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  • Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 216.

  • The quote today is another one by Steve Jobs.

  • We haven't done one by him in a while but I did do a couple of others by him before.

  • Anyway . let's take a look at today's quote.

  • " You time is limited.

  • So don't waste your time, living someone else's life.

  • Don't be trapped by dogma --- which is living with the results of other people's thinking.

  • Don't let the noise of other people's thinking drown out you inner voice.

  • And most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

  • Well , let's go over this.

  • There are several vocabulary words maybe for students to cover.

  • . Your time is limited , so don't waste you time living someone else's life.

  • All right . That is pretty simple.

  • Yeah.

  • a lot of times people tell you should do this or you should do that.

  • A lot of times it is your parents too.

  • Even though they love you.

  • You know, if they are trying to force you to be something that you are not meant to

  • be or you don't feel like it is not in your heart , perhaps you should not do it.

  • Don't be attracted by dogma.

  • All right . Dogma is a set of beliefs the someone is expected to accept without asking

  • questions.

  • Okay, you know, just you know if someone says this is what you have to do, this is what

  • you have to follow.

  • Which is living the results of other people's thinking.

  • So you want it to be your thinking.

  • Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out.

  • Remember if something drowns out to hide or cover something by being louder.

  • so they are talking to you so much.

  • They are making you quite that little voice that is inside your head.

  • That is what we mean by your inner voice, One's thoughts, one's sense of self.

  • Part of you in your brain that talks to you.

  • That is your inner voice.

  • So that is what he is telling you.

  • Don't let the voice of other's opinions drown out your inner voice.

  • Okay.

  • Most important.

  • Have the courage to follow your heart.

  • And you intuition, your natural feeling.

  • Your sense to understand something through your feelings.

  • That is what we mean by your intuition.

  • Remember we often say...

  • We have a lot of common intuitions.

  • Like we often say a mother's intuition, when she can sense that maybe something is wrong

  • with one of her children.

  • Even though they didn't say anything or we sometimes talk about a wife's intuition if

  • she might sense her husband might be cheating on her or something like that.

  • But here, But everyone has some intuition.

  • So anyway, let's take a look at the note here.

  • So Steve Jobs is basically encouraging people to follow one's dreams.

  • Don't allow yourself.

  • to be trapped by being something that someone else wanted.

  • Okay . that is basically it.

  • you to be if it is not really in your heart.

  • Now if it is in your heart, and you do like it.

  • Then hey ! Go for it.

  • Why not ? Don't allow others to discourage you.

  • If you believe you can do it and you have some skill.

  • Well, I should kind of point this out.

  • You should really have some skill in it.

  • Sometimes it makes me think of a lot of those American Idol auditions.

  • Where some people at least they acted like they though, you know , their singing voice

  • was really, really good and they could win American Idol.

  • Yeah.

  • No . Obviously, you can't really be a real singer if you don't really have that skill.

  • You might have to face this.

  • You might have to look in the mirror and realize hey!

  • I just don't really have what it takes for this.

  • If You do really have some skill.

  • Or if you know can learn it..

  • You could perfect it.

  • If you did have at least a decent voice.

  • You can take lessons to improve it.

  • Why not ? Or whatever it is that you do, especially if it is creative..

  • Maybe you could get help to try to follow that dream.

  • If you have some skill or some talent in that area.

  • Then maybe go for it.

  • In this area, Go for I it, means go do it try it.

  • You know put effort or enthusiasm into it and at least try for it.

  • Anyway, I hope you got it.

  • I hope it is clear.

  • Thank you for your time.

  • Bye-bye.

Hi this is Tutor Nick P and this is Quotes 216.


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A2 初級

家庭教師ニックP名言集(216) スティーブ・ジョブズ - あなたの時間は限られているので、あなたの時間を無駄にしないでください ... (Tutor Nick P Quotes (216) Steve Jobs - Your Time is Limited So Don't Waste Your Time ...)

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    anitawu12 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日