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  • Brothers and sisters,

  • it is now near the end of the last days.

  • Intensifying disasters and frequent earthquakes

  • are happening around the world.

  • The prophecies of the advent of the Lord have been basically fulfilled.

  • The catastrophe is fast approaching now.

  • Right now, the moment of the Lord's arrival,

  • we must be vigilant, work more for the Lord,

  • and especially spread His gospel.

  • Amen!

  • This is truly what the Lord wants and His commendation.

  • Amen!

  • In the Holy Bible, the apostle Paul said,

  • Amen!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • as long as we are working hard and being faithful all the way to the end,

  • we will be raised into the kingdom of heaven

  • when the Lord returns to us. (Amen!)

  • Do you all have faith?

  • Amen!

  • Then let us spread the gospel! (Yes! Let's go!)

  • Amen.

  • Hello, do you believe in the Lord Jesus?

  • Hello, would you like to hear about the Lord Jesus?

  • Hurray!

  • Stay in!

  • It's okay!

  • See you.

  • Thank you, Pastor Song.

  • We will join the congregation soon.

  • Great. Now go back in!

  • Yes, get in there. (Yes. Take care!)

  • See you! (Take care!)

  • Missionary Choi.

  • Yes.

  • This is the key moment when the Lord comes,

  • yet people are cold in faith.

  • We have been visiting these feeble believers and saying much for so many days now.

  • Why haven't we felt the Holy Spirit at work?

  • True.

  • If we ourselves are not even moved by what we say,

  • how can we expect it to affect others?

  • Everybody understands the biblical verses we are sharing,

  • but we have yet to shed new light with our words.

  • How can we address these problems by continuing with the same old actions?

  • True.

  • We have been busy in supporting brothers and sisters these days.

  • We really haven't accomplished any effects.

  • I always feel that the Holy Spirit has long forsaken us.

  • No matter how hard we try, we don't generate new light.

  • We keep preaching about literal meanings without any illumination.

  • It is the same situation with various denominations.

  • That's true.

  • The religious community seems to be in such a desolate state.

  • Man is powerless in changing the situation.

  • Yes, I've been thinking it over a lot.

  • Being Christian for all these years,

  • we have been upholding the name of the Lord,

  • giving up everything to labor for the Lord,

  • waiting to be brought into the kingdom of heaven when He comes with clouds.

  • However, at this critical moment in greeting the Lord,

  • the church is becoming more and more desolate,

  • and we are becoming darker and darker inside,

  • unable to feel the Lord's presence

  • as if abandoned by the Lord.

  • How did this happen?

  • I feel so unsure in my heart.

  • Have we gone astray in how we are waiting for the Lord's return?

  • Let's go.

  • It seems that in this situation we really must seek the Lord's intention!

  • In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray.

  • Amen.

  • Goodbye.

  • Missionary Park! It's so good to see you, brother!

  • I haven't seen you for a while. (Glad to see you.)

  • It's been a long time.

  • When did you come back, Missionary Park?

  • Time really does fly.

  • In a blink, you have preached in China for two years.

  • That's true.

  • The church in Korea has been in a desolate state without the Holy Spirit at work.

  • Everyone is waiting for the Lord to come.

  • But there's been no sign.

  • In China, is there any sign of the Holy Spirit's work?

  • China's religious world is desolate too.

  • But the Eastern Lightning Church has emerged in China.

  • The Eastern Lightning?

  • Yes. As if fulfilling the Bible prophecies.

  • The people of the Eastern Lightning have witnessed the Lord Jesus has returned,

  • He is Almighty God.

  • Returned?

  • You said Almighty God? The Lord has returned?

  • He is Almighty God?

  • Yes, the Lord has returned.

  • He expresses many truths,

  • and He is doing the judgment work of the last days.

  • It has caused a sensation throughout mainland China. (Really?)

  • Oh, really?

  • After reading the word expressed by Almighty God,

  • many good sheep recognize the voice of God, the work of God in the last days.

  • They have accepted Almighty God.

  • They are all witnessing that all those who have heard the voice of God

  • and beheld His appearance

  • are brought before the very throne of God.

  • Since its emergence,

  • the Eastern Lightning has been targeted by the CCP government.

  • But the people of the Eastern Lightning

  • still preach the gospel and witness the work of God in the last days,

  • preaching the truths of Almighty God.

  • They really have faith and courage!

  • They do not give up.

  • This is the first time that we are hearing about these things.

  • Aren't we waiting for someone to witness the Groom's return?

  • I never imagined someone in China would witness that the Lord has returned

  • to express the truth and do judgment work in the last days.

  • Many people recognized that was the voice of God. (That's right!)

  • Looks like this way ought to be examined.

  • I agree.

  • The Eastern Lightning can shock the entire religious community.

  • Many good sheep from various sects

  • recognize that the Eastern Lightning is the appearance and work of God.

  • Looks like this way ought to be examined.

  • Yes.

  • What does \"the Eastern Lightning\" mean?

  • Why are they called \"the Eastern Lightning\"?

  • It's based on the Lord's prophecies.

  • It was because of the name \"the Eastern Lightning\" that I decided to seek and study.

  • So that's the reason!

  • Later, I met someone who witnessed Almighty God.

  • I listened to their testimony and heard the word of Almighty God.

  • I discovered that the words of Almighty God are all the truth,

  • they are like the voice of God.

  • They said that Almighty God has expressed millions of words

  • and fulfilled the prophecies of the Lord Jesus.

  • They communed based on His words.

  • When the Lord comes, it will be \"at midnight,\" \"as a thief.\"

  • That is to say,

  • when the religious world is at its darkest and most desolate,

  • the Lord becomes flesh and secretly comes amid men.

  • He begins to speak and do judgment work in the last days.

  • They also said the sheep of God hear God's voice,

  • that the key for meeting the Lord relies on listening to the Lord's voice.

  • That is how they recognize the Lord.

  • That's true!

  • It is just like how the Lord Jesus appeared and worked in the past.

  • Those who heard the voice of God accepted and followed the Lord.

  • I felt what they said was true.

  • When I heard the words of Almighty God,

  • I knew they were all the truth, and I decided to join their church.

  • Then, I was arrested by the CCP government and repatriated.

  • Seriously?

  • It now appears these were the good intentions of God.

  • What they said was very enlightening.

  • It's true that the Lord Jesus said,

  • It is enough to prove that when the Lord returns,

  • He will certainly speak and utter His words.

  • Otherwise,

  • the Lord would not have let people hear His voice.

  • We have been waiting for the Lord to come on a cloud,

  • but we failed to seek and hear the voice of the Lord.

  • This is the most serious mistake.

  • You are so right.

  • The key to meeting the Lord is listening to the Lord's voice.

  • This is the right way!

  • Why didn't we think of it?

  • I think what the Eastern Lightning preaches

  • is in line with the prophecies of the Lord.

  • It's likely to be the true way! (Yes.)

  • Right.

  • Although I'm not sure Almighty God is the returned Lord,

  • I am certain that the Eastern Lightning comes from God's work.

  • Now I cannot go back to China,

  • and I cannot contact the people of The Church of Almighty God.

  • Pastor Song, Missionary Choi,

  • the Lord's return is an important event.

  • You should hurry to China and visit the Eastern Lightning

  • to see if the Eastern Lightning is God's appearance and work in the last days.

  • Missionary Park is right.

  • We must not delay.

  • Yes.

  • What can be more important than the return of the Lord?

  • Let's get ready to go to China at once!

  • I completely agree.

  • If we are sure that the Eastern Lightning is the Lord's appearance and work,

  • aren't we actually meeting the Lord?

  • Indeed.

  • Then we will have a chance to be raptured into the kingdom of heaven!

  • Oh, it's so cold in China!

  • Yes! It is.

  • Watch where you're going! (That's the way they drive!)

  • I have only just arrived, they are testing my reflexes!

  • Are you all right? (I'm fine.)

  • What is that?

  • \"Crack down on illegal religious congregation, totally ban house churches!\"

  • Why would that be posted up here?

  • I'm really surprised.

  • Looks like the CCP's repression of religion is real.

  • Do you agree?

  • The CCP does it openly.

  • It is more than just the local police occasionally grabbing a few Christians.

  • It's true.

  • It looks like the CCP really resists and denies God.

  • I agree.

  • This seems to be the place.

  • Ah, it's here.

  • They haven't arrived yet?

  • Look here, there's some more.

  • I think we should be very careful.

  • I didn't think the Chinese government

  • would so openly crack down on and persecute the Eastern Lightning.

  • It seems the Eastern Lightning is just too influential.

  • Even the CCP is fearful of the Eastern Lightning.

  • I feel the Eastern Lightning likely comes from God's work.

  • Otherwise, the CCP would not repress and persecute the Eastern Lightning so much.

  • It sure seems like

  • it won't be easy for us to find the Eastern Lightning Church.

  • Let God guide us on.

  • Over here!

  • Hi.

  • I haven't seen you in such a long time. (I haven't seen you for so long!)

  • Have you been waiting long?

  • It's been years!

  • Elder O, we have an important thing to do in our mission to China

  • that requires your help and coordination.

  • Okay, please don't hold back.

  • Pastor Song, why don't you all go into the living room?

  • You can make yourselves comfortable. (All right.)

  • Thank you so much.

  • Please be seated!

  • Please have some tea.

  • Thanks.

  • Elder O, let me tell you.

  • I noticed in the streets of the city,

  • banners calling for banning the Eastern Lightning and house churches

  • hung all over.

  • It is so tense here in China.

  • I don't get it.

