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  • This is the largest pride parade in Asia.


  • Every year people come from around the region and around the world.


  • And it happens in one of the smaller countries in Asia: Taiwan.

    そして、このプライド・パレードの開催地はアジアの中でも小さな国の 1 つ:台湾です。

  • Taiwan is the most LGBT-friendly country in Asia.

    台湾はアジアで最も LGBT に理解のある国です。

  • In 2017, its highest court cleared the way for same sex marriage.

    2017 年に、台湾の最高法院にて同性婚に一筋の道が切り開かれました。

  • We came to find out why this happened here before anywhere else.


  • I'm Nikhil Sonnad.

    私は Nikhil Sonnad です。

  • This is Quartz.

    Quartz でお届けします。

  • Subscribe to our channel for more videos.


  • Here's why Taiwan stands out.


  • More than two dozen countries have legalized same-sex marriage.

    すでに 24 の国々で同性婚合法化が認められています。

  • They're mostly progressive Western countries, like Canada and Sweden.


  • But in Singapore and Malaysia, same-sex intercourse can lead to a prison sentence.


  • It's legal in Japan, South Korea, and China, but those countries don't recognize same sex partnerships.


  • But last year Taiwan's highest court announced that the country would have to find a way to make same-sex marriage legal within two years.

    しかし、去年台湾最高法院で、台湾は 2 年以内に同性婚を成立を模索すると公表されました。

  • Taiwan's progressive in other ways too.


  • 71% of citizens support marriage equality, according to a 2015 poll.

    2015 年の民意調査では、71% の民衆が婚姻平等を支持していました。

  • The first LGBT bookstore in the Chinese speaking world is in Taipei.

    中国語圏、最初の LGBT の書店が台北にあります。

  • Even Taiwan's president has publicly supported same-sex marriage.


  • Like in this campaign ad.


  • Part of why Taiwan has embraced LGBT rights is its tense relationship with China.

    台湾は LGBT の権利を保証する原因の 1 つに、中国との緊張関係が挙げられます。

  • First a bit of history: During the Chinese Civil War, the nationalist Kuomintang party fled to Taiwan, to escape Mao and the communists.


  • The Kuomintang established a dictatorship on Taiwan that lasted nearly 40 years.

    国民党は台湾で、独裁政権を設立し 40 年近く続いたのです。

  • "The lifting of the martial law in 1987 opened up social space for a lot of previously repressed social issues."

    「1987 年の戒厳令の後、抑制されていた社会問題が再度取り上げられる社会的空間が生まれました。」

  • Josephine Ho is considered the godmother of Taiwan's queer movement.

    Josephine Ho は同性愛運動の教母と呼ばれるようになりました。

  • "Things like labor rights, women's rights, environmental issues, ethnic issues."


  • "All of these issues were bubbling at the time."


  • The move to democracy opened up the country to political parties.


  • And a free press.


  • Most importantly, it created a huge rift with China, a one party state that thinks Taiwan is part of its territory and not an independent country.


  • "The China issue is closely related to gay issue and gay movement in Taiwan."


  • "Because it can serve a very important function in promoting Taiwan's image as a democratic state, as in with the international trends of gay equality."


  • "The first time I had a feeling: oh my god, probably I can get married."


  • Wang Yichi met her girlfriend the day of the Supreme Court decision.

    Wang Yichi は台湾最高裁の判決が出た当日に彼女に出会いました。

  • Yichi is from Taiwan and Marjorie Choi is from mainland China.

    Yichi は台湾人で、Marjorie Choi は中国から来ました。

  • "Oh you're from Taiwan, so congratulations to you today."


  • "And we would cheer and we talk a lot."


  • "Then we became friends since that day so thanks to"—


  • "—Thanks to the news."


  • "Yeah."


  • They both live and work in Beijing.


  • "The LGBTQ in China is still a taboo topic."

    「LGBTQ は中国ではまだタブーな話題です。」

  • "I think in Taiwan, I (am) actually quite surprised many of my friends, they are straight, and they are very into this movement."


  • A big part of Taiwan's push for LGBT rights has been its youth movement, which is worried about China.

    LGBT の平等運動を支える大きな押し手となっているのは、中国関係を懸念している 若者運動です。

  • "I think the young people are very anxious about Taiwan's future."


