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If you're in Australia and you want to know how to invest in real estate, you're
in the right place.
Hey, friends. Stephen Michael Miller here and we keep getting
questions from many of you all across the world that are saying, hey, how do I
do real estate in my area? And I'm gonna go ahead and address some of these. I'm
gonna start today with Australia. A lot of you in Australia want to know how to
do real estate the best in Australia and to be honest with you, I've never done
real estate in Australia, we've done a lot of real estate here in the US but I
believe that there are some similar things that you can be looking at when
you're looking to do real estate in Australia and some things that you can
be aware of as you're taking steps either to do real estate in Australia or
to not. As you're doing your research, things that you want to be aware of
before you take any steps, okay. I don't want to slow anyone down actually, I want
to get you going faster and faster towards your financial goals and doing
the right things in real estate but for me, as I got that question, I thought, hmm,
why would I or would I not want to do real estate in Australia? So I've got my
computer here and I'm just doing some some quick searches to kind of show you
my thought patterns and some of the things that I go through as I am diving
in and doing some research as to maybe why I might want to do some real estate
in a specific area. So I'm right here on Google, that one website that hopefully
you've all heard of before, right? I just went right onto Google, put in Australian
home values and started doing some searches and you can see right here on
my computer, you've got several different articles that are coming up,
this one right here says home values across Australia will continue to
diverge in 2019 which means that they are currently diverging here in 2018.
What does that mean? Well that means that all across Australia, home values are
going different directions. You've got some areas, I'm going to click on this
site right now that listed this article and it actually goes through different
areas. In Australia, it shows that in Sydney and in some parts of Melbourne
they're expected to continue to decline in value so maybe not the best places to
be investing right now and in Australia Sydney and Melbourne but
then you have other areas like Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, hopefully I'm
not completely murdering the names of these areas, Hobart. These are expected to
see further growth so some areas in Australia and this is not unlike
the US, in the US we have markets that are going up in value, we have other
markets that are declining in value and other markets that are holding steady
so you just want to be aware of which areas that you're going into that are
experiencing those different types of fluctuations because it's going to
determine what type of real estate you might want to do in those areas. As I did
some other search, looking into different property bubbles that have happened in
Australia, I know, you know, I looked here on good old Wikipedia and although
Wikipedia is not the end-all be-all, it's a good source for information. This one,
this article in particular wasn't necessarily the most current. Although it
was talking about a property bubble in Australia, a property bubbles or things
that happen in every market all across the world, this isn't any one country
specific but I looked at the Australian property bubble, it looks like over time,
since the 1980's or even 1990's, property values in Australia have been increasing
fairly rapidly as a matter of fact, more than a lot of other places around the
world. It talks about, their average growth has been around 6 or so, maybe
even 7% over the last many many years since the early 1990's and I know that
this article or this information, some of this was was pulled in 2015 and
here we are right now, it's 2018, not to date this video but you know we're
experiencing some as we've seen some of this you in Australia,
those of you that are there, you've experienced a lot of this growth already.
What happens with massive growth typically is when growth exceeds the
income levels, right. This is one of the things that it's been experienced in
Australia is the the home markets, the housing market, has grown past the income
growth and right now or at least when this article was written in 2015, you're
seeing income levels at about, or housing value levels, six
times as much as the annual income level. That just means that people can't afford
the housing as much right so whenever you get to a point in any market where
housing becomes too expensive for the individuals that are earning there then
you're creating a bubble that has to be corrected at some point so that more
people can actually purchase property. We're seeing a little bit of this, I
actually, I looked to another forecast and you can see here on my screen right
now, this is the Australia house price index and this is over, you know,
the last several years from 2015 which again, we saw in that last
article that those are prices from the 1990's up to about 2015. Well here you see
from 2015 till today, you're seeing a general trend southward. Now we're not
seeing a massive decline necessarily but we are seeing a difference from a house
index of 4.7, now we're down to right now this month or the last
couple months about a - 0.7. Again so this isn't necessary time to jump
ship or stop doing you know, any type of real estate but it is something you want
to be aware of and this could be indicating a future trend so you want to
be just aware, you want to be looking at it. Some other basic things and I want to
kind of maybe go away from these specific articles and just talk about
generals right now. In all of real estate, no matter where you're buying real
estate, there are some things that you want to make sure that you are keeping
track of, that you're aware of as you're looking to get into doing real estate in
your area and one of those things is, can I buy a home that will cash flow? There
are a lot of people that sidestep that really basic rule of getting into a
property that will cash flow for you. As a matter of fact, there's something that
was really big happening in Australia for a long time called negative
obviously, negative gearing. Negative gearing isn't exclusive to
Australia, they just call it a little bit different than we call it America but
negative gearing is basically buying a home,
going negative on that home, oftentimes giving a interest-only loan, going