  • Why does the CCP government hate the Eastern Lightning so much?

  • Why does the Eastern Lightning wield so much influence?

  • Please, can you tell us why?

  • Pastor Song,

  • I don't know if you heard about it when you were in Korea.

  • The Eastern Lightning is a rising religious group

  • which witnesses the return of the Lord Jesus.

  • I'm talking about none other but Almighty God

  • who is doing judgment work in the last days that starts with the house of God.

  • They are spreading testimonies everywhere on the appearance and work of Almighty God.

  • They even printed the words of Almighty God into books

  • and distributed them to the head sheep and good sheep

  • of various religious denominations and groups.

  • Is that so?

  • Those who listened were unwittingly stolen away.

  • To be honest with you, I also read some words by Almighty God.

  • The teachings of the Eastern Lightning are quite good and very practical indeed.

  • I was convinced.

  • Is that so!

  • I just have my own problems.

  • I am an elder.

  • I need to go with the flow of the religious community.

  • The Eastern Lightning has been developing too fast these past few years.

  • It makes the Chinese Communist Party panic.

  • The CCP government has been frantically convicting and repressing the Eastern Lightning.

  • In light of many of their sheep being stolen by the Eastern Lightning,

  • pastors and elders of the religious community

  • are also frantically condemning and boycotting them.

  • I haven't given much thought to what the Eastern Lightning is all about.

  • I feel that I should still uphold the Bible and adhere to the name of Lord Jesus.

  • This is my take on the Eastern Lightning.

  • Actually we have nothing against the Eastern Lightning.

  • It was only because some good sheep from our church were stolen by them,

  • so we must oppose.

  • Over these years,

  • in order to defend the Lord's way and protect the flock,

  • we excommunicated everyone in the church who had accepted the Eastern Lightning.

  • We've even asked all believers to reject them.

  • But regardless of how we've boycotted and guarded against the Eastern Lightning,

  • there continue to be people who accept it.

  • We haven't properly protected the sheep of the Lord.

  • We have truly failed our Lord.

  • Excuse me

  • If all of our believers accepted Almighty God,

  • wouldn't our church collapse all together?

  • And then, to whom are we going to preach?

  • Whom are we going to shepherd?

  • The Eastern Lightning is wrecking our rice bowls.

  • The Eastern Lightning is our greatest enemy!

  • For now, the primary task of our church is to boycott the Eastern Lightning.

  • We've already mobilized all church members,

  • so as soon as they see any Eastern Lightning people come to steal our sheep,

  • they'll call the police to arrest them right away.

  • How we wish the national government would throw them all in jail

  • and give them a decade-long sentence,

  • so they'll stop coming to steal our sheep.

  • This is my attitude toward the Eastern Lightning.

  • I don't know if it's right or not.

  • OK, now I understand.

  • It's all because the Eastern Lightning has stolen some of your head sheep and good sheep,

  • so you really hate and condemn the Eastern Lightning,

  • don't you?

  • You even resort to calling the police to apprehend the people of the Eastern Lightning.

  • Do you think the Lord would be pleased by what you are doing?

  • The preachings of the Eastern Lightning are so powerful that even the CCP is afraid of it.

  • Doesn't that make you think the Eastern Lightning has the truth?

  • So why don't you study the way of the Eastern Lightning?

  • So then, if the Eastern Lightning is actually the Lord's appearance and work,

  • don't you think you will be punished for resisting and condemning Him like that?

  • When I heard about the Eastern Lightning in Korea,

  • I felt that it had something to do with the prophecy of the Lord Jesus.

  • My heart was enlightened by the Lord's prophecy all at once.

  • I was sure in my heart

  • that the Lord's return is the appearance of the Son of man.

  • Now the Eastern Lightning is bearing witness

  • that the incarnate Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

  • Almighty God is being hunted and persecuted by the CCP

  • as well as being condemned, slandered, and rejected by the religious community.

  • Isn't this fulfilling the prophecy

  • \"But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation\"?

  • From what I see, it is quite possible!

  • The way it looks, Almighty God being witnessed by the Eastern Lightning

  • is quite possibly the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

  • As you were saying,

  • aren't we resisting the Lord when we resist the Eastern Lightning?

  • The reason we have come to China this time

  • is in order to study the Eastern Lightning.

  • But you haven't tried to study the Eastern Lightning while you are in China.

  • You have been blindly following the CCP and religious pastors and leaders

  • to resist the Eastern Lightning.

  • Is this in line with the Bible,

  • in line with saintly decency?

  • Is it in line with the Lord's intention?

  • If the Eastern Lightning is the Lord's appearance and work,

  • aren't you then the antichrists who resist and condemn the Lord?

  • Is this the case?

  • I believe it is. (Yes, it is!)

  • Go get some fruit.

  • I believe Pastor Song is right.

  • You didn't try to study the Eastern Lightning

  • but went to the police to have the CCP arrest them.

  • This is a serious matter.

  • Don't you know the CCP government has a long history of persecuting Christians with cruelty?

  • Do you not know this simple fact?

  • Whether the Eastern Lightning is the true way or not,

  • we can communicate and debate with them

  • and also listen to their testimonies.

  • If their testimonies are consistent with the Bible and possessing the truth,

  • then we should accept and obey.

  • If what they say is inconsistent with the Bible,

  • we can then reject it.

  • Religion is the exercise of free will.

  • No matter what,

  • you can't turn in the people of the Eastern Lightning to the police.

  • Turning in the believers of God to the regime of Satan,

  • isn't it akin to Judas?

  • This is a serious resistance to the Lord.

  • There will be retribution.

  • It's getting late.

  • Those of you who had been traveling today must be tired.

  • Get some rest soon.

  • Sure. (Get some rest, Pastor Song!)

  • Fine.

  • Okay. I will be watching them.

  • Don't worry, I'll be subtle.

  • I'm pretty sure I know where they are staying.

  • Brother,

  • I heard that you had come into contact with the Eastern Lightning.

  • I'd like to know, do you have their books?

  • The people of the Eastern Lightning gave me their books before,

  • but I didn't study them at that time.

  • Really?

  • The elders wouldn't let me read their books.

  • They took away the books.

  • They even made me pray and curse the people of the Eastern Lightning.

  • How would we dare to contact the people of the Eastern Lightning?

  • If the pastors or elders found out, it would be really bad.

  • She's right.

  • If we did, we would be expelled from the church and cursed by everyone in the church!

  • Didn't you know

  • Elder Lee got some believers to accept the Eastern Lightning.

  • He was turned in by the pastor!

  • He is still in jail now!

  • He was sentenced to be in jail for five years.

  • That's right!

  • I sincerely advise you to not have any contact with the people of the Eastern Lightning,

  • lest you get in trouble.

  • It seems these believers are seriously deceived and bound by the pastors.

  • Most of the believers listen to the rumors and lies of the CCP government

  • and blindly follow the pastors and the elders to resist and condemn the Eastern Lightning.

  • Expecting them to help find the people of the Eastern Lightning

  • is impractical. (You're right.)

  • We need to come up with another way.

  • Pastor Song, Pastor Song, wait!

  • Ah, brother.

  • Oh, brother.

  • I found you at last!

  • I've got something. Let's talk somewhere else!

  • Oh, yes!

  • I heard my brother say you wanna study the Eastern Lightning.

  • That's right!

  • I am studying the Eastern Lightning.

  • Then why don't we study together?

  • Wonderful, thank the Lord! Thank the Lord!

  • Pastor Song, Missionary Choi.

  • The Scroll Opened by the Lamb.

  • It is the word expressed by the incarnate Almighty God in the last days!

  • Thank you!

  • Thank You so much, Lord!

  • We found it at last!

  • Yes, we have.

  • Our trip to China is intent on studying the work of Almighty God in the last days.

  • We want to see if the word of Almighty God is the truth, know if it is the voice of God.

  • We had no idea that Almighty God had expressed so many words!

  • Yes.

  • We need to read carefully!

  • Let's watch a recitation video of Almighty God's word! (Great!)

  • We need to take a good look at it. (That's right!)

  • Amen!

  • These words are so great! (Yes. Indeed!)

  • Amen. Yes.

  • Praise Almighty God. (These words are so wonderful.)

  • The word of Almighty God truly has authority and power.

  • I am awed by it. (Amen!)

  • It is truly astounding!

  • Yeah! That's so true.

  • Amen!

  • This is the voice of God! It really is.

  • Otherwise, who else could determine man's outcome, dictate man's destiny?

  • That's right!

  • Only God has such authority and power!

  • Only God could know these things.

  • Amen!

  • Let's read here too.

  • The word of Almighty God

  • elucidates how we have been anticipating and longing for the Lord's return over these years

  • for reunion with the Lord.

  • It is true that, other than God,

  • no one could know how we have been longing to see the Lord,

  • no one could know how we felt

  • when we were fallen in darkness and longing to see the light.

  • I feel the word of Almighty God is truly the voice of the Lord.

  • It is the voice of the Lord Jesus speaking to us.

  • It's true.

  • Yes. The more we read the word of Almighty God, the more we feel it is the word of the Lord.

  • Yes.

  • Yes. Let us read another passage. (Great! Good. OK.)

  • Great!

  • Amen!

  • How do you feel after listening to the word of Almighty God?

  • Isn't each word of Almighty God filled with the authority and power of God?

  • That's true.

  • Yes!

  • After listening to the word of Almighty God,

  • we can believe it is the voice of God.

  • Yes!

  • This is the grace of God!

  • Yeah.

  • It is so indeed. Thank the Lord!

  • Amen!

