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  • We don't have to do this

  • Sure we do!

  • Don't make me destroy you

  • I would like to see you try....

  • When I have THIS!!!

  • What the?.... *cough* *cough*

  • *cough**cough*

  • I want you to remember this Clarke

  • In your darkest days I want you to remember...

  • The one man who beat yo-......

  • *VOMITS*

  • Holy BAT-BALLS! Ugh!

  • ARGH! Your bastard!

  • Kryptonite is worst that poison to me!

  • Its like the love child of AIDS and cancer!

  • Oh, I just thought it would make you a little weak

  • A little weak?!

  • I'm bleeding through my EYES and ANUS right now!

  • Oh, well its a good thing you're wearing red underwear..


  • uhm.......

  • My God, what has happened to Superman?

  • Batman exposed him to Kryptonite

  • WHAT!?!?!

  • That's like the love child of AIDS and Cancer...

  • Boo Batman, Boo!

  • *Crowd Boos*

  • What? What? How the hell am I suppose to beat him?

  • He has LASERS that come out of his goddamn eyes!

  • Yeah, boo Batman, boo!

  • Hey everyone, he's Bruce Wanye!

  • This asshole is Bruce Wanye you know?

  • Yeah thats right!

  • You can follow him of Facebook, or Twitter

  • @myParentsAreDead at

  • *groan* .... F#%@ This guy

We don't have to do this


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

リアルMG:バットマンVスーパーマン(アニメパロディ (The Real MG: Batman V Superman ( Animated Parody))

  • 64 1
    CC に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日