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Supreme, baby!
Supreme だぜ!
I just bought a faux-fur jacket for $1,000, so.
フェイクファーのジャケットを買ったばかりです。1000 ドルに近いですね。
People want to know, "Hey, look, that guy's wearing Supreme."
みんなは「見て見て、あの人、Supreme を着てる!」ってい言いますが。
But people also make a living off it too, so.
These two jackets are nearly identical, both made by The North Face, and both using Gore-Tex technology.
この 2 つのジャケットは同じように見えますが、同じくゴアテックスという衣料用の素材が使われたノースフェイスのものですが、
This one on the left costs $300.
左の方が 300 ドルくらいで、
The one on the right is currently selling for nearly $1,300.
右の方が今は 1300 ドルに達します。
So what's the difference?
This one just happens to be a North Face collaboration with Supreme.
それはこちらの方がちょうどノースフェイスと Supreme とコラボした商品だからです。
So why would someone pay nearly a thousand dollars more for basically the same jacket?
なので、基本的に同じジャケットなのに、どうしてより 1000 ドル近く高い方を買う人がいるのでしょうか?
And what is it that makes Supreme so expensive?
それに、Supreme の値段がこんなに高くなる原因は一体何でしょう?
From the eye-catching logo to the limited product releases and artist collaborations.
Over the past 20 years, Supreme has transitioned from a small skateboarding store in New York to a $1 billion streetwear company.
20 年を越えて、Supreme はニューヨークにある小さなスケートボードの店から、10 億ドルの企業価値のあるストリートファッションの会社になりました。
But for its fans, Supreme is more than just a brand.
しかし、ファンにとっては、Supreme はただのブランドだけではないようです。
It's often an obsession and an entire subculture of its own.
Since its origin, Supreme has maintained an image of being authentic.
そのブランドが設立されてから、Supreme は信頼あるイメージを保っています。
Founded by James Jebbia in 1994, Supreme started as a skateboarding store in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan.
1994 年、ジェームス・ジェッビアによって設立された Supreme は、元々はマンハッタンのソーホー地区にあるスケートボードの店でした。
The store started out selling hoodies and sweatshirts aimed towards the burgeoning New York skate scene.
Throughout the '90s and early 2000s, Supreme functioned as a skate brand catering to both skaters and those interested in the emerging streetwear style.
1990 年代から 2000 年代にかけて、Supreme はスケートボードのブランドとして、ストリートファッションが好きなスケーターに人気がありました。
But Supreme's limited releases and attitude has pushed them far beyond their beginnings.
しかし現在、数量限定販売とその態度によって、Supreme は当初と比べかなり成長を遂げています。
The most iconic Supreme design is their box logo, originally, simple white, italic lettering over a plain red background.
もっとも Supreme を代表できるデザインはそのボックスロゴです。独創的で、赤の背景に白くて簡単なイタリック文字柄が入っています。
This design so closely echoes the work of conceptual artist Barbara Kruger that it is hard not to see it as a direct copy, and copyright theft is something that's in Supreme's DNA.
Supreme's appropriation of images is one of the keys to its popularity.
画像の転用は Supreme が大人気となった原因の 1 つです。
Pop-cultural imagery and logos are copied and adapted in a way that makes the designs feel more like contemporary art or graffiti than a big fashion brand.
Supreme's first branded T-shirt was simply a photo of Robert De Niro in the film "Taxi Driver" along with the iconic red and white logo.
Supreme の最初の T シャツに、ただ簡単な映画『タクシードライバー』にいるロバート・デ・ニーロの写真とその赤と白のロゴの柄が入っているだけです。
And the company's use of often unlicensed imagery has led to Supreme being served cease-and-desist letters from Louis Vuitton, the NHL, and the NCAA.
よく許可なく画像を盗用するので、Supreme はルイ・ヴィトン、 NHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)と NCAA(全米大学体育協会)から排除措置命令が命じられました。
The more we've been exposed to a brand, the more likely we are gonna be developing an association, a familiarity, almost a sense of connection with it.
With Supreme, there's no element of status, and they went completely for what a logo should be all about: standing out, being identifiable.
Supreme はブランドとしての地位の要素はないですが、ロゴとしてのあるべきものを追求しています。それは「目立つこと」と「認識してもらう」ことです。
The recognizability is key to Supreme's power as a brand.
「認知度」がブランドとしての Supreme の力の一番大事な要素です。
But the items are also purposefully difficult to get ahold of, and their products are kept in high demand by very limited releases.
Tuesday at 11 a.m., you go to the Supreme website, you enter your basic information: your name, email, phone number, and credit card number.
火曜日の午前 11 時、Supreme のサイトに行って、名前、メールアドレス、電話番号そしてクレジットカードの番号という基本情報を入れます。
Then, they'll send you a text later in the day to let you know if you've been selected to stand in line.
Then on Wednesday, they'll send you a text telling you the time and store to report to.
And on Thursday, you go to the store at the time that you're given.
There's a one... there's a one-limit-per-style rule in Supreme, so what that means is, if a shirt comes out in black, red, and gray, you can only get it in gray.
Supreme は「 1 つのスタイルにつき 1 枚しか買えない」というルールがあります。なので、もしそのシャツには黒、赤と灰色の三色があれば、灰色の方しか買えないから、
So if I want it in black and red, I need to get two other people to get it for me, so they need to stand in line for me.
もし黒と赤のシャツが欲しいならば、あと 2 人に頼んで買ってもらうしかないです。つまり、彼らも列に並ばなければなりません。
A lot of the people who do stand in line are standing in line for someone else.
