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You might have heard your bros or broettes say that recovery days are "muy importante" and working out every day is bad.
But some bros religiously believe in the value of training daily.
So, exactly how many times should you actually work out per week?
Certainly, rest days are important.
After all, strength and growth adaptations do not occur in the gym, rather during your sleep and recovery.
But if you're only walking on a treadmill for 2 hours while watching telenovelas on your phone, rest probably won't matter much then.
On the other hand, if you're busting your booty lifting the heaviest weights possible for as many times as possible each workout, rest indeed is necessary.
Fact of the matter is, when deciding how often you should go to the gym, you need to first consider two things about your workout routine:
The intensity, aka the heaviness of the weights you are moving, and volume, aka your intensity times reps and sets.
それは、運動の強度です。つまりは、持ち上げるリフトの重さや、運動量、要するに運動強度 × 回数 × セットだ。
When adjusting any of these three factors, you will affect the other two, and consequently will change the answer to how many times you should be training per week.
You have to ask, "What are you doing in the gym in the first place?"
If you do a lot of high intensity, failure type training, then certainly you should rest more often.
In terms of strength goals, you'll typically lift very heavy weights, thus become fatigued and demand more recovery.
In terms of building muscle, volume is the ultimate factor dictating growth.
And if you're familiar with my reps and sets video, you might have the impression that more volume will indeed mean more gainz.
Unfortunately, more is not always better.
As you ramp up volume, your fatigue levels will raise just as it does with high intensity training.
If you forgo adequate rest, your body begins overreaching where fatigue increases and performance suffers.
Continue to avoid rest and you begin overtraining, at which point you'll be happy to even be energized enough to pick up your spoon to eat breakfast!
Some studies also show that a threshold of volume exists, meaning that at a certain point, adding more volume isn't going to do you any good anyway.
Not to mention soreness, which can easily cut down your performance.
All this being said, typically, you want 48 hours of rest in between training.
なので、一般的には運動前後は 48 時間の休息を取るのが良いとされている。
As studies do show that muscle protein synthesis will run its course in this timeframe.
But, that doesn't mean you have to skip the gym entirely during rest.
One of the more popular ways of maximizing recovery and training is through a "bro split."
You're training a subset of muscle groups on one day and then a different subset the next day.
The intention is to rest one set of muscles while training the others.
Generally, bros splits involve splitting your "pull" movements, like pull-ups and back rows, from your "pushes", such as bench and shoulder presses.
And somewhere in between you throw in legs or . . . at least try.
Typically, this results into training 4-5 times per week, allowing you to hit each muscle group at least twice, which research has shown to be typically the optimal amount.
一般的には、ブロスプリットの結果は一週間に 4 から 5 回運動し、この様に毎回 1 組の筋肉部位を 2 回訓練する事が研究結果が示す最適な運動量と言われている。
But this doesn't mean full body workouts don't work.
Just be mindful of your fatigue and rest accordingly.
Bro Splits are not immune to fatigue neither, thus, you should take more rest days or change the intensity or volume of your training when you see fit.
If you're just interested in the research, then here's a breakdown:
Generally, the studies tend to agree that training at a moderate intensity between 60 to 75% of your one rep max;
一般的に、研究では訓練強度はあなたが一度に最大反復する重量の 60 〜 75 %が最も適していると示している。
With roughly 4 sets of 8-12 reps of each muscle group, two times a week with some exceptions for three times, will be best for muscle gainz.
つまりおよそ各部位の筋肉が 4 組の訓練を行って、 1 組は 8 〜 12 回反復して、一週間に 2 回訓練する、たまに例外で 3 回訓練し、この様にしたら筋肉の増加に最も有効的だ。
For muscle strength, training at a slightly high intensity of 80 to 90% of your one rep max;
筋肉の強度に至っては、訓練強度を少しあげて、一度に最大反復重量の 80 ~ 90 %が最適だ。
With a range of 4 to 8 sets per muscle group two times a week will suit the majority of the population.
大体の人は各組の筋肉を 4 から 8 組訓練し、一週間に 2 回が適している。
And that's roughly 4 times a week on a split.
およそ一週間に 4 回訓練をする。
Also, adjusting some days of low intensity training, aka deloads, is best practice for fatigue recovery.
Beginners and intermediate lifters also tend to be able to get away with higher frequency training while elite athletes or long-term lifters can benefit from more recovery.
So honestly, the amount of times you train can vary quite a lot from person to person.
It . . . just . . . depends.
At the end of the day, it will depend on your lifestyle and your own experimentations.
Test things out, listen to your body, and go with the frequency that gives you the best results.
And share your thoughts on training frequencies in the comments below.
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