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Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Music Lyrics Explained 14. The song today is
\"Yesterday\" by the Beatles. It's a classic one and I believe I think Paul
McCartney actually sang it. And like usual I'm going to read and sing it and
we'll we'll go over the lyrics as we as we go. All right so uh we can just get
right into it. All right. This is how it usually starts, Yesterday all my troubles
seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh I believe in yesterday. All right. So let's look at it. If we say all my
troubles seemed so far away, basically that you had no worries. Life, life was
carefree. Life was easy. You didn't have any big troubles, and of course now you
are singing about your troubles. This is again, a typical love song. Obviously his
girlfriend left him and he's kind of regretting it. And he's still feeling
pain. And he's still thinking about it. All right. So let's go. Let's continue here.
So yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're
here to stay. All right. Here to stay means so if something is here to stay it means
it's more permanent So his troubles, his worries, they're not
going away. They're staying here because of course, his, his girlfriend is gone. His
love is gone. Oh I believe in yesterday. Yeah those were the good times. When , when
we were still together. Suddenly I'm not half the man I used to be. All right if you
say that you're not half the man you used to be,
it basically means you don't have as much confidence anymore you're not as
strong as you as you were. So that's really but you're not half the man
used to be. Yeah. I'm not half the man I used to be. There's a shadow hanging over
me. All right here. Of course, if we say a shadow. A shadow is um something existing
in your perception. I mean you don't physically see it it's not a real shadow.
We can also say a deep feeling of something negative. So you have a shadow
hanging over you. Almost like a cloud kind of following you. Keeping you
unhappy. So sometimes we could say this. A
shadow over ones happiness So that's how it goes. So that's what he feels like. He
just can't get happy that his girlfriend is gone now or that his love is gone. So
yeah. Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to
be. There's a shadow hanging over me Oh yesterday came suddenly. Okay.
and wait, now we go into the chorus. Why she had to go, I don't know , she
wouldn't say. So obviously. She left him. She's probably
not talking to him. I guess he didn't get closure. She didn't explain why she went
or maybe he doesn't know completely. A hundred percent why this happened. I
said something wrong, now I long for yesterday. All right. That's how it goes.
Yeah. So why would you know, why she had to go ? Like why did she have to leave ? I
don't know maybe he doesn't know a hundred percent why they broke up but he
probably suspects it she wouldn't say. I said something wrong well you know, every
boy and every husband will eventually say something wrong. Is that what made
them break up ? I don't know who knows ? To be honest i, t's probably more than just
one thing like that but. Well maybe it was something pretty serious. I don't
know. Now I long for, All right. If we say too long for, it means to have a strong desire
or yearning for. Okay, good. Oh yeah and we say this is
shadow hanging over me before. To hang over someone, means to be a source of
continuing or constant concern or worry. Yes. There's a shadow hanging over me again
that was just like the idea of like I was this cloud that's making you unhappy
following you Let's continue. Yesterday love was such
an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh I believe in yesterday
All right. So yes that love was such an easy game to play. Yeah. No worries. Hey
this love thing is easy . I got my girlfriend. We're happy or maybe you know,
maybe picking maybe you're finding women was easy before. But now suddenly this
one that he loved he lost. So suddenly, it's not so easy anymore.
Now I need a place to hide away. Okay. It could mean a couple of things. If we say
a place to hide away represents it could mean shame or embarrassment. You know
that he lost his girlfriend. Or the feeling of not wanting people to sense
your pain or or see your shame. You know when you're feeling really hurt you
don't want. Sometimes you don't want people to see you or look at you. You
just , you just want to go away. Be away from people. So that's probably what
he means. So yeah now I need a place to hide away. Oh I believe in yesterday. And
then it just really repeats the other chorus again and that'll be the end. You
know, So again it just repeats. You know why she had to go? I don't know she
wouldn't say. I said something wrong. Now I long for
yesterday. And that's pretty much it. But this is um , this is a real classic. This
has gotten played on the radio over and over and over never 100% goes out
they'll always bring it back. And probably most of you have heard it
before. So again. It's good to know some phrases that we've gone over. And
hopefully you understand the soul completely now. Anyway, thank you for your
time. I hope you enjoyed it. Bye-bye.