体にはアルコールは入っていません
Now, here's the good thing: When you go to a bar, you want somebody to say to you, "It's
on me". What that means is they are paying. Now, if you say these magical words, "it's
on me", you're paying. Please take this from your vocabulary. Otherwise, they're always
going to go, "Who's paying?" "It's on him." "Great. He's paying." Okay? So "sober" is
the first word -- no alcohol. So when you're driving, you should be sober, really. "It's
on me" -- somebody's paying money, right? Whoever says that, they're the one who's going
on me」--誰かが金を払っているんだろ?誰が言ったとしても、その人は
to pay. Now, here is a "mug". It's not a word I put
in for your little quiz at the end. Don't forget you have a quiz. But there's a mug
or a jug of -- a mug of beer. A pitcher is bigger. It's like a big thing. So it has two,
three or four glasses of beer. Because it has so much in one container, it's called
a pitcher, and it's cheaper. So you can go to a bar in Canada and go, "I want a pitcher
of beer", and they'll give it to you, and it will be cheaper than buying bottles. Remember
the bottle I showed you? Right? It would be two, three, four of these. Save money. Drink
more. "On tap": This is a -- well, it's because
it's different. "On tap" means it's not from a bottle; it comes from, like, a "tap" -- in
それは違う"On tap" はボトルからではなく、"tap" のようなものから出てくるという意味です。
your house, where you wash your dishes. It comes from a keg. And a keg looks like this.
I'm a really horrible drawer, so forgive me, okay? Forgive me, for I am about to sin in
私は本当にひどい絵描きだから、許してね?許してください 私は罪を犯そうとしています
many ways. A keg looks like something like that, and it's on tap. So the beer comes out
いろんな意味で。樽が何かに似ていて タップになっていますそれでビールが出てきます
of that. Yeah, I know. Listen, this is an expensive special effects department we have
here, okay? Imagine this, and your mug goes here. There's your pitcher, and they put the
ここで、いいですか?想像してみて マグカップはここにあるそこにあなたのピッチャーがあります、そして、彼らは
beer in there. So it comes from a keg. So if you say, "What's on tap?" -- at every bar,
そこにビールが入っています。樽から出てくるんですね。"何があるかな?"って言ったら-- どこのバーでも
in Germany, and other places as well, in Japan, they have these taps, and they pour the beer.
You've seen them do that. They pour the beer from there -- not a bottle, which is more
見たことあるでしょ瓶じゃなくて そこからビールを注ぐんだ
expensive. So you go, "What's on tap, man? Give me some good Canadian stuff."
Next, the bartender will probably say -- if you're not talking about beer, which is the
first part, but you want other alcoholic drinks, he or she might say, "What can I get you?"
前編ではなく、他のお酒が欲しくなったら "何にしようかな?"と言ってくれるかもしれません。
You think "get" is "go somewhere", and they're meaning, "Yes, I'm going to leave talking
to you, go behind, arrange or make a drink for you, and bring it back." And they usually
say, "What can I get you?" Yeah, you're slowing it down now, saying, "What did he say?" "What
can I get you?" "What can I get you?" That is, "May I help you? May I serve you?" Cool?
"何が手に入る?""What can I get you?"つまり、"May I help you?"May I serve you?"かっこいい?
Okay, so we're moving from here. We've got something off of tap. The next part of the
story: Remember Mr. E gave me some kind of vodka, beer? I don't remember. My head still
hurts from the drink. Well, when somebody says "It's my own brew" or "my own creation",
it means this isn't normal -- a normal drink you can buy. I, at my own house, invented
or created it. I have a drink, and you're going to like this. So if you're watching
and you're under 18, go watch The Simpsons or something, okay? My drink is called a "Pink
Lemonade", okay? It is one part vodka, so that's one ounce vodka. Two San Pellegrino
"レモネード "だウォッカが1パートだから 1オンスのウォッカだよサンペレグリノを2つ
-- you've got another part San Pellegrino. Then you get a blueberry smoothie, and you
-- サンペレグリノの別の部分がある。それからブルーベリースムージーと
mix it together. It looks like pink lemonade, and it is potent. There you go, "potent" -- "strong".
混ぜ合わせます。ピンクのレモネードのように見えるし、強力だ。ほら、"強力 "だ。
Because it tastes so nice like real lemonade, you drink it -- you don't even notice what's
happening. Why is this word important? "Potent" means "strong". So my own creation -- you
が起こっていることを示しています。なぜこの言葉が重要なのか?"Potent "は "強い "という意味ですだから私自身の創造物であるあなたは
heard me say "parts". In alcohol, when people talk about what's in the drink -- you say,
"パーツ "と言うのを聞いたお酒の中に何が入っているかという話になると -- あなたは言います。
"What's in it?" They'll go, "One part this, one part that, two parts this". And they're
"何が入ってる?""これが1部、これが1部、これが2部 "って言うんだそして彼らは
telling you, "This is how much you should put of each one." So usually, an ounce of
"これだけの量を入れるべきだ "と言っていますだから通常、1オンスの
each one equals a "part". So the bartender says to you, "In a Brown Cow, there're three
parts vodka, one part vermouth." Everybody now knows I don't drink because I don't know
ウォッカとベルモットを混ぜて"今では誰もが私が飲まないことを知っている 私が知らないからだ
what's in a Brown Cow. So don't make fun of me on YouTube. Anyway.
