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  • Is Raphtalia really about to lose the love battle to a bucket of chicken?

  • So what's up guys Foxen here!

  • Time for this week's rising of the shield hero episode seven.

  • Why don't the past cat girl and the KFC girl just get along?

  • By the way, you do be sure to like and subscribe for the weekly shield hero videos!That'll

  • definitely make best girl happy.

  • Anyway let's get started!

  • At the beginning you had the KFC just eating a ton in the base form.

  • I just got to love the look that Raphtalia was giving her here.

  • She's like, dammit, why doesn't this blonde angel loli get Chubby?

  • No

  • Fair.

  • Anyway moving on to today's mission, Mr Amazon Shield hero has to deliver a ton of weed killers

  • as soon as possible.

  • I mean it just screw leveling up before the next wave, right.

  • This actually makes me wonder how leveling works in this world.

  • I mean, does one higher level make that drastic of a difference or do you need five 10 20

  • in leveling just to see this huge gap in difference?

  • Of course

  • that's assuming you got good enough equipment and a weapon and not to mention skills.

  • As for the village's problem, when vine tentacle monsters attack. All of a sudden in this piece

  • of land turned into fricking Japan.

  • Careful ladies.

  • I mean these guys were really hurting just looking at their tent set outside.

  • this turned into a glorified camp zone.

  • As for Filo helping their weak asses out

  • Hey, the people are really loving Mega

  • Ultra Chicken.

  • I bet you can actually make a good chunk of side cash

  • by turning Filo into a petting zoo.

  • Come on

  • Who wants to pet the KFC loli?

  • That's like two target demographics.

  • Next up you got some more of the shield hero building his great reputation up some more.

  • Definitely this hero of the people.

  • Yeah, that's right.

  • Just forget about eveling and battling.

  • The shield hero is going to become this full on doctor sage or even the next bill gates

  • of this world.

  • by the end of this wave adventure. Getting into the truth of the problem, God dammit,

  • the raisin ball hero and the red bitch managed to screw

  • this village over.

  • They did mention some sort of help

  • he did last episode along with something suspicious missing from the treasure chest

  • in the dungeon. It's looking like the small details really do come into play later on.

  • Come on

  • This village just needs to sue the red bitch and her Royal Papa's ass.

  • Right now I'm really just getting the feeling that the shield hero over here is going to

  • start cleaning the mess of these heroes more and more into the future, so that's right.

  • The Shield hero is about to become the hero that picks up after the other heroes screw

  • ups. On the bright side

  • At least it's a guy's getting paid plus some leveling for this weed whacking adventure.

  • Here's an idea

  • Just get Filo to eat everything. Next up the trainer shield hero pluses lion girl pluses

  • massive Hen versus the rogue plant

  • Digimon. So about this whole battle two

  • Surprising things.

  • Honestly, I didn't expect the shield hero and to take out this overgrown veggie monster

  • so easily.

  • Those enhancements.

  • sure

  • are super useful.

  • I do wonder if you could enhance some poison too.

  • Either way

  • That really just goes hand in hand with this new plant bio shield.

  • This thing looked extremely useful. To be honest right now Naofumi is really reminded

  • me of a budget slimed dude, you know from the slimy isekai guy. I mean episode after episode,

  • he's just unlocking a mountain of skills under his belt.

  • The difference is that he's actually working a lot harder at it.

  • Then the second thing, I really didn't expect Filo and Raphtalia to start the little cat

  • fight in the middle of fricking gardening.

  • Even afterwards, they were still going at it.

  • Come on

  • these two jelly girls battling isn't a good thing at all, especially for the shield hero.

  • Hey Naofumi you got to raise her mega chicken and raccoon better.

  • Meanwhile, you got Raphtalia totally crushing on him while he was sleeping.

  • So now here's the important question.

  • Can Raphtalia actually escaped being daughter Zoned?

  • Oh, and by the way, just Fyi, they did actually announced Raphtalia figure, say yes there

  • goes $40. So let me know.

  • Are you going to be buying best fox girl? And totally not sponsored, by the way. Anyway,

  • about the shield hero's new green thumb skill

  • this potentially being useful was a fricking understatement.

