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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 300. The title of the lesson today

  • is the difference between quite and quite a. Because there's, there's

  • actually a big difference between the two.

  • Something is quite something and some somebody or something is quite a

  • something. All right. So let's take a look at the note here. Quite, simply put it

  • could just mean very or to a great extent. All right. So let's look at some

  • examples there. Number one here. It is quite cold today. Yeah it's just simply

  • it is very cold today or it's cold to a great extent. I guess you could say that

  • to that movie was quite funny , that movie was very funny. The cost is quite high.

  • The cost is very high or to a great extent high for that ticket. Okay good. All

  • right now Let's look at quite a . Quite. a basically means of an unusually

  • exceptional or noticeable type. . So we're really impressed with it. If we say

  • something is quite a something. All right so let's look at the first one

  • here. He is quite a good cook. All right. This means he is like an exceptional

  • cook. Much better than most of them. . If it was just quiet. It wouldn't make sense. He

  • is quite good cook. That doesn't he's very good. No. That doesn't make any

  • sense.. So here 'quite a' basically means

  • exceptional. Similar to number two. Here she is quite a storyteller. She's an

  • unusually good or she's an exceptional storyteller. Okay. Let's look at the third

  • one. He is known for being quite a good speaker. Again exceptional and usually

  • good. Much better than the others. Really standing out, being a noticeable type.

  • Let's look at number four. That is quite a collection you have there. All right so

  • again, unusual, maybe unusually large or you know exceptional. Most people's

  • collections are not that big. Good and it's good to note this as well.

  • Quite is often used after a negative. Meaning a negative word to mean

  • something is not exactly something. And here's just a couple of examples here.

  • She was never quite as good as her sister. So she was never exactly as good

  • as her sister. She was never quite as good and now the second one here. Those

  • statements are not quite right. They're not exactly right. You know maybe there's

  • something a little bit wrong about them or not completely accurate about that.

  • Okay anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear. Thank you for your time. Bye-

  • bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Lesson 300. The title of the lesson today


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

英語家庭教師ニックPレッスン(300) QuiteとQuite aの違い (English Tutor Nick P Lesson (300) The Difference Between Quite and Quite a)

  • 33 0
    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日