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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 14. The song today is

  • \"Yesterday\" by the Beatles. It's a classic one and I believe I think Paul

  • McCartney actually sang it. And like usual I'm going to read and sing it and

  • we'll we'll go over the lyrics as we as we go. All right so uh we can just get

  • right into it. All right. This is how it usually starts, Yesterday all my troubles

  • seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay.

  • Oh I believe in yesterday. All right. So let's look at it. If we say all my

  • troubles seemed so far away, basically that you had no worries. Life, life was

  • carefree. Life was easy. You didn't have any big troubles, and of course now you

  • are singing about your troubles. This is again, a typical love song. Obviously his

  • girlfriend left him and he's kind of regretting it. And he's still feeling

  • pain. And he's still thinking about it. All right. So let's go. Let's continue here.

  • So yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're

  • here to stay. All right. Here to stay means so if something is here to stay it means

  • it's more permanent So his troubles, his worries, they're not

  • going away. They're staying here because of course, his, his girlfriend is gone. His

  • love is gone. Oh I believe in yesterday. Yeah those were the good times. When , when

  • we were still together. Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be. All right if you

  • say that you're not half the man you used to be,

  • it basically means you don't have as much confidence anymore you're not as

  • strong as you as you were. So that's really but you're not half the man

  • used to be. Yeah. I'm not half the man I used to be. There's a shadow hanging over

  • me. All right here. Of course, if we say a shadow. A shadow is um something existing

  • in your perception. I mean you don't physically see it it's not a real shadow.

  • We can also say a deep feeling of something negative. So you have a shadow

  • hanging over you. Almost like a cloud kind of following you. Keeping you

  • unhappy. So sometimes we could say this. A

  • shadow over ones happiness So that's how it goes. So that's what he feels like. He

  • just can't get happy that his girlfriend is gone now or that his love is gone. So

  • yeah. Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to

  • be. There's a shadow hanging over me Oh yesterday came suddenly. Okay.

  • and wait, now we go into the chorus. Why she had to go, I don't know , she

  • wouldn't say. So obviously. She left him. She's probably

  • not talking to him. I guess he didn't get closure. She didn't explain why she went

  • or maybe he doesn't know completely. A hundred percent why this happened. I

  • said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. All right. That's how it goes.

  • Yeah. So why would you know, why she had to go ? Like why did she have to leave ? I

  • don't know maybe he doesn't know a hundred percent why they broke up but he

  • probably suspects it she wouldn't say. I said something wrong well you know, every

  • boy and every husband will eventually say something wrong. Is that what made

  • them break up ? I don't know who knows ? To be honest i, t's probably more than just

  • one thing like that but. Well maybe it was something pretty serious. I don't

  • know. Now I long for, All right. If we say too long for, it means to have a strong desire

  • or yearning for. Okay, good. Oh yeah and we say this is

  • shadow hanging over me before. To hang over someone, means to be a source of

  • continuing or constant concern or worry. Yes. There's a shadow hanging over me again

  • that was just like the idea of like I was this cloud that's making you unhappy

  • following you Let's continue. Yesterday love was such

  • an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh I believe in yesterday

  • All right. So yes that love was such an easy game to play. Yeah. No worries. Hey

  • this love thing is easy . I got my girlfriend. We're happy or maybe you know,

  • maybe picking maybe you're finding women was easy before. But now suddenly this

  • one that he loved he lost. So suddenly, it's not so easy anymore.

  • Now I need a place to hide away. Okay. It could mean a couple of things. If we say

  • a place to hide away represents it could mean shame or embarrassment. You know

  • that he lost his girlfriend. Or the feeling of not wanting people to sense

  • your pain or or see your shame. You know when you're feeling really hurt you

  • don't want. Sometimes you don't want people to see you or look at you. You

  • just , you just want to go away. Be away from people. So that's probably what

  • he means. So yeah now I need a place to hide away. Oh I believe in yesterday. And

  • then it just really repeats the other chorus again and that'll be the end. You

  • know, So again it just repeats. You know why she had to go? I don't know she

  • wouldn't say. I said something wrong. Now I long for

  • yesterday. And that's pretty much it. But this is um , this is a real classic. This

  • has gotten played on the radio over and over and over never 100% goes out

  • they'll always bring it back. And probably most of you have heard it

  • before. So again. It's good to know some phrases that we've gone over. And

  • hopefully you understand the soul completely now. Anyway, thank you for your

  • time. I hope you enjoyed it. Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 14. The song today is


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英語の家庭教師ニックPの音楽の歌詞が説明されている(14)ビートルズ - 昨日 (English Tutor Nick P Music Lyrics Explained (14) Beatles - Yesterday)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日