  • In the last days,

  • the incarnate God appears in China to express His word to all

  • and do the judgment work that begins with the house of God.

  • Many people from various denominations and sects who love the truth and long for God's appearance

  • realize that the word of Almighty God is the truth and the voice of God.

  • So they accept the work of Almighty God in the last days.

  • Yes, that's true. Amen! This is good news indeed.

  • In this period of time, I read a lot of Almighty God's words.

  • It was really an eye-opener.

  • Let's turn to the table of contents first. (Yes!)

  • The topics that Almighty God wants to clarify

  • are about the truths we as believers should understand!

  • Almighty God's words are just so rich!

  • It's a great feeling reading them.

  • That's true.

  • These are words that cannot be found in the Bible.

  • Reading these words today feels like hearing the voice of the Lord Jesus.

  • I agree.

  • These days, the more I read the words of Almighty God,

  • the more I feel that the words spoken by Almighty God

  • are exactly \"what the Spirit says to the churches\" as prophesied in the Book of Revelation,

  • that Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus!

  • Amen!

  • It's true. It was the Lord who guided you to come from Korea to China

  • to seek and investigate the words of Almighty God.

  • Amen.

  • And thank the Lord!

  • Amen! That's so true.

  • Let's read more passages!

  • Okay! That was great! I'd love to hear more.

  • This way please.

  • Today we have two missionaries from Korea joining us! (From Korea!)

  • People who can travel cross the ocean to China to seek the true way

  • must be those who have the ability to receive.

  • It's so true.

  • It is a great price to pay for one to leave his country to seek the true way.

  • If a person capable of understanding accepts the work of God,

  • he will definitely be made perfect in the future. (Yes, indeed!)

  • I am so envious of them! (Yeah. Me too.)

  • It's Brother Chin.

  • Oh, they are here.

  • Let me introduce you,

  • these two are Pastor Song and Missionary Choi from Korea.

  • How do you do?

  • These brothers and sisters are also studying the work of Almighty God in the last days.

  • And over here this is Brother Chin and Brother Suh of The Church of Almighty God.

  • Glad to meet you!

  • Let's sit down and talk! (OK.)

  • Pastor Song, Missionary Choi,

  • it's not easy for you to come from Korea to China to study the true way

  • when you hear about God's appearance and work here.

  • You are risking danger of being arrested by the CCP

  • to study the work of Almighty God in China.

  • It is definitely the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  • It is something blessed by God! (Amen!)

  • Amen. We welcome you!

  • Amen!

  • Amen. Thank the Lord!

  • In Korea, there were others in our church who also wanted to study Almighty God's work.

  • Unfortunately, there was no one to give witness.

  • There was nothing to do but look for The Church of Almighty God in China.

  • Yes.

  • In the past few days, we read many words of Almighty God.

  • We all feel the authority and power of God's word.

  • It's an expression of the truth and God's voice!

  • We feel that Almighty God is quite likely to be the returned Lord Jesus.

  • So we are eager to study the work of Almighty God in the last days.

  • Good!

  • Now there are many practical questions we do not understand.

  • We need your help to resolve them.

  • It is truly the blessing of God that we are able to meet you today!

  • Amen!

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Yes, indeed. Yes!

  • You are able to recognize that everything expressed by Almighty God

  • is the truth and the voice of God,

  • you are akin to the wise virgins who hear the voice of God and are raptured before God.

  • Thank the Lord!

  • In fact, in seeking and studying the true way,

  • the most critical is to affirm that

  • all the words of Almighty God are the truths and the voice of God

  • and to affirm that all the truths expressed by Almighty God

  • are a stage of God's work in the last days.

  • To be able to see this is enough.

  • Thank the Lord!

  • All other negative propaganda and aspects inconsistent with the conceptions of man

  • are not major problems.

  • However loud and prevalent is the voice of Satan,

  • it cannot deny the voice of the truth.

  • Amen. Yes.

  • However dark the clouds, they cannot block the sunlight.

  • Yes. Good.

  • Ah, right.

  • When listening to the word of Almighty God,

  • many people can perceive that it is the voice of God,

  • but they are utterly confused

  • when they hear the negative propaganda of Satan,

  • they don't know if it's true or false.

  • And so, what kind of problem is this?

  • It is foolishness and ignorance.

  • Yes!

  • It is written in the Bible,

  • And so I saw, after hearing the negative propaganda,

  • many people doubt the true way and doubt the work of God,

  • so they end up rejecting God's appearance and work,

  • losing God's salvation and ending up in demise.

  • That's right.

  • Even if they see that all the words expressed by Almighty God are the truth,

  • yet when they hear the rumors and negative propaganda of Satan,

  • they believe Satan's words completely.

  • Sadly, they even deny all the truths expressed by God.

  • God could speak to them one hundred times, and they'd still not believe

  • and yet they take in the nonsense of Satan immediately.

  • So I ask, what kind of people are they?

  • Aren't they foolish virgins?

  • Oh. Yeah.

  • Today you can take the initiative to seek and study the true way in China.

  • This is God's guidance!

  • Amen!

  • If there's anything you don't understand, you can bring it up.

  • Okay.

  • The word of Almighty God can address and solve all the problems we face in believing in God.

  • Amen!

  • Let's seek the truth and solutions together. (Okay!)

  • May I say, that was very well said!

  • I am very glad we came.

  • Yes, this trip is so worthwhile!

  • Yeah.

  • Brother Chin, (Yes.)

  • you truly said it so well!

  • The most important thing in examining the true way

  • is to realize that the words of God are the truth.

  • Only this is really hearing the voice of God.

  • This is truly hearing the voice of God.

  • And these words touch upon our hearts.

  • We really feel so ashamed!

  • Although we find the word of Almighty God

  • is the truth and the voice of God,

  • we still have some notions.

  • We generate some doubts when we hear some of the negative propaganda.

  • We really cannot see through these problems.

  • In Korea,

  • in our religious community, there's an identical question in people's hearts,

  • and that's what I want to seek.

  • That's correct!

  • Having believed in the Lord for many years,

  • we have felt that as long as one can practice humility, tolerance, and love,

  • and can follow the example of Paul by working and laboring for the Lord,

  • he is following the way of the Lord,

  • and he will be raptured into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns.

  • Just as Paul said,

  • But you say when we believe in the Lord,

  • we must receive the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days.

  • When we receive cleansing,

  • we will be commended by God and admitted in the kingdom of heaven.

  • I have a question.

  • We've believed in the Lord for so many years and labor for the Lord,

  • can we enter the kingdom of heaven without receiving

  • the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days?

  • Can you please talk to us about it?

  • Yeah. Yes, talk to us! Yes.

  • According to the word of the Bible,

  • as long as we follow the word of Paul,

  • we shall be praised by the Lord and be brought into the kingdom of heaven.

  • And you witness that Almighty God comes to do his judgment work in the last days,

  • and wise virgins are brought before God for hearing the voice of God,

  • and they can only enter the kingdom of heaven

  • after experiencing God's judgment and cleansing. (Yes. Yeah.)

  • What puzzles us is which path leads to the kingdom of heaven.

  • Please tell us.

  • Yes! Please do tell us.

  • Yes, the question you raise is very crucial.

  • It involves whether one can be brought to the kingdom of heaven

  • by believing in the Lord.

  • Many believers of the Lord feel that expending and laboring for the Lord like Paul

  • is following the Lord's way

  • and qualifying for entrance into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord returns.

  • Over time,

  • this has become the belief of many many people.

  • I ask, is this belief based on the Lord's word?

  • Does it please the Lord's heart if we pursue it like this?

  • Does it?

  • Are we truly following the Lord's way by laboring for the Lord like Paul?

  • Will we qualify for the kingdom of heaven?

  • Yes, will we? (We've never thought about it this way!)

  • The Lord Jesus said it very clearly.

  • Only those who follow the will of God could enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • The Lord Jesus did not say those who sacrifice, expend, and labor for the Lord

  • could enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Many of those who preach, cast out devils, and work wonders in the name of the Lord

  • are people who labor.

  • Not only are they not praised by the Lord,

  • they are professed by the Lord as workers of iniquity.

  • Yes.

  • Paul said,

  • This saying contradicts the word of the Lord Jesus.

  • By comparing the word of Paul with the word of the Lord Jesus,

  • it can be seen that Paul's word contradicts the word of the Lord Jesus.

  • Yes.

  • To be brought into the kingdom of heaven,

  • there is only one affirmed way

  • which is what the Lord Jesus so clearly said.

  • Amen!

  • You see, \"to sup with the Lord\"

  • is a reference to receiving God's judgment work in the last days.

  • Ah. I see now. Yes.

  • That's how it is. Thank the Lord.

  • By receiving the judgment and chastisement of God,

  • we understand all the truths and are cleansed and made perfect,

  • these are the results of supping with the Lord.

  • So we can be certain

  • that only by receiving cleansing from the judgment of Almighty God in the last days

  • can one enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen!

  • Thank the Lord.

  • We all know and believe

  • that only the Lord Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. (Amen!)

  • The way one can enter the kingdom of heaven

  • should be based on the word of the Lord Jesus as final.

  • Yes.

  • Yes, it's true.

  • Paul was only an apostle who spread the gospel.

  • He could not speak on behalf of the Lord.

  • The way he chose was not necessarily the way to the kingdom of heaven (Yes.)

  • because the Lord Jesus did not testify that Paul's way was the correct way.

  • Moreover, the Lord Jesus did not tell people to follow the example of Paul.

  • That's right.

  • If we only go by Paul's word in choosing our way to the kingdom of heaven,

  • it is easy to go astray.