So they'll tell you what the parts are, how to make the drink. And they'll say, "My own
だからパーツが何なのか 飲み物の作り方を教えてくれますそして、「自分の
creation is this." Mine is the -- remember? That's right, Pink Lemonade, baby. I've got
"創造はこれだ"私のは・・・覚えてる?そうだ ピンクレモネードだよ私のは
another one. You're going to love it. So you can make it "potent". It means that it has
more alcohol than anything else, okay? So when you say "potent" -- more alcohol than
何よりもアルコール度数が高いんだ"強力な "と言うと...何よりもアルコール度数が高い
anything else. So "potent" drink. So let's go from here. If something's potent,
他には何もない。というわけで、"ポーション "のあるお酒。ということで、ここから行ってみましょう。何かが「効能がある」のであれば
and you have many of them, you're going to have something called "intoxication". To be
をたくさん持っていると 「酩酊」と呼ばれるものが出てきますになるためには
"intoxication" means - it comes from "toxicity" or "toxin". You have more alcohol than you
"inxication "の意味 - "toxicity "や "toxin "から来ています。あなたは、自分よりも多くのアルコールを
should in your body, and it's now becoming poisonous, or as we like to say, "drunk",
okay? If you're intoxicated, the word we use normally is "drunk". It means "I have had
too much alcohol in my body, and now I cannot think properly or clearly." "Intoxicated".
Now, do not drink and drive or be drunk while you're driving your car or intoxicated, because
the police will stop you. And if you're making too much noise while walking on the street
while intoxicated, they will arrest you as well. So remember this word. Potent drink
-- possible intoxication. Next -- where are we? If you are too intoxicated,
-- 中毒の可能性がある次は...ここはどこだ?酔っているのであれば
you will -- what? You will be "cut off". This -- what they mean by "cut off", in Canada
あなたは...何?あなたは "縁を切る "ことになるこれは...カナダでは「遮断される」という意味だ。
anyways, other places as well. In Canada specifically, it means "you have had too much alcohol, and
the place where you're staying does not want to be legally responsible for you." So they
"あなたが滞在している場所は 法的責任を負いたくない"そこで彼らは
will say, "You are cut off. No more alcohol because we will be responsible." They might
と言われてしまいます。"責任を取るからお酒はやめなさい "と言われます彼らは、もしかしたら
even say, "Give me your car keys so you cannot drive." Serious stuff, friends. Now, in other
"車のキーを渡せば運転できない "と言うこともある真面目な話ださて、他の
places, if you cause trouble -- like, you get into fights or you talk to the girls like,
喧嘩になったり 女の子に話しかけたりして 迷惑をかけてしまうと
"Hey, baby. What's up?" -- they will cut you off real quick: "Cut off, and get out!"
"やあ、ベイビー"どうしたの?"-- すぐに切り捨てられるぞ "切り捨てて出て行け!"
Now, I've got one more thing I've got to tell you. These are -- excuse me. These are the
worst two words. When you're at the bars, you never want to hear this. It's called "last
最悪の二文字バーにいるときは絶対に聞きたくない言葉です。それは "ラスト "と呼ばれる
call", or as Americans say, "last call". This means you have 15 minutes to drink your drink,
order, and get your butt out of the bar, and the good times are over, okay?
Well, I've got to go through this very quickly before we hit our last call for this video.
So there are ten things I want you to learn. Try and remember which are the ten things
because one's not on the board. But I said it. It was the last thing I said. See? There's
the hint. Listen. And you're going to go to the quiz and check it out to see if you remember.
Okay? First, you arrive sober when you go to a bar,
right? Okay. So you arrive sober. But if you're lucky, you have friends with money, they'll
酔っ払ってるんだろ?わかったわ あなたはしらふで到着したのねでも、運が良ければ、金のある友人がいれば、彼らが
buy it. The drinks will be on them. Anyone who says it's on them, that person's paying.
"Pitcher": College students, you guys are all studying because you're young, got no
money. Get pitchers; don't buy bottles. It's cheaper. Get drunk faster. I said it. Next:
"on tap". You ask them, "What's on tap?" They'll tell you the two, three, five, or six beers
that they have that's in a funny-looking thing called a "keg". This is called a "keg". Remind
彼らが持っているものは "樽 "と呼ばれるおかしなものに入っていますこれは「樽」と呼ばれていますリマインド
me to talk about "kegger" when I was in university. You'll want to hear about that. Anyway. Next,
bartenders, especially in nice restaurants -- bars -- go, "What can I get you?" or "What
can I get you?" Okay? Practice that. All right? Next. If you have your own drink, you might
have -- you might make your own creation or your own brew. Some people actually make wine
at home and they'll say, "This is my own brew because I made it at home" or their own beer.
Welcome to Canada, eh? Okay? "Parts": When they say, "What parts?" What's in there? How
much liquid: alcohol, water, seasonings, flavours, whatever, right? Hops. How many "parts". Finally,
you drink too much, and especially if it's strong -- it's "potent". It'll be "potent".
飲み過ぎると特に強い場合は -- "potent "になります"potent "になります
You'll get intoxicated, or the common word is "drunk". See my worm? Drank, intoxicated,
fall down flat. Now, that's why we said here, "You've got to 'cut off' the worm", okay?
So I've done a quick review. I hope you remember all this. Go back to the story at the beginning.
See how much of the story you understand from the words, and -- oh, I'm sorry. It's last
call. I've got to get going. My beer is waiting for me, so last call for me, son. Oh, before
I go, www.engvid.com, where "eng" stands for "English" and "vid" stands for "video". That's
私が行くと、www.engvid.com。"eng "は "英語 "で "vid "は "ビデオ "の略です。これは
the commercial break. So go there: www.engvid.com. I'll see you. We have, like, seven other people,
I don't know. We're all going for a drink after this. Anyway. Take care. Got to get me some cold, frosty ones.