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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Proverbs 104. The proverb today is an
eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Okay. Let's take a look at the note here.
Sometimes this proverb is shortened to just an eye-for-an-eye. So sometimes
people don't say the whole, the whole, the whole proverb. Some sometimes they'll
just say well something is an eye for an eye. You know , he believes in an eye for
an eye. But the real full proverb is an eye for
an eye, a tooth for tooth meaning of course the idea that if somebody you
know injured you and knocked out your eye you have the right to injure them
and knock out their eye or if they broke one of your teeth you have the right to
do the same punishment back to them. You can break one of their teeth. So let's go
on. The proverb derived from the code of Hammurabi . Okay. Hammurabi
was the king of Babylon from 1792 to 1750 BC. So that's how far this actually
goes back. This goes back to the Babylonian Empire. You know, predating you
know before the Roman Empire before the Greek Empire you know, even much further
back. It goes all the way back to the Babylonian Empire. Yes. So yeah Hammurabi
was the king but yeah we we covered that. So this is a biblical quote Matthew 5:38.
So this, this proverb also appears at least once in the Bible and this is the
quote from the Bible .\"Ye have her ye have heard it hath been said an eye for an
eye and a tooth for tooth . \" So so even the Bible has a quote from this proverb as
well. All right ahead of course you know it also reminds me you can go back and
check one of my really older videos on a Gandhi quote Gandhi had a... I thought I
had a good quote that he picked from this proverb.
He says an eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. Which means that if
you really follow this philosophy well you hurt me that I hurt you and then
probably you hurt me back I hurt you bike you hurt me back I hurt you back.
And it's kind of like never ending so Gandhi was kind of bringing out that
point. So if you like that idea. Go back and check that old video I did on Gandhi.
A Gandhi quote. He his quote actually worked off of this old proverb. All right.
And we just give one example here. This is a typical way that it might be used.
So there are many who believe that those who are found guilty of murder should
get the death penalty or at least I think in a lot of states they probably
don't give it for all murders but they might give it for a premeditated murder.
Like if somebody planned to murder of somebody that that's usually like the
first-degree murder. The one that's most serious. So probably if some people were
in favor of a death penalty that's the one they would probably do it for. We
know a lot of times there are accidental murders but premeditated murder is
probably the one that they would want. So they believed in the philosophy of an
eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth. So this is just the way that we would use
it. Okay, Anyway I hope you got it. I hope it's clear.Thank you for your time.