  • It's so true. True.

  • This passage of the Lord Jesus' word that Brother Chin just read is important.

  • This sentence tells us that we must believe in the Lord's word.

  • The only way into the kingdom of heaven is by following the will of God.

  • Yeah. I agree.

  • So that's how it is!

  • When the Lord Jesus returns in the last days

  • to do the work of judgment starting with the house of God,

  • if we hear God's voice, receive God's work in the last days,

  • and manage to receive cleansing and be made perfect by God's judgment and chastisement,

  • we will be the type of people

  • who obey the will of God and enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen.

  • Brothers and sisters, this is absolutely certain.

  • Amen!

  • Those who only rely on enthusiasm to preach for the Lord,

  • cast out devils and work wonders in the name of the Lord,

  • neither pay attention to practicing the word of the Lord

  • nor seek to receive the work of God at present.

  • Can these people know the Lord? (No, they can't!)

  • Do they even follow the will of God?

  • No!

  • Why did the Lord Jesus say,

  • \"I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity\"?

  • This passage is very thought-provoking!

  • Yes.

  • We all know that back then

  • when the Pharisees traveled all over the land and sea to preach and teach the gospel,

  • they endured much hardship and paid many a steep price.

  • On appearance,

  • they seemed to be loyal to God, truly loyal,

  • but actually they only emphasized on engaging in religious rituals and following regulations

  • instead of practicing God's word.

  • They did not actually follow God's commandments or teachings.

  • Sadly, they even abolished God's commandments.

  • What they did, their actions,

  • completely contradicted God's will and deviated from God's way.

  • So the Lord Jesus cursed them.

  • Amen!

  • It can be seen in what we assume,

  • \"As long as one works hard for the Lord,

  • he will be brought into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes.\"

  • This view is the conception of man that doesn't agree with the Lord's word.

  • Do you say it is so? (Yes, it is!)

  • We are correct in seeking salvation and entry into the kingdom of heaven,

  • but we must do it according to the Lord Jesus' word.

  • If we ignore the Lord's words,

  • but take Paul's words as basis and Paul's practice as our goal of pursuit,

  • how can we win the praise of the Lord?

  • Yes.

  • If we understand these two passages of scripture,

  • we will know the way to the kingdom of heaven after all.

  • This is so true.

  • Yes. Indeed.

  • In fact,

  • before receiving the work of Almighty God in the last days,

  • we all had this kind of conception and imagination that

  • as long as we keep the Lord's name, expend, preach, and work for Him,

  • we are practicing the Lord's word and following His way,

  • and we'll be brought into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes.

  • Yes.

  • So, I am glad to share with you that

  • later I received the work of Almighty God in the last days

  • and saw His words.

  • I will read them.

  • Upon seeing the word of Almighty God,

  • I realized that God's requirement for man's work

  • does not refer alone to suffering, running to and fro, and spending for God.

  • It mainly refers to our ability to practice and experience God's word,

  • our ability to articulate our understanding of God's word from practical experience,

  • and our guidance for brothers and sisters to enter the reality of God's word.

  • Only this kind of work will satisfy God's will.

  • Recalling my belief in the Lord for many years,

  • although I have preached everywhere in the name of the Lord,

  • enduring hardship and paying the price,

  • I haven't focused on practicing the Lord's word,

  • so I could not talk about my firsthand experience of how I practiced the Lord's word.

  • In my sermons,

  • I could only speak empty words and doctrines from the Bible

  • and teach others to follow religious rules.

  • So I ask, how could this lead brothers and sisters into the reality of God's word?

  • Also, when I preached and worked, I often showed off to gain admiration

  • and often went against the Lord's demands by acting according to my own ideas.

  • By sacrificing, enduring hardship, and paying some prices for the Lord,

  • I believed I was the one who loved the Lord most,

  • and I was most faithful to the Lord.

  • I was shameless enough to demand the blessing of the kingdom of heaven from God.

  • I was positioning myself high above

  • and looking down on those brothers and sisters who were passive and weak.

  • Since I only focused on relying on enthusiasm to work for the Lord

  • but did not pay attention to practicing and experiencing the Lord's word,

  • after believing in the Lord for many years,

  • I ended up not having the slightest knowledge of the Lord and fear of God in my heart,

  • not to mention the transformation of my life disposition.

  • Because I had been expending in my years of belief,

  • I was becoming increasingly arrogant, insubordinate to everyone,

  • even engaged in deception, fully revealing Satan's disposition.

  • The way I labored

  • had nothing to do with reality of practicing the Lord's word and obeying Him.

  • How could this lead to understanding the Lord?

  • For a person like me who had no reality of truth nor understanding of the Lord,

  • wasn't everything I did against the Lord?

  • How could this be exalting and witnessing for the Lord?

  • After experiencing the work of Almighty God,

  • I realized that no matter how hard a person has labored,

  • if he has not experienced the judgment of God in the last days,

  • it is impossible for him to follow God's will

  • and become someone who truly and deeply obeys and worships God with all their heart.

  • This is absolutely true.

  • Yes. This is absolutely true.

  • Believing in the Lord for so many years,

  • we have only preached and worked based on our gifts

  • without focusing on practicing the Lord's word.

  • We are completely void of life.

  • If it was not for your communication of Almighty God's word,

  • we would never have seen through the real substance of this problem.

  • Yes. That's right.

  • Sorry, what?

  • Chin Heun is taking Pastor Song and Missionary Choi to meet with the Eastern Lightning people?

  • Are you sure?

  • It can't be wrong.

  • I saw it with my own eyes!

  • You wanted me to keep an eye on Pastor Song and Missionary Choi.

  • I … I have been watching them since.

  • This can be troublesome.

  • Many of our churches were built with the help of Korean missionaries,

  • our believers quite look up to them.

  • If Pastor Song and Missionary Choi accept the Eastern Lightning,

  • the impact on the church will be tremendous.

  • I fear that many believers will follow suit to study the Eastern Lightning.

  • If this goes on happening,

  • our churches will close up shop.

  • Elder O,

  • we need to come up with a plan to stop them from studying the Eastern Lightning!

  • Let's take a look at those religious pastors and elders.

  • Although they have cast aside everything to labor for the Lord,

  • what kind of work have they been doing?

  • What is the nature of their work?

  • Having believed in the Lord for many years,

  • they have never pursued the truth.

  • They failed to receive the work of the Holy Spirit

  • and explain to us how to resolve the practical problems of our faith and entry into life.

  • They often talk about some empty biblical doctrines to deceive the believers

  • and take every opportunity to say how far they have trekked to preach for the Lord,

  • how much work they have done,

  • how much pain they have endured,

  • how many churches they have built and so on and so forth

  • to establish themselves for others to worship and follow.

  • As a result, after working for so many years,

  • not only have they failed in leading brothers and sisters to understand the truth and know God,

  • but they let brothers and sisters worship and follow them

  • and embark on the path of worshiping man and betraying God.

  • That is really so!

  • So let's think,

  • are these pastors and elders following the Lord's way by working and expending like that?

  • Do you believe in their work?

  • No!

  • Now tell me, aren't they doing evil against the Lord?

  • Yes!

  • Particularly the way they treat the work of Almighty God in the last days,

  • most pastors and elders actually realize the word expressed by Almighty God is the truth,

  • that the work of Almighty God is the work of the Holy Spirit,

  • but they do not seek and study it, they do not.

  • In order to protect their status and livelihood,

  • they frantically contrive rumors

  • and spread all kinds of absurd lies and fallacies instead of truth

  • to resist Almighty God,

  • and they lock down the religious community in an air-tight and water-proof situation.

  • They do not allow anyone to seek and study the true way,

  • and they bar people from entering the church to witness God's work.

  • They even collude with the evil Chinese Communist Party

  • to capture and persecute those who witness for Almighty God.

  • Aren't they in fact blatantly acting against God?

  • They are.

  • Yes. Right!

  • Their sins against God are even worse

  • than the sins of the Pharisees against the Lord Jesus in the past. Much worse!

  • That's true. It's true.

  • According to these facts,

  • can we still say that we are following God's will

  • when we are spending and laboring in the name of the Lord?

  • No!

  • Can we still say

  • that as long as we are holding on to the Lord's name,

  • keeping the Lord's way,

  • and we are working for the Lord,

  • we will qualify to be brought into the kingdom of heaven?

  • No!

  • We'll understand more after reading several more passages of Almighty God's word. (OK.)

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • it is clearly said in the word of Almighty God.

  • God is holy and He is truly righteous.

  • God absolutely forbids any filthy and corrupt people access to enter His kingdom.

  • Do you agree?

  • Yes, that's true. I do agree.

  • Only after listening to your talk of Almighty God's word

  • did I realize the deviation of my faith in the Lord.

  • I have relied on zeal to work for the Lord.

  • When I suffered and paid the price,

  • I assumed that I was utmost loyal and deserving of the praise of the Lord.

  • But I ignored seeking the truth in the Lord's word,

  • practicing the Lord's word and becoming obedient to the Lord,

  • because I worshiped Paul too much!

  • I was unaware that I had deviated from the Lord's intention.

  • Alas, we were so foolish and ignorant!

  • Indeed.

  • I have believed in the Lord for many years.

  • My preaching, working, and suffering

  • were not intended for loving and obeying the Lord.

  • They were intended for reward

  • and entry into the kingdom of heaven when the Lord comes.

  • This is how I've been all along.

  • As long as I could enter the kingdom of heaven and gain rewards,

  • I would be willing to do any amount of work and bear any kind of hardship.