Supreme only sells their merchandise at 11 brick-and-mortar stores across the world as well as their online store.
Supreme の商品は世界中限られた 11 店舗と公式ページでしか販売されません。
It was around the mid to late 2000s that Supreme really started to pick up speed.
Supreme が急激に伸び始めたのは約 2000 年の中期から後期をかけてからでした。
This success was partly due to what's been dubbed the "Kanye effect."
In 2006, Supreme released their Supreme Blazer SB, a collaboration with Nike.
2006 年、Supreme はナイキとコラボして Supreme Blazer SB という靴をリリースしました。
The shoes retailed for around $150, with resale prices ranging from $300 to $400.
この靴の価格は約 150 ドルで、転売すると 300ドル から 400 ドルの値段となります。
In July 2007, West was pictured wearing the shoes at the Grammy Foundation's Starry Night party.
2007 年 7 月、ラッパーのカニエ・ウェストはグラミー賞のパーティーでこの靴を履いているのを撮影されました。
After the photos were released, the resale price of the shoes doubled to $800.
写真がリリースした後、この靴の転売価格は 2 倍上がった 800 ドルにまで達したのです。
Similarly, the teal box-logo sweatshirt worn by Tyler, the Creator in his "She" music video, originally priced at around $150, sold for $3,500.
同じく、『She』というミュージックビデオの中で、Tyler が着ている青緑のボックスロゴのトップは元々 150 ドルでしたが、3500 ドルまで値上げをしています。
But not everything from Supreme is gonna end up being valuable.
でも、Supreme の商品が必ずしも高価になるとは限らないです。
Sellers like Chris have to decide what's going to be popular and what items will give them the best return.
So how I decide on what I think is gonna resell is based mainly on what I would wear.
You can also go to these Instagram accounts, and they'll have Instagram polls, Twitter polls, talking about, oh, like you can upvote this.
You can downvote this, and it's this crowdsourcing tool to understand the market better and find out,
Oh, this one's gonna resell, or this one is really popular.
The most money that I've made off of one Supreme item is the 2017 fall/winter collaboration with The North Face, and it was a mountain parka.
今まで一番の値段で売れたのは、2017 年秋冬ノースフェースとのコラボしたマウンテンパーカです。
I bought it for $398, and I sold it for $950.
398 ドルで買ったけど、950 ドルで売りました。
This incredibly limited release means that buying and reselling Supreme items is where the real money is.
数量限定ということで、Supreme の商品の取引はお金を儲ける一番いい方法です。
When you look at the prices of Supreme items in-store, they aren't as outlandish as you may expect.
Supreme の店舗に並んだ商品の値段を見ると、想像できないほど高いというわけではないんです。
They retail for around $38 for a T-shirt to $138 for a sweatshirt.
T シャツの値段は約 38 ドルで、トレーナーの値段は約 138 ドルです。
But it's once these products have sold out that they can reach 30 times their original price.
でも、売り切れると、その値段は元々の 30 倍も超えるかもしれません。
Many other big brands are now adopting this method of very limited releases to generate hype around their products from trainers to other streetwear brands.
他の有名なブランド、例えば運動用品から他のストリートファッションまでなども Supreme の数量限定販売という戦略を使い、商品の宣伝を行なっています。
These releases make people feel like they're part of something exclusive.
The more we make a consumer work for their particular access to a product, the more alluring these services and products are becoming.
So I think Supreme know very well how to make something incredibly accessible and sexy.
なので、Supreme はどうやって商品を理解しやすくさせ、魅力的にさせることがよくわかるブランドだと思います。
By allowing us to jump through as many hoops as possible to make it relevant for them.
But there's something about Supreme that's different.
でも、Supreme には、他のブランドにはない特別なものがあります。
Could any other company get away with selling a brick or a branded crowbar?
What is it that gives Supreme such a devoted following?
一体、どうして Supreme には熱狂的ファンがこんなにたくさんいるのでしょうか?
I think it's the hype.
They come out with really cool items.
I personally feel like they do.
It's a name brand, and name brands attract anybody at the end of the day.
In New York especially, it's a lot of streetwear.
So, like, people wanna have that, like, exclusive, those exclusive items.
So I feel like Supreme, they keep their quantities very low because of the high demand.
これは高い需要を保つために、Supreme が商品の数量を限定する原因だと思います。
People will pay that price if it's something they like.
Supreme, I think the thing that really causes people to spend money and wait in line is kind of the "it factor" that it has, right?
Supreme は人々を列に並ばせて、お金を出させる原因は「人気のある話題の店」という効果をもたらせれると思います。
They've done an amazing job of limiting quantities and underproducing to the demand.
So in that way, their market of people that their... of people that would wanna buy the product isn't just people that are interested in the product.
But it's also people that are interested in making money, and that demographic is way bigger than people that are just interested in streetwear.
So when there's an opportunity to make money, then there's gonna be a huge line of people around the block regardless if they want to wear the product or not.
Supreme has managed to somehow keep their cool, alternative and exclusive image despite their expansion.
Supreme が店舗拡大をし続けるにもかかわらず、いつも通りにクールな、新しい、特別なイメージを保つことができます。
And has still maintained its skater credentials despite selling a 50% stake in the brand to a private equity firm.
また、50 %の株式をプライベート・エクイティ会社に売却したにもかかわらず、このブランドは依然としてスケーターたちに信頼を持たれています。
With more and more people wanting their products, for now, it looks like Supreme isn't going anywhere.
Supreme の商品が欲しい人がだんだん増えているので、今しばらく、Supreme の人気は下がらないと思います。