字幕表 動画を再生する
So, you've done all your preparation and practiced your English a lot, and now you want to know what you can do during the exam.
Here are five tips to help you get the best mark in your next speaking exam.
これから、スピーキング試験で最高点数をとるための、 5 つのヒントをお伝えします。
Number one: Remember, it's not a race, so slow down!
1 つ目、競争ではありません。ゆっくり話しましょう!
Before you speak, think carefully about what you want to say and speak a little slower than normal.
Number two: If you don't understand the question or the activity, don't worry.
2 つ目、質問ややるべき活動が分からなくても、心配ありません。
Ask the examiner to explain it again.
You can say something like, "Could you repeat that, please?"
こういう風に頼めます。「Could you repeat that, please?」(繰り返してもらえますか?)
Number three: When you're asked a question, don't just say "yes" or "no" as your answer.
3 つ目、質問されたら、「yes」や「no」だけで答えないようにしましょう。
The examiner wants to know how good your English is!
So, try to explain your answer with a reason.
Say "Yes, I agree because ..." or "No, I don't think so, because ..."
例えば「Yes, I agree because...」(はい、賛成です。なぜなら…)とか、「No, I don’t think so, because...」(いいえ、そうは思いません。なぜなら…)という風に。
Number four: Look at the examiner's or other students' faces and eyes when you speak.
4 つ目、話す時には、試験官や相手の生徒の顔と目を見ましょう。
Faces can tell you a lot!
If you see that the examiner or your partner don't understand you, then say it again using different words.
And finally, number five: Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you.
最後に、 5 つ目、試験官が聞き取れるよう、はっきり話しましょう。
If you find this difficult, practice with a friend at home.
Stand at opposite ends of a room and speak to each other in English.
Or speak to each other in English online or on the phone.
OK, so these are our top five tips, but just one final piece of advice.
さて、これらがトップ 5 のヒントですが、最後に 1 つアドバイスがあります。
Your teacher or examiner are only human, and usually they will really want you to do well.
So, take a deep breath, smile, relax and good luck with your next speaking exam!
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