  • In retrospect,

  • now I see that my labor was intended to deceive and exploit the Lord

  • without a shred of conscience, reason,

  • or consideration for the Lord's intention.

  • How could I not be detested and even loathed by the Lord?

  • Had it not been for your communication of Almighty God's word

  • to let me understand the Lord's intention

  • and clearly see my despicable intention in my faith in the Lord,

  • in my heart,

  • I am sure that I would stay on this wrong path just like the Pharisees,

  • resist the Lord while serving Him and be condemned by the Lord.

  • Thank the Lord for His mercy and salvation!

  • Amen!

  • Amen! Thanks be to Almighty God.

  • I still have a question to ask.

  • Since the Lord Jesus has forgiven all our sins,

  • and He no longer sees us as sinners,

  • even though we often sin,

  • as long as we confess and repent before the Lord,

  • we will be forgiven.

  • Yes, it's true.

  • So then,

  • must we receive God's judgment in the last days to enter the heavenly kingdom?

  • If you please, what is this all about?

  • On this question, please communicate it to us.

  • Yes, please speak to us!

  • OK.

  • At present, many of those who study the true way are still seeking this answer as well.

  • Today, we must really talk about it.

  • Great!

  • In fact, in the Age of Grace,

  • what the Lord Jesus did was only the work of redemption,

  • and not the judgment nor the cleansing of mankind in the last days.

  • When we believed in the Lord, only our sins were forgiven.

  • We were qualified to pray to and communicate with God

  • and enjoy the grace and blessings of God.

  • This is the kind of salvation we often talk about.

  • In fact,

  • this very \"salvation\" refers to the forgiveness of our sins

  • and the exemption from the condemnation of the law.

  • This is the meaning of \"salvation.\"

  • The work in the Age of Law had nothing to do with entering the kingdom of heaven.

  • When the Lord Jesus arrived, He said,

  • What the Lord Jesus preached was the way of repentance,

  • and what He did was the work of redemption.

  • These were to pave the way for the work of judgment in the last days.

  • Yes.

  • And although our sins were truly forgiven,

  • our sinful nature still remains in our hearts inside of us.

  • We are still dominated and controlled by Satan's nature.

  • We still involuntarily commit sins.

  • We often rebel against and deceive God.

  • We are capable of envying and judging others

  • and relying on our ideas and imagination to look at things.

  • Although we are able to expend and labor in the name of the Lord,

  • we do so solely for rewards and entry to the kingdom of heaven.

  • We are exploiting the Lord and negotiating a deal with Him.

  • We do not truly love and obey the Lord Jesus.

  • In the face of natural disasters, tribulations, and various trials,

  • we would complain to the Lord.

  • We would even judge and condemn Him.

  • Isn't this the truth?

  • This is the truth of our faith in the Lord.

  • Can those of us who believe in the Lord see why we still sin?

  • Why we still rebel against the Lord after our sins were forgiven?

  • Why are we still controlled and bound by our sinful nature inside of us?

  • Why do we still live out the corrupt disposition of Satan after believing in the Lord?

  • For instance, our arrogance, crookedness, deceit,

  • despicable selfishness, hypocrisy, and many other things,

  • these are the manifestation of Satan's disposition which are more serious than sins.

  • Who can recognize it clearly?

  • The Lord Jesus forgave man's sins,

  • but He did not forgive man's satanic disposition.

  • No matter how long a person believes in the Lord,

  • if his satanic disposition is not cleansed and purified,

  • he can still resist God and act against God.

  • Isn't this true?

  • Yes! Indeed. I believe that.

  • We all know that the Lord Jesus has prophesied numerous times

  • about His return in the last days.

  • The purpose of His second coming is to thoroughly resolve the problem of our roots of sin,

  • which is to resolve the nature and disposition of Satan inside of our hearts.

  • In the last days, Almighty God arrives.

  • Upon the foundation of the Lord Jesus' redemption work,

  • He does the work of judgment beginning with the house of God

  • by expressing the truth (Amen!)

  • to judge and cleanse Satan's nature and disposition that resist God from us humans,

  • and release us completely from the bondage of sin to be gained by God.

  • Amen!

  • Amen!

  • Yes.

  • Therefore,

  • only by experiencing the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days

  • can we shed the disposition of Satan

  • and receive cleansing to become a person who obeys and worships God (Amen!)

  • and receive salvation and admission to the heavenly kingdom. (Amen!)

  • Yes. Praise Almighty God. Thank God!

  • Let's read a few more passages of Almighty God's words! (Great!)

  • Let me do the reading!

  • Let me read another passage.

  • Great!

  • Oh. Oh, yeah.

  • The meaning of God's judgment work in the last days and the achieved results

  • are stated clearly in the words of Almighty God.

  • The judgment work of God in the last days

  • is for the thorough cleansing and salvation of mankind,

  • which will lead mankind to a good destination.

  • This is beyond any doubt.

  • Amen.

  • Amen.

  • So then,

  • after experiencing the judgment of Almighty God in the last days,

  • we all see God's mercy and salvation for corrupt mankind.

  • God knows that we have been corrupted too deeply by Satan,

  • that we are all controlled and bound by Satan's nature.

  • He knows that we often involuntarily commit sins and resist God,

  • and we are living in agony and unable to extricate ourselves.

  • According to the needs of corrupt mankind,

  • God becomes flesh in the last days and expresses the truth

  • to judge and cleanse man to save him from sin

  • so that he can receive salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven. (Amen!)

  • This is God's true love for mankind! (Amen!)

  • However, many people do not understand God's beautiful designs for their salvation

  • and have many notions about God's judgment work in the last days.

  • They assume that by believing in the Lord,

  • praying in His name and repenting,

  • then working hard for Him,

  • it would suffice to be praised by the Lord,

  • and when the Lord returns, be brought into the kingdom of heaven;

  • and for that reason,

  • there are no needs for the judgment and cleansing work of God.

  • This assumption is a result of our own imaginations.

  • Yes! Indeed.

  • Tell me, do you think it's possible

  • for people like us, forgiven yet still living in sin

  • to enter the kingdom of heaven?

  • No. Not possible.

  • Can the presence of those who resist God be allowed in the kingdom of heaven?

  • No. It can't.

  • Is it possible without the judgment of God in the last days,

  • that we escape sin and become sanctified?

  • Tell me, can we?

  • No, we can't.

  • No, absolutely not!

  • Therefore,

  • by receiving only the redemption of the Lord Jesus,

  • we cannot attain cleansing and salvation to enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen! Yes, it's true. That's right.

  • Your fellowship of Almighty God's word is truly practical.

  • It is so instructive for all of us. (Yes!)

  • Having believed in the Lord for all these years,

  • I have often sinned involuntarily and then confessed,

  • and sinned again after confessing,

  • never realizing I didn't know where the origins of sin truly exist.

  • I was confused why I was unable to escape the bondage of sin.

  • I felt so lost.

  • Now I understand what the Lord did was redemption work only.

  • Our sins were forgiven for our belief in the Lord,

  • but the nature of Satan is still deeply ingrained inside of us.

  • Yes, true.

  • So as long as this sinful nature is not resolved,

  • there is no promise that we won't resist the Lord!

  • True.

  • It seems that

  • we still need to experience God's judgment work in the last days

  • to rid ourselves of Satan's disposition

  • and receive cleansing to enter God's kingdom!

  • Amen!

  • In the past, we have been too simplistic

  • regarding belief in God and entering the heavenly kingdom!

  • God is truly holy and righteous.

  • Without undergoing God's judgment and cleansing, for such corrupt people like us,

  • to desire entry to God's kingdom and receive the promise of God

  • is wishful thinking.

  • Well, this is true. (Yes.)

  • How could we have known without such fellowship?

  • Who is that? Who is that?

  • I think it's the police!

  • You go first! (Hurry! We need to go!)

  • Hurry! (Out of here.)

  • Hold it, hold it, don't move! (Let's go!)

  • Come here! Stand against the wall!

  • Don't get any smart ideas! (Against the wall!)

  • Don't let them get away! After them! Go!

  • Hurry. Hold it right there!

  • Freeze! Hold it right there!

  • Go this way, we'll distract them.

  • Hold it! Stop!

  • Hold it right there!

  • Hold it! Stop!

  • This way!

  • Hold it! Hold it! Stop! Stop!

  • Hold it! Stop!

  • Hold it right there! Stop! (Jump!)

  • Thank God! (Oh, thank God! Go!)

  • Yes, yes. Go!

  • This way!

  • Go! Look over there!

  • Hurry! Go!

  • Hold it! You're not going anywhere!

  • Pastor Song.

  • Yes.

  • Are you still thinking about China?

  • Yes, I am.

  • The CCP is so against God and the Christians.

  • Those in custody are certainly facing cruel torture.

  • Brothers Chin and Suh,

  • I wonder if they have been captured.

  • If they happened to be captured,

  • how many years will they spend in prison?

  • I wonder if they'll live or die.

  • The CCP is so aggressively arresting and persecuting the Christians,

  • I think it's a satanic regime that is hostile to God.

  • Yes.

  • It wasn't easy to go to China

  • and find the people of The Church of Almighty God.

  • We had just heard the words of Almighty God

  • and then were arrested by the Chinese government and deported.

  • Maybe we won't be able to go to China any more.

  • You're right.

  • I don't know when we'll read the word of Almighty God again.

  • Lord,

  • I beg You to open up the way for me to let me read Your word

  • Dad, dad, come take a look.

  • Isn't this The Church of Almighty God that you've been seeking for so long? (Is it?)