  • I mean, not only he feed his thicc hen now without going broke, the village is actually

  • saved, although about selling this stuff back to the village.

  • I really can't blame Naofumi for taking advantage of this crappy situation, but maybe

  • just maybe he should play a bit nicer now that he's not totally broke or hurting for

  • some hard cash. At least be a little bit playful and joke around that you're giving them a

  • discount.

  • I mean, just saying, since your reputation is going up. Next up, a new location, forget

  • about a shield hero beach episode.

  • you actually got a nice surprise this

  • episode with a nice hot spring right here. Right here Raphtalia was still adorable as

  • ever just playing around, not wanting to admit she wants to stay, but by the end of those

  • more trouble in paradise between her and Filo. Just look at Raphtalia's face

  • here.

  • She's like, I'm going to fry that little bird. Next up

  • the hot spring.

  • Ah, it looks like Raphtalia

  • has really grown in more ways than one, but really she's still super innocent in a

  • lot of ways.

  • I mean you just have her thinking that she has to get herself and the shield hero went

  • to the same hot spring.

  • Still Pretty adorable.

  • So I wish you luck with that little Raphtalia. Better not hold hands where you may get a

  • little pet raccoon in night weeks.

  • Meanwhile you have to shield hero playing with the naked little loli.

  • Totally fine mister.

  • isekai FBI.

  • She's only my pet. As a Raphtalia's

  • bright idea gotta get it Naofumi

  • some of those love crystals. To be honest, I think he wouldn't even realize what she's

  • trying to get at at this point.

  • Raphtalia is going to have to do something a lot more forceful and obvious to escape

  • the fricking daughter zone.

  • Unfortunately for her FFC girl had the same idea.

  • Gotta get Naofumi something

  • then we could freaking mate.

  • Oh my Lord.

  • The loli is already planning way of head of Raphtalia's kissing situation.

  • This bird wants some fricking meat.

  • In the end, it really just turned out this whole situation being a bonding moment for

  • them and too bad to that big ass piece of Bacon ruined their little love adventure.

  • No crystal or eggs for breakfast.

  • They should have really taken Naofumi back that giant piece of Ham for breakfast.

  • I mean, come on.

  • Who Doesn't love some pork in the morning? By the way

  • It looks like the KFC loli and best raccoon girl were buddy buddy by the end of the episode.

  • At least for now.

  • I definitely bet there's going to be more trouble in paradise to come and Raphtalia.

  • If you're really wanting to make the shield hero senpai notice you may

  • I suggest taking a page out of Asuna's book back from Seo and just saying. Oh, and let

  • me not forget about the end credit.

  • Something about this

  • Epidemic right after they cleaned up the spear boy's mess.

  • All right, place your bets. Is it Bootleg Kirito or blonde hawkeye that screwed up this time?

  • I'm gonna choose the rip off Kirito.

  • So overall, this is really fun, like two side stories

  • merged into one episode, which I totally did in mind at home, but anyway, more important,

  • let me hear from you.

  • Did you enjoy is seeing her Raphtalia in the hot springs?

  • Are you still on team furry or did you change into team KFC loli?

  • And what do you think about the shield hero or having a clean the mess of the other heroes?

  • Was he too harsh this episode on the village?

  • And do you think furry girl and bucket of chicken

  • will be friends now? Anyway

  • If you enjoy these weekly breakdown, smash at thumbs up and subscribe.

  • No new SAO this past weekend.

  • So check on my new dual blade Kirito video instead.

  • By the way, definitely don't sleep on Alita battle angel, since early Hollywood actually

  • did live action anime

  • Right?

  • And I know it sounds crazy, although I could be the last time.

  • Find out why and I'll see you guys later.

Is Raphtalia really about to lose the love battle to a bucket of chicken?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ラフタリアは永遠にLOVEを手に入れることができるのか?猫の喧嘩が始まる!?| 盾となった英雄のライジング 第7話 (Will Raphtalia Ever Get LOVE? Cat Fight Begins! | The Rising of The Shield Hero Episode 7)

  • 33 2
    Mark Yu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日