  • Miao Poya is a leader of Taiwan's politically active youth movement, and is running for city council in Taipei.

    Miao Poya は政治に活動的な若者運動のリーダーであり、台北市議員に参戦もしています。

  • "After the Sunflower Movement, I think the young people feels that if we do something, we can really change something."


  • 2014 was pivotal for Taiwan's youth movement.

    2014 年は台湾の若者運動の重要な年でありました。

  • Students came out in force to protest a trade deal they felt would bring the country too close to China.


  • They occupied the legislature for 23 days.

    彼らは立法院を 23 日間に渡り占領しました。

  • And it worked.


  • The deal was postponed.


  • This activism offers lessons for Taiwan's neighbors.


  • "Do you think Taiwan can provide an example for other Asian democracies?"


  • "The fact that we can achieve this as such a small and politically unstable country, means other countries can as well."


  • "Japan's material conditions are better than ours."


  • "South Korea's development is incredible."


  • "So on gender issues, for example, there's no question that they can do better."


  • Cheng Chi-wei is a social worker with Taiwan's oldest LGBT activist group: Hotline.

    Cheng Chi-wei は社会福祉指導員で台湾で最も長い歴史を持つ LGBT 活動グループ、Hotline に所属しています。

  • He helped organize the very first pride parade.


  • Activists from all over Asia come to Chi-wei with questions.

    アジア中の活動家は Chi-wei にアドバイスを求めやってきます。

  • They want to learn from Taiwan.


  • "In other country, gay always gay community; lesbian, lesbian community."


  • "But in Hotline, you can see LGBT in the same office."

    「ですが Hotline では LGBT は同じオフィスにあるのです。」

  • "Other country workers, they always ask how."


  • This group came from China.


  • "Our strategy has been to work with more and more activist groups."


  • "We have to stand together."


  • Chi-wei tells them that a big part of Taiwan's success has been working with activists in areas beyond just LGBT rights.

    Chi-wei は台湾の成功は LGBT 権利を超えた領域での活動家との連携にあると言います。

  • "For example, on environmental issues or human rights."


  • "If we support them when they speak up, they will support us as well."


  • "This is pretty rare in Asia."


  • But even in Taiwan, progress is fragile.


  • The high court's decision led to a backlash.


  • Last year, conservative groups organized a referendum to define marriages between a man and a woman.


  • The court's decision will stand, but the referendum is a setback to marriage equality in Taiwan.


  • This is a reminder that even with the threat of China and a culture of activism, there's no guarantee that Taiwan will become a beacon for LGBT rights in Asia.

    これは中国からの脅威や改革主義の文化があるにも関わらず、台湾がアジア LGBT 権利の導き役を担えるという保証はないということです。

  • "In 2009, when the gay pride march was celebrating itself, its growing number and size, suddenly the religious groups came up."


  • "I think that was a very very good moment, because people need to know that you haven't done the job yet."


  • "You haven't convinced people who have different values and different ways of life."


  • Josephine wants to make sure that Taiwan is doing more than demanding equality in name only.


  • "You shouldn't be just working on the language of progressive families."


  • "You need to work on progressive ways of life, which will need a lot of time to discuss, debate."


  • "You need to learn to really respect values that you cannot tolerate."


  • Maybe Taiwan's real achievement, same sex marriage aside, is getting itself to a place where it could have that national conversation.


  • "There's a big gap between each other so we need to find a chance to talk."


  • "Coming to this parade, it's not going to just have fun, drink, and all that."


  • "First time in my life I feel I'm responsible."


  • "It's really going to set example for so many other countries in Asia."


  • Hey, we're making a series for Quartz members we think you'll really like.

    ところで、 Quartz のメンバーのためにシリーズを作っていますが、きっと気にいると思います。

  • It's called Because China.

    Because China という名前です。

  • Because China is reshaping our world in so many important and interesting ways.

    Because China は私たちの世界を大きな、興味深い意味で再構成していくというものです。

  • Click the here to get a free membership trial for access to exclusive videos and articles.


  • Quartz members get a daily education on the forces defining the global economy.

    Quartz メンバーは国際的な経済を形作る勢力について毎日学習することができます。

This is the largest pride parade in Asia.


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