  • Thank You, Lord! This is just great!

  • Honey, come take a look!

  • What is it?

  • The kingdom gospel of Almighty God has already spread to our country!

  • Really?

  • I need to hurry and call Missionary Choi! (Oh, thank the Lord!)

  • Pastor Song!

  • Yeah?

  • What? Is that so?

  • That's great!

  • Nice to meet you!

  • Pastor Song.

  • Brother Chin, Brother Suh.

  • Ah, it's so good to see both of you!

  • I didn't expect you to come to Korea. How great!

  • Yeah, we have been looking for you since we came to Korea.

  • Thank God, we are able to meet like this. (Oh, Missionary Choi!)

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Brother Chin! It's so nice to see you.

  • Yes!

  • After we fled from the CCP police,

  • we've been worried and praying for you.

  • Later, we learned that you had been arrested and deported back to your country.

  • In hindsight, God's good plan was there all along.

  • Yes, exactly.

  • Pastor Song,

  • today you've brought brothers and sisters to study God's work in the last days.

  • This is truly the blessing of God!

  • Thank the Lord!

  • Please. This way.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • what is the greatest hope of our faith in the Lord?

  • To be raptured into the kingdom of heaven.

  • That's right.

  • To be able to meet the Lord,

  • to be raptured into the heavenly kingdom,

  • to receive the promise and blessing of God.

  • Yes.

  • Today, our wishes have finally come true.

  • The Lord Jesus whom we have longed for so many years

  • has returned as the incarnate Almighty God.

  • Amen!

  • He has appeared and spoken in China to do the work of judgment

  • starting with the house of God in the last days

  • to thoroughly cleanse and transform man

  • and bring him into the kingdom of Christ.

  • This is the truth.

  • Amen!

  • Amen! Yes. Good. This is great.

  • Brothers and sisters, considering that we believe in God,

  • we must strive to keep up with His footsteps and honestly welcome Christ's appearance and work,

  • hear the voice of God and attend the wedding banquet of the Lamb.

  • This is the way to be brought into the kingdom of heaven.

  • Amen!

  • If we can receive the judgment and cleansing of Almighty God,

  • then this is the fulfillment of the prophecy,

  • It means that we have embarked on the road to the kingdom of heaven.

  • Then our desire to meet the Lord's return and be raptured into the kingdom of heaven

  • will be truly fulfilled.

  • Amen. Yes. Yes, indeed.

  • Thanks be to the Lord!

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • as relates to the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days,

  • if you have any questions, please bring them up.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • let us seek and commune the truth together, sound good?

  • Great!

  • Let's welcome Brother Chin and Brother Suh to talk to us, okay?

  • Brother Chin, brother Suh.

  • You say that the Lord has returned,

  • and that He has appeared and worked in China.

  • I believe this.

  • Because this is what the Lord Jesus had prophesied in the Bible:

  • But we think that the Lord will return in the last days to bring us into the kingdom of heaven,

  • or at least He should lift us to the clouds to meet with Him in the air.

  • Just as Paul said in the Bible,

  • But why hasn't the Lord come as described in the Bible?

  • This indeed is not consistent with our notions and imagination.

  • It's true.

  • What does Almighty God's judgment work in the last days

  • have to do with us being brought into the kingdom of heaven?

  • I do not understand this matter.

  • Please tell me more.

  • Yes, I'm curious as well. I must hear more.

  • We would like to hear more. Yes, tell us more.

  • Okay.

  • It is wise to study biblical prophecies to learn about the work of God in the last days.

  • Many people believe that when the Lord returns,

  • He will lift the believers into the air to meet with them.

  • Many people believe this.

  • What you are saying is based on the word of Paul and not of the Lord.

  • We have no way of telling whether Paul's word was from the imagination of man

  • or from the Holy Spirit's enlightenment.

  • Yes. That's true.

  • This was what the Lord Jesus said regarding His return.

  • Amen!

  • When He returns, no one will know.

  • Not even the angels will know.

  • Yes, only God will know.

  • Correct?

  • Amen! Yes, it is. It's true.

  • And according to your idea,

  • those who believe in the Lord would be lifted in the air to meet Him in the clouds.

  • Is there any basis for this in God's words?

  • No.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • if you go by Paul's word instead of the Lord's word,

  • then you are utterly wrong!

  • Paul was only a man.

  • He did not represent the Lord Jesus.

  • How could Paul possibly know

  • that the Lord would lift His believers into the clouds upon His return?

  • What was the basis of Paul's words?

  • Do we have to wait for the Lord's return according to Paul's words?

  • So then why don't we welcome the Lord according to the word of Lord Jesus?

  • This was what the Lord Jesus said in prophesying His return.

  • What does it mean when someone only goes by Paul's word

  • but does not go by the word of the Lord Jesus when believing in the Lord?

  • Does it mean that Paul was the Lord and Christ? (No!)

  • Whom do you believe in after all, Paul or the Lord Jesus?

  • Isn't this worthy of our deepest thought?

  • The Lord's second coming

  • is certainly in order to receive the saints into the kingdom of heaven.

  • But no one can actually guess

  • how the Lord will receive His followers into the kingdom of heaven.

  • If we went by the ideas and imagination of man to understand it,

  • assuming that the Lord would take people into the air to meet with them,

  • then my brothers and sisters, that would be too unrealistic.

  • Would you agree?

  • Yes! It's true.

  • We have all seen and believe that Almighty God appears in China in the last days

  • and expresses all truths for the cleansing and salvation of man.

  • He is in the process of cleansing and perfecting all the wise virgins brought before His throne.

  • God is truly determined to make this group of people overcomers

  • before the catastrophe arrives,

  • and then will unleash the catastrophe

  • to destroy evil mankind that insanely resists God.

  • Then, after the catastrophe,

  • God will appear to all people and all nations.

  • Now I see.

  • Isn't this the real process of how the Lord will bring His followers

  • into the kingdom of Christ upon His return?

  • Now I see.

  • That's true.

  • Almighty God's work in the last days has fulfilled the prophecies of the Lord Jesus.

  • Amen!

  • Since the Lord is already here on earth,

  • yet we still want to go up in the sky,

  • aren't we going in the wrong direction?

  • I think that is the case. (Yes. It is.)

  • Since the Lord has come to earth,

  • God has also predetermined for us to be born in the last days

  • to be brought before His throne,

  • receive His work of judgment in the last days,

  • be cleansed and made perfect by Him

  • and finally enter the kingdom of Christ.

  • Amen! Thank the Lord.

  • Brothers and sisters,

  • what kind of a place has the Lord prepared for us?

  • This refers to the kingdom of Christ being realized on earth,

  • fulfilling the prophecy,

  • \"that where I am, there you may be also.\"

  • This really proves that when the Lord returns in the last days,

  • He will come into His kingdom.

  • Yes. Thank the Lord.

  • God's work of judgment that begins with the house of God is to make a group of overcomers

  • out of the wise virgins who are first to receive God's work in the last days,

  • and then He'll openly appear by descending on a cloud.

  • Thus the kingdom of Christ is realized on earth.

  • Oh, the kingdom realized on earth! I see, the kingdom realized on earth!

  • Now tell me,

  • does receiving Almighty God's judgment work in the last days

  • have something to do with being brought into the kingdom of heaven

  • when the Lord returns?

  • Yes! That's right. Yes.

  • That's right.

  • The truth of God's work in the last days completely fulfills the prophecies of the Lord Jesus.

  • Only through experiencing God's judgment work in the last days

  • can we see the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Bible.

  • Relying on man's ideas and imagination to speculate on the prophecies

  • is foolish and absurd!

  • Yes, indeed.

  • We should always go by God's word and not by the word of man

  • in order to meet the Lord's return.

  • If we go by man's word,

  • we will miss the chance of rapture at the Lord's coming and will be unable to meet Him.

  • We will have only ourselves to blame.

  • It is well said.

  • We need to go by the Lord's word in everything.

  • It is too easy to go astray if we go by man's word.

  • Especially regarding such an important event as meeting the Lord,

  • we went by man's word, not the Lord's words.

  • We risked missing the chance to meet Him

  • and be brought into the kingdom of heaven.

  • It's so true.

  • Now by the grace of God, we hear the voice of God today.

  • We are fortunate enough to be able to receive the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days

  • to be cleansed and made perfect by His word.

  • Amen!

  • Indeed, it is our blessings!

  • Amen!

  • Praise Almighty God. This is true indeed.

  • Praise the Lord.

  • I have a question.

  • Yes?

  • You bear witness that the Lord Jesus has returned as none other than Almighty God

  • who has expressed the truth in doing judgment work in the last days.

  • How could this be possible?

  • The Lord will actually come to bring us into the kingdom of heaven.

  • How could He leave us behind to do judgment work in the very last days?

  • I think by believing in the Lord Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit's work,

  • we have already been experiencing God's judgment work.

  • Amen!

  • There is proof in the Lord Jesus' words.

  • Amen!

  • We think that after the Lord Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven at Pentecost,

  • the Holy Spirit descended to work on people,

  • and this had already made people blame themselves for their sins, (Amen!)

  • for righteousness and judgment.

  • When we confess and repent before the Lord,

  • we are actually experiencing the judgment of the Lord.

  • Amen!

  • We believe that although the work of the Lord Jesus was redemption work,

  • after the Lord Jesus ascended to heaven,

  • the work done by the Holy Spirit who descended at Pentecost

  • should be the judgment work of God in the last days.

  • Had it not been the judgment work,

  • how could it be \"he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment\"?

  • Are we wrong to accept it like this?

