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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 125. The proverb today is crime
doesn't pay. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here.
The proverb basically means that punishment is what will eventually come
to someone if they continue a life of crime. So of course, is it possible that
somebody will get away with crime for a while ? Yeah. Definitely, but I guess they
mean that if you continue this life of crime sooner or later you're going to get
caught. Sooner or later your luck is going to run out and you know, and you might
get some more serious punishment and it's very difficult to get out of that
the vicious cycle of crime. So, so that is what they are saying crime doesn't pay. it's
better to try to live a you know, a law-abiding life. I guess all right. Let's
continue here. The proverbs seemed to first appear during the Victorian era
you know, in England in Britain and was used to encourage morality and hard work
So that's when we used to start hearing it more often. All right good. Now let's look
at a couple of examples how it might be used today. So example number one . There
used to be a lot of public service announcements. Yes sometimes referred to
as PSAs. These are like the advertisements on TV
that try to get people to just behave in the right way. Either be careful for
something or watch out for something or not to do something like don't take
drugs or or some or you know, be careful about catching AIDS or some other
disease or something like that. This is what we mean by PSAs. Okay. Let's continue.
Which tried to encourage people not to participate in crime. Yeah. I remember when I was
younger. Sometimes they had it and they always used to use that term \" crime
doesn't pay. \" Okay. Good. So let's look at number two
here. This is ... it's also used in this way. Kind of in an opposite way. That criminal
got away with ten million dollars scot-free. Scot-free means no punishment.
Perhaps the proverb of crime doesn't pay is wrong. It seems like
it really does pay sometimes. So yeah we often hear this. If somebody got away and
there doesn't seem to be any punishment and you know, sometimes you might hear
someone ironically use this. Well you know, I guess crime does pay. .
Not crime doesn't pay. Anyway, I hope you got it. I hope hope it's clear. Thank you for
your time. Bye-bye.