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  • Hi this is Tutor P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 16. All right.

  • Tonight's the first one we're going to do with Elvis and of course, the title of the

  • song is \"Are You Lonesome Tonight. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here. Now a

  • classic Elvis Presley song. He recorded this song after finishing his military

  • service in 1960 and his manager advised him against it because he thought it

  • wasn't his style. But it ended up becoming such a big hit even Elvis

  • himself wasn't that sure if he could do the song justice. If he thought he could

  • do it right, but to be honest , this song has been recorded a number of times.

  • It was originally written in I think 1926 by some vaudeville actors and a lot

  • of people have sang it, but probably the one that everybody always remembers is

  • probably Elvis. So he must have done it justice because that's the one that

  • everybody remembers. If somebody says who sang are you lonesome tonight everybody

  • will think about Elvis. They'll remember the Elvis version. Oh , so again . Let's,

  • let's get on with it. Just like usual , you know, I'll sing and

  • read the words and then I'll explain any vocabulary that needs to be explained. So

  • let's just start. This is how it begins. Are you lonesome tonight ? Do you miss me tonight ?

  • Are you sorry , we drifted apart ? All right. So let's look at that. Well first

  • lonesome . Lonesome of course means that somebody's unhappy because they're

  • lonely nobody's with them. Or especially in this case because he's you know,

  • missing his previous love. His , his girlfriend. So he's feeling even more

  • lonesome. So are you lonesome tonight ?do you miss me ? Because I guess he's

  • thinking about her and he's , I guess he's wondering if she is thinking about him,

  • To feel sad about someone because they are not with you. So do you miss me

  • tonight ? Are you sorry we drifted apart ? So are you sorry I mean

  • do you regret this ? That we drifted apart. To gradually become more separated more

  • and more separated from somebody that you used to be very close to. You could

  • slowly drift apart. So this could be with you know, lovers or this this could even

  • just be with regular friends. They could drift apart as well. So are you sorry we

  • drifted a part ? And then it goes on. Does your memory stray to a brighter

  • summer day, when I kissed you and called you sweetheart. All right . Let's go over

  • that. So does your memory stray ? All light. here if we say stray. If your mind or

  • memories stray you do not concentrate on a particular subject. So your mind is

  • kind of wandering going somewhere. But start thinking or looking at other

  • things. So your mind could be straying . So, so again . Let's go over this again. Does your

  • memory stray to a brighter summer day, when I kissed you and called you

  • sweetheart ? Okay. So you know, sweetheart is a term of

  • endearment . Just like you know , sweetheart, sugar, honey, you know something that you

  • might call your girlfriend or your wife. Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty

  • and bare ? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there ? Is your heart

  • filled with pain ? Shall I come back again. ? Tell me dear are you lonesome tonight ?

  • Let me go over some of this . Do the chairs in your parlor. All right. Parlor here

  • basically means like a a room in a house used for entertaining guests. Okay.

  • Do , do they seem empty and bare ? So this goes along with the feeling of being

  • very lonely of course. Maybe nobody visiting you. Nobody with you. Empty bare,

  • bare here always means containing nothing . Having nothing.

  • So are you lonely too ? Basically he's thinking about her . He's seeing it . Do you

  • gaze at your doorstep and picture me there ? All right. Remember, if we say to gaze, to look at

  • someone or something for a long time. It's kind of a dreamy stare. We always

  • say that we we stare , we gaze at stars. Like the real stars in the sky. Like wow !

  • You could gaze at movie stars. Like ah so it's always kind of a dreamy stare.

  • Because they are attractive or interesting. Then we say you gaze at

  • someone . Right here maybe kind of in a dreamy thing. Just hoping maybe if your

  • love will return. So that what he's asking her that question. Do you gaze at

  • your doorstep ? Your doorstep means a small step outside the main door of a

  • house. That's what we mean That's the doorstep. Do you yeah do you gaze at your

  • doorstep and picture me there ? Well picture, It means to imagine to imagine. So imagine

  • in your mind. Do you see an image of me in your mind ? Okay. Is your heart filled with

  • pain ? Shall I come back again ? So you know, well do you feel pain . Should I return ?

  • He's kind of asking you that. Tell me dear. Are you lonesome tonight?

  • Okay . So this is the main part that he's actually singing in the song and then

  • after that, you know, that then is another like humming instrument part.

  • And then it goes into a part where he does mostly talking . And he does it very

  • slowly goes. Yeah. I'll try to do it . I know if I come close to anything close

  • to an Elvis voice . But I wonder if you're lonesome tonight , you know, someone said

  • that the world's a stage, and each must play a part.

  • All right . Yeah this this is not just someone . This is Shakespeare. This is a

  • line from Shakespeare. Yeah if we say all the world's a stage. It's definitely

  • Shakespeare, meaning all the world is like a show and you know in our human

  • life it's almost like we're playing actors . Even in our real life. And all

  • humans are actors playing their roles. So that's that's what that means. So he

  • actually says that. Remember this was originally written by Vaudeville actors. You

  • know , so they were there on stage all the time . So maybe they think , they really

  • relate to that. Okay. Anyway, so that's basically what he says here. So I

  • wonder if you're lonesome tonight and you know, and and you know someone said

  • the world's the world's a stage and each must play a part. Yeah just like well

  • directly from Shakespeare. Fate had me playing in love, in love with you

  • basically. As my sweetheart. You know, that's the way says it. So fate of course

  • if we say fate things that happen to one So meaning it was just fate that you

  • know I ended up you know we ended up together as lovers . Fate had won playing

  • and loved you with you as my sweetheart. Act one. So again. It's it's almost

  • like it's a play. Act one was when we met. I loved you at first glance. All right. So

  • again like your, your, your, your whole love experience was almost like a

  • play. Okay in love, as my sweetheart. You read your line so cleverly and never

  • missed a cue. Meaning so just like we're playing parts again. So you said

  • your line so cleverly. In a very clever way , smart, funny way. And never missed a

  • cue. Cue yeah this is a word that we use like with actors. Something that an actor

  • does or says as a signal to another actor . So sometimes actors will give

  • themselves a cue. It's probably especially to help remember lines or to

  • do something. Okay. You read your line so cleverly and never miss the cue then

  • came act two. You seemed to change and you acted strange. So yeah. So of course

  • maybe you know their love is starting to fade or fall apart. And why I'll never

  • know. Honey you lied when you said you loved

  • me and I had no cause to doubt you, but I'd rather go on hearing your lies than

  • to go on living without you. All right . So that's part of the song. mmm I don't know

  • if I completely agree with that, but it is part of the song is very romantic of

  • course he can do it in a very romantic way. So let's go on. Then go on living

  • without you. Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there.

  • Okay. So then so again it's like life is a stage. You're acting. The stage is bare

  • means nobody's on the stage is bare containing nothing again. And I'm

  • standing there with emptiness all around. And if you won't come back to me . Then

  • they can bring the curtains down. Like the end of the play you know, they can

  • bring the curtains down. All right. I guess he means the show is over or I

  • hope it doesn't mean that he might kill himself. It sounds a little bit like that but

  • anyway . But still this was a very romantic song . Everybody always remembers

  • it and then he goes back into the singing right at the end of the song.

  • Again so is your heart filled with pain ? Shall I come back again ? Tell me dear , are

  • you lonesome tonight ?

  • Okay. Anyway it's a very classic love song. I hope you got it. hope you enjoyed

  • it . Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 16. All right.


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの音楽の歌詞が説明されています(16)エルヴィス - Are You Lonesome Tonight (English Tutor Nick P Music Lyrics Explained (16) Elvis - Are You Lonesome Tonight)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日