  • The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days that you talk about,

  • how does it differ from the work of the Lord Jesus?

  • Can you please explain it clearly?

  • Sure.

  • Right. As believers of the Lord,

  • we are often touched, reprimanded, and disciplined by the Holy Spirit.

  • So, in front of the Lord,

  • we are always crying and repenting to the Lord.

  • The many resulting good behaviors

  • are how we have been transformed by our faith in the Lord.

  • Is it not the result of experiencing God's judgment? (OK.)

  • Please explain it to us.

  • Fine.

  • Since you recognize what the Lord Jesus did was the work of redemption,

  • and that He preached,

  • \"Repent you: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,\"

  • then what did you base ideas upon to determine

  • that the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost to do the work of judgment in the last days? (Right.)

  • Can you tell me?

  • You only based it on the Lord Jesus' words.

  • You dare to be certain that the work done by the Holy Spirit

  • was the judgment work in the last days.

  • Is there any basis according to God's word? (No.)

  • Did the Lord Jesus say

  • \"The Holy Spirit has come. What He does is the judgment work of the last days\"?

  • No.

  • No. In fact, the Lord Jesus never said that.

  • The Lord Jesus said explicitly,

  • Amen.

  • The Lord Jesus made it very clear that what He did was not judgment work.

  • The Lord Jesus will only express the truth to do the judgment work

  • when He returns in the last days.

  • The Lord Jesus made it very clear.

  • Oh, I see.

  • To be sure,

  • it is wrong for some people to refer to the work of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Grace

  • as the judgment work of God.

  • Of course,

  • when we confess our sins and repent before the Lord,

  • we must have the moving and work of the Holy Spirit

  • to receive the grace of God, to have peace and joy.

  • Yes.

  • But when someone repents to the Lord and breaks down in tears,

  • it only means that he is moved by the Holy Spirit.

  • That is truly what it means.

  • The achieved effect is to make man confess and repent

  • and qualify to enjoy the grace of God.

  • It is not the effects achieved by the judgment of God in the last days

  • to be cleansed and made perfect.

  • The work of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Grace is different than in the last days.

  • You see,

  • this is directly related to the effect and purpose

  • God intends to achieve in every stage of His work.

  • So now, let us hear two passages of Almighty God's word

  • and then we will understand what judgment is.

  • Yes. Alright! (Here it is.)

  • These words really have authority.

  • After hearing the words of Almighty God,

  • tell me how you feel?

  • Truly great!

  • The judgment work of God is a mystery.

  • Without God's revelation, no one can see through it.

  • Isn't it true?

  • Yes. Right.

  • Almighty God has clearly expounded what judgment is and the effects of judgment work.

  • We heard it here ourselves just now.

  • After listening to the word of Almighty God,

  • do you have some understanding of God's judgment work in the last days? (Yes.)

  • The judgment work of God in the last days is to thoroughly cleanse and save mankind.

  • It is not simply to say a few reprimanding or imprecating words to man.

  • Nor can the expression of a few passages of words

  • release people from the bondage of sin to receive the salvation of God.

  • God needs to express enough words to explain all aspects of the truth

  • that the corrupt mankind should understand and enter in order to receive cleansing and salvation,

  • and disclose all the mysteries of His management plan to mankind.

  • This is hundreds of times, even thousands of times

  • more than the words expressed by the Lord Jesus when He did His work in the Age of Grace.

  • The judgment work of God in the last days

  • is focused on expressing the truth and the word of judgment

  • to judge and expose man's satanic nature that resists and betrays God,

  • and the truth of man's corruption by Satan,

  • completely revealing the holy, righteous, and unoffendable disposition of God.

  • All aspects of the truth about God's intention and requirements of mankind,

  • what kind of people will receive salvation or punishment and so on,

  • are disclosed to us.

  • By experiencing God's judgment work in the last days,

  • we understand the purpose of God's management plan.

  • We can distinguish between positive and negative things,

  • and clearly see the demonic face of Satan who insanely resists God.

  • We see through the fact of man's profound corruption by Satan

  • and recognize our satanic nature that resists and betrays God.

  • Pertaining to God's righteous disposition, omnipotence, wisdom,

  • and all about God's possessions and being,

  • we receive some true understanding and beget a God-fearing heart.

  • We fall to the ground in shame,

  • feeling that we are unworthy of living before God.

  • This is the truth, brothers and sisters.

  • We despise and forsake ourselves.

  • We gradually detach from the binding of sin,

  • living out the likeness of a real man and becoming truly fearful of and obedient to God.

  • These are the effects of experiencing the judgment work of God in the last days.

  • Only this kind of work is the judgment work of God in the last days.

  • Do you all understand it? (Yes.)

  • It's true.

  • That's true.

  • Let us then look at the Age of Grace.

  • The Lord Jesus only did the work of redemption and preached the way of repentance,

  • showing only the merciful and loving sides of God's disposition to man.

  • Yes, that's true.

  • Although the Lord Jesus also said some words to judge man,

  • condemn and curse the Pharisees,

  • these were not the focus of His work.

  • The Lord Jesus only did the redemption work

  • which was centered upon forgiveness of sins, teaching of repentance and bestowal of grace.

  • It was not the work that centered upon judging and cleansing the sins of man.

  • Ah. I see. So true.

  • So the work of the Lord Jesus only revolved around the work of redemption,

  • and He expressed limited words

  • that taught man how to repent and confess sins,

  • how to be humble and patient,

  • how to get baptized, bear the cross, suffer, etc.

  • By believing in the Lord,

  • we only need to go by the Lord's word to confess and repent,

  • then our sins would be forgiven.

  • We would no longer be convicted by law and sentenced to death.

  • We would be qualified to pray to God and enjoy God's grace and blessings.

  • Amen.

  • These were the effects achieved by the redemption work of God in the Age of Grace,

  • which were completely different from those of the judgment work in the last days.

  • True.

  • We understand it now.

  • Yes. That's true.

  • However, some people believe that

  • by experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit in the Age of Grace

  • and receiving the enlightenment, reprimand, and discipline of the Holy Spirit,

  • by being able to pray in tears, confess sins, and behave well,

  • it is actually the experience of God's judgment and cleansing.

  • So then, my brothers and sisters,

  • I ask you then, do we know the root of our own sins?

  • Do we know the essence of our own satanic nature that resists God?

  • Do we know the truth about man's profound corruption?

  • Do we clearly see the evil essence of Satan?

  • No.

  • Do we know the righteous, majestic, and unoffendable disposition of God?

  • Are we truly detached from the binding and control of sins?

  • No.

  • Right.

  • Has our satanic disposition been cleansed? (No.)

  • Have we become reverent and obedient to God?

  • No.

  • Right.

  • If we haven't accomplished these,

  • how could we be said to have experienced God's judgment and His cleansing?

  • I agree. These words are quite right.

  • Yes.

  • Tell me, do you understand everything I've said? (Yes.)

  • Understood. We understand.

  • The work of the Lord Jesus in the Age of Grace was not the judgment work.

  • The work of Almighty God in the Age of Kingdom is the judgment work of God in the last days.

  • Amen!

  • It really is so!

  • We used to believe that as a believer of the Lord,

  • by experiencing the discipline and reprimand of the Holy Spirit,

  • and by being able to admit guilt and repent before God,

  • that was experiencing God's judgment.

  • You know, we really didn't know God's work.

  • Had it not been for Almighty God's judgment work in the last days

  • that unveiled the mystery of the truth on this aspect,

  • we never would have understood what judgment work is.

  • We would be living in our own notions and imagination and not aware of it.

  • Yes.

  • It is too ignorant and pathetic!

  • That's true.

  • It is too ignorant.

  • By the mercy and grace of God today,

  • we have read the word of Almighty God that corrected our erroneous views in the past,

  • and we have seen the way to receive salvation. (Yes.)

  • Bless Almighty God.

  • Thank God for enlightening and leading us to such a reception!

  • Brothers and sisters, let's take a break.

  • We'll continue in a moment, okay?

  • OK.

  • Pastor Song, how's the meeting?

  • Thank the Lord for so important a meeting today!

  • I'm not convinced.

  • We have believed in the Lord for these years,

  • crying tears, confessing sins, and repenting in front of the Lord.

  • We have been humble, patient, loving to others, and well-behaving.

  • How could they say we have not changed?

  • The effects achieved by judgment work were communicated so clearly,

  • you still don't understand it?

  • If our tears brought about changes in our disposition,

  • why didn't we recognize the Lord when He came?

  • Why did we still deny Almighty God?

  • It's true. Yes, true.

  • This shows that we do not know God,

  • and there have not been changes in our disposition.

  • We can't betray the truth.

  • Yes, we still involuntarily sin often, lie and engage in deception.

  • How could this be breaking from the bondage of sin?

  • They've so transparently communicated what judgment work is.

  • We have to accept the truth.

  • We can no longer hold on to our own notions.

  • Yes, Senior Deaconess, I advise you to think it over!

  • Listening to your communication today and your witness to the judgment work of Almighty God,

  • we really have gained a lot.

  • Not only understanding how God does judgment work in the last days,

  • the effect of judgment work on people,

  • we also know that only by experiencing God's judgment in the last days

  • and receiving cleansing,

  • can we become people who obey God and follow God's will and be brought into the heavenly kingdom.

  • Amen!

  • Yeah.

  • After experiencing the judgment before the seat of Christ of the last days,

  • you definitely have some true knowledge of God and changes.

  • We want to know how you experienced God's judgment and chastisement

  • and what kind of cleansing and changes you've received.

