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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 115. The verb phrase today is to

  • \"bring on.\" Now bring on is a very common verb phrase and it has a lot of

  • different uses and a lot of different meanings. So we're going to actually cover

  • like six different ones today. With ... so we're only going to give one example of

  • each different use or meaning. Okay. So let's look at it. Let's look at number

  • one here. So the meaning of number one is basically to cause something unpleasant

  • to happen. So it has to be unpleasant. Something not nice. So we say that

  • something could bring on something here. So we hear this on the news a lot right

  • now. If the FED continues to raise interest rates it could bring on a

  • recession. Remember the FED , the FED is the central bank in the US. So if they

  • keep raise ... raising the interest rates, they'll make money more expensive to

  • borrow and you know, if the economy is not strong enough this could cause a

  • recession if they go too high. So that's what we say so if the Fed continues to

  • raise interest rates it could bring on a recession. It could cause this unpleasant

  • thing to happen. All right. Let's look at number two. A little similar to number one. To make

  • something arise or come about. Okay so it does not necessarily have to be

  • unpleasant , but it could be unpleasant as well. Pollen season always brings on my

  • allergies. So it makes them come about. It makes them arise you know , pollen season.

  • Pollen is in the air. If you have allergies, if you're sensitive , sensitive

  • to it, it could make your allergies come out. Because you're breathing in the

  • pollen. So it could bring on your allergies. All right. Let's look at the

  • third one. Get someone involved in an activity. All right. This one's different.

  • We brought on Jack to our team because he could be a real asset to our project.

  • Remember asset that means something of high value to your project. So if you

  • brought on a person here to your team, with your group , it means you included them

  • in it and now they're part of the activity. All right. Let's look at number

  • four. Make someone or something appear usually as a request. All right. This one is to

  • do with a request. So you're actually telling someone to bring on something.

  • All right. So in this case we'd say bring on the dance music. Let's get this party

  • started. Yeah. That might even be a line from a

  • song. Let's get this party started. Yeah. So if, so we say bring on the dance music,

  • meaning you know, make, put on the dance music. You know get it going.

  • Bring it on. So you're requesting that. They start playing the dance music. So

  • the party could get more exciting. All right. Let's see . Oh number five.

  • Bring someone onto a stage. Okay. So with bring it on. So this is more physical.

  • Physically you know, get someone on the stage. So we might hear this like on a TV show.

  • You know like a variety show. Maybe they have a host and they have a number of

  • guests. So you might say after the commercial break, we are going to bring

  • on a new guest. Meaning so a new guest will appear on the stage . Okay. Good and

  • number six. All right. This is slightly different because it has a reflexive here. Yeah. Bring

  • something on oneself. Okay. We do use this one too. So if somebody says to bring

  • something on oneself, it means to be the cause of one's own troubles or problems.

  • You cause your own problems you brought it on yourself.

  • So let's look at the example here. You have no one else to blame. You brought it on

  • yourself. Okay you never should have done that. So that's what they're saying. It's

  • your fault. Don't blame anybody else. You brought it

  • on yourself by what you did. Okay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope it's clear.

  • Thank you for your time. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Verb Phrase 115. The verb phrase today is to


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A2 初級

英語講師ニックP動詞句 (115) Bring on (English Tutor Nick P Verb Phrase (115) Bring on)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日