negative on that home for a period of time with the hopes or the belief that
the increased property value, right, if it's growing at six or seven percent a
year that the hope is that that increased property value will make up
for that that period of time where you're going negative. Negative gearing
is something that a lot of investors have done in Australia which has
actually artificially inflated some of those values and so you want to be aware
of some of the things things that are happening and my recommendation would be
to never be in a situation where you find yourself in a negative gearing type
of situation and the reason for it is because, if there is a bubble and if that
bubble is ready to burst, if it's ready to pop at some point and you're stuck in
this negative gearing situation where you bought a home, maybe that was worth
more than you bought it for, maybe the monthly payment on it is higher than
you could afford and maybe it's not being covered by the rents that you're
renting it out for, if you're in that situation and the market continues to go
in a downward slope, well then you're stuck, right? And those types of situations
you could be stuck in a really bad situation and find yourself losing money
on the deal, maybe getting even into a situation where you may get a bad taste
in your mouth for real estate in general because of some of the bad decisions you
made so I would recommend never getting into a situation where you're trapped in
that negative gearing type of scenario so cash flow, cash flow is important, cash
flow is king, cash today can help you to invest in more today as well and so you
want to be aware of that, you want to make sure that you're getting into homes
that are providing a positive cash flow for you. Now I know what a lot of people
will say and I bet I'll have individuals that will say hey, here in Australia, you
can't find a home that that cash flow is positive and I'll tell you right now, if
you say that to me, I'll say two things to you.. Number one, you're probably wrong.
I believe that across the world, no matter where you are, most real estate
runs on a bell curve and what I mean by a bell curve is if you understand
economics, a bell curve just basically illustrates that most homes are going to
be sold in the right space of right if this is the bell curve right
here and you've got your normal standard deviations then most homes are gonna
fall right inside of that first standard deviation. In other words,
they're gonna be priced at the right price, they're gonna sell
within the right timeframe and everything is gonna go according to plan
but in any situation and in any area, I would venture to say there are always
homes that are listed too high and there are homes that are listed too low
outside of that first standard deviation, right. That outside of that that initial
bell curve area so those homes that are priced too high, they're gonna stay on
the market place, they're gonna stay on the market until either the market
shifts or they shift, right until either the value of the home rises to meet the
price that they put on it or until they're willing to move their price to
meet the market so those are those homes that are priced too high. The
homes though, the other side of that, those 5% let's say of homes that are
priced too low, those are those deals that are often snatched up extremely
quickly and whether you're in Australia or India or UK or America or wherever
you might find yourself, those homes that are priced below the market, those are
the homes that I suggest you look for and having a belief, first of all, that
those homes are even in existence, well first of all, fuel your ability to find
them so believe that they're there and then start looking for them and as
you're looking for them, again, you're looking for homes that these these are
good homes, these are homes that aren't necessarily your fixer-uppers, these are
homes that people just price below market for whatever reason and there are
a lot of reasons for that, right. Sometimes it's divorce, sometimes it's
is people getting a job, sometimes people need to leave the country for whatever
reasons and sometimes people are, you know, maybe it's a family dispute. I mean,
who knows what it is, right? But there are reasons that cause people to price their
home below market value because they want to get out of it
quickly or they want to get their money fast maybe for a different reason or a
different investment and so those homes do come up so be aware of those
homes because when you can get those homes, you're more likely to cash flow. So
that cash flow is really important and cash flow really mix. I've kind of
cover two things in one.. Cash flow mixed with getting a home at a discount are
two things that I would almost always recommend when doing real estate no
matter where you are so I'll say this.. If you're in a situation right now, let's
just say that you're living in Sydney and Sydney's home values are decreasing
and you want to go buy a home in Perth or something like that, maybe where the
value of the homes are going up right now. You can absolutely do that but maybe
even ask yourself this question, do I need to be doing real estate where I
live? Is it important for me to do real estate here in Australia if this is
where I live right now or are there things that I can plug into?
Are there systems that I can plug into? Are there people that I could
potentially partner with that could help bring my investing outside of my general
area, right? Can I invest in Europe or can I invest in America? Does
that make sense and how do I do that? So that's what I would look into. There are
a lot of different articles that you can go online, again, just going on to Google
and typing in things like, you know, Australian home prices, Australian market
fluctuations, Australian real estate growth, you know, different things like
that, you can just plug in to Google and you'll see different things. You see
right here a home price guide for Australia, you see a blog right here, this
was written actually in April of 2018 of this year, it says Australia home prices
fall for seventh month, okay. Led by big city so looks like we've had some prices
falling. Actually I'll click on that on that real quick, that's like this was put
out by Bloomberg.com, pretty reputable source right there and if you look at
this article, it just says, you know, home values are, they're going down and
they've been falling, not tons, right. Says national housing prices fell 0.1% in
April from March so this isn't a massive decrease necessarily but it's something
to