  • This is what we need to know.

  • Please, won't you share it with us?

  • Sure.

  • Yeah! Please tell us.

  • In that case,

  • I'll just talk about my experience and knowledge!

  • I hope it will be helpful to you. (Great!)

  • In the past,

  • I used to believe in the Lord in the religion.

  • Later,

  • I saw that the religious community was too desolate

  • and without a whit of the Holy Spirit's work.

  • So I began to seek the true way.

  • Finally, I heard the voice of God and accepted God's work in the last days.

  • This happened after I began to really seek.

  • I have experienced the judgment work of God in the last days,

  • and I indeed understand some truth.

  • I saw the truth of my corruption,

  • recognized that I was particularly arrogant and self-righteous.

  • I liked the pursuit of fame, status, and the appreciation and praises of people.

  • I was fervent in my belief in the Lord.

  • I endeavored to equip myself with theological theories.

  • When I gained some biblical knowledge,

  • I felt that I understood truth and gained life.

  • I even felt that I knew God.

  • Coupled with my ability to work hard for the Lord and preach everywhere,

  • I was ostensibly well behaved.

  • I felt that I was the one who loved the Lord most and was most after the Lord's heart,

  • that I was sure to be able to enter the heavenly kingdom and get rewarded.

  • I felt particularly great about my ability to preach sermons on the podium

  • and gain people's worship.

  • When I heard people say I was loving and loyal to the Lord,

  • that I was a good preacher and servant,

  • even when I didn't say anything,

  • I felt readily deserving of it,

  • I felt that I earned this worship and praise.

  • I have been living in such an arrogant disposition for so long

  • without feeling exposed of corruption, let alone feeling ashamed.

  • This is the true story of how I believed in the Lord in the religious community.

  • After receiving the work of Almighty God in the last days,

  • my heart became increasingly enlightened as I read the word of God every day.

  • I saw every word of Almighty God being the truth, being so practical.

  • It could satisfy the needs of my life and spirit.

  • The judgment of Almighty God in the last days

  • is indeed the only way for us to receive cleansing and salvation.

  • Under the guidance of Almighty God's word,

  • I was actively engaged in the ranks of those who did their duties.

  • Soon, I was raised by God to lead the church.

  • Because of the work of the Holy Spirit,

  • the church's work was improving.

  • Brothers and sisters were looking up to me.

  • I could not help but being complacent and self-congratulatory,

  • feeling that I had both quality and capability,

  • that I was an indispensable talent in the family of God.

  • Gradually, the words of God that I ate and drank became fewer,

  • my reliance on God became less.

  • I was often putting myself in front of the brothers and sisters,

  • flaunting myself for people to look up upon.

  • I was even unable to listen to the reasonable suggestions of brothers and sisters

  • on church matters.

  • I was beginning to be arbitrary, presumptuous, overbearing and reckless.

  • When I preached, I was always criticizing the brothers and sisters.

  • I belittled them,

  • thinking that they were ignorant and of poor caliber.

  • I was completely living in the satanic disposition of arrogance, conceit, and indulgence.

  • Unconsciously, my spirit became darker and darker.

  • My prayers did not reach God,

  • my sermons lacked the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

  • The church's work had no significant effects.

  • And my heart was particularly painful.

  • I came to pray to God and began to seek the truth in the word of God.

  • I saw the words of Almighty God.

  • Let me read them to you.

  • Yes, okay.

  • The word of God vexed my heart.

  • And my arrogant nature was utterly revealed.

  • I was trembling in fear and shame.

  • I could not help but reflect on what I had done this time.

  • With a little effect in my work,

  • I forgot my own limits.

  • I was haughty and disdainful.

  • When I saw brothers and sisters in a negative and weak state,

  • not only did I fail to help and support,

  • I actually belittled them,

  • making them feel even more negative.

  • At that time,

  • I saw myself revealing nothing but Satan's disposition.

  • How was I going to lead brothers and sisters to enter the reality of the truth?

  • I was downright doing evil and resisting God.

  • I could not help but prostrate before God in remorse,

  • despising myself for what I did.

  • Only by the blessings and grace of God,

  • can anyone even have a hint of human quality or obtain some results at work. (Yes. It's true.)

  • Man has nothing worthy of boasting.

  • But I was shameless enough to take all credit for myself,

  • usurping the glory of God,

  • believing that I was of great caliber and capable.

  • I was so arrogant that I lost my mind.

  • I was enjoying God's elevation and the Holy Spirit's work,

  • but I didn't exalt God and witness for God.

  • Instead, I was unconsciously scheming for my fame and status.

  • Was there any humanity and reason left in me?

  • I was truly unworthy of living before God.

  • After experiencing the chastisement and judgment this time,

  • I deeply felt that God's righteous disposition was unoffendable.

  • I was in awe of God in my heart.

  • At the same time,

  • I had a degree of understanding of my own arrogant nature of Satan.

  • I despised and cursed myself from the heart.

  • I began to pursue the truth, pursue the transformation of disposition.

  • I was willing to accept God's judgment, chastisement, dealing and pruning.

  • Soon, I regained the work of the Holy Spirit

  • and saw God's mercy and salvation for me.

  • Just like this,

  • I continued to experience the judgment, chastisement, chastening and discipline of God.

  • I was able to see my own satanic disposition and nature more clearly

  • while getting some understanding on the holy, righteous, and unoffendable disposition of God

  • and begetting a God-fearing heart.

  • I was revealing a less arrogant disposition, leading a more honest lifestyle.

  • When I was doing my duty, I came to God and prayed often.

  • When there were results in work, I attributed the glory to God.

  • When I communicated with brothers and sisters,

  • I consciously exalted God and witnessed for God,

  • and I was able to open up on my own ugliness.

  • I could accept the suggestions of brothers and sisters.

  • After experiencing the judgment and chastisement of Almighty God's word,

  • my conscience and reasoning have been gradually restored.

  • More and more, I am recovering the likeness of a normal man.

  • Thanks be to Almighty God for my salvation!

  • Amen!

  • Thank God! (Yes. Thank God.)

  • This is a real and practical testimony!

  • And we have been edified by it!

  • I have believed in the Lord for many years,

  • but I really did not know much about myself.

  • I always thought of my many years of work and suffering for the Lord as capital

  • to flaunt and exhibit in front of others.

  • I used my suffering and good behavior as beautiful testimony

  • to often tell brothers and sisters.

  • When brothers and sisters looked up to me and respected me,

  • I felt buoyant and conceited.

  • I felt that when the Lord comes,

  • I would be the first to be raptured and rewarded.

  • I really feel so ashamed after listening to your testimonies today.

  • These so-called testimonies that I have lived out,

  • aren't they all the arrogant and self-aggrandized disposition of Satan?

  • The experience and testimony of Brother Chin are so edifying for me.

  • If I experienced Almighty God's judgment and chastisement in the last days,

  • wouldn't I also receive cleansing and transformation?

  • That's right! That's true.

  • It seems that the judgment work of Almighty God in the last days

  • can really cleanse and save man.

  • That's right!

  • This is indeed God's appearance and work.

  • Amen!

  • Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus.

  • Praise God! Amen!

  • Our receiving cleansing and salvation and entering into the heavenly kingdom

  • is no longer a fantasy but something that can be achieved!

  • Amen!

  • Thank Almighty God! Thank God!

  • The words revealed by Almighty God on man's condition

  • are so practical!

  • Brother Chin,

  • you only came to realize your satanic disposition of arrogance and self-righteousness

  • after reading the word of Almighty God.

  • Yes.

  • When a man has an arrogant disposition,

  • it is easy for him to inflate himself and belittle others.

  • It's easy for him to flaunt and put himself on display.

  • Behaviors like these are often revealed in us. They really exist.

  • It's true.

  • Without revelation and judgment of Almighty God,

  • we would not understand ourselves like this.

  • That's right!

  • In religion, we only rely on our passion to work for the Lord.

  • We never feel ourselves being arrogant and self-righteous,

  • let alone know that we are living out the disposition of Satan.

  • We work and speak so vigorously for position and fame

  • and act in order to achieve our personal intents and goals

  • without feeling that we are rebelling and resisting against God.

  • Yes. I agree.

  • These are practical questions that cannot be resolved in religion.

  • In religion, we only know about working for the Lord,

  • but we don't care about what the Lord intends.

  • As long as we are not committing an obvious sin,

  • we feel that we are the best people, the ones that love the Lord most.

  • After listening to your sharing,

  • I deeply feel that the experience of judgment before the seat of Christ of the last days

  • is so practical and necessary.

  • Yes.

  • So many truths expressed by Almighty God

  • can indeed cleanse, transform, and perfect man.

  • Amen!

  • I've believed in the Lord for more than 30 years and never had such experience and testimony.

  • I have come into contact with so many pastors, and I have seen so many churches,

  • but I have never heard such a testimony from anyone.

  • From the experience of both of you,

  • I see the way to receive cleansing, salvation,

  • and entry into the heavenly kingdom. (Thank God.)

  • Thank Almighty God for choosing us here

  • and letting us have the chance to hear the voice of God (Amen!)

  • and to fulfill our dream of the heavenly kingdom.

  • Amen!

  • Oh, yes, that's right. True.

  • Thanks be to God!

  • We have finally met the Lord!

  • This meeting has been so enlightening.

Brothers and sisters,


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B2 中上級

最後の日の審判を受け入れ、神の前に洗礼されなさい。 (Accept the Judgment in the Last Days and Be Raptured Before God | "My Dream of the Heavenly Kingdom")

  • 93 3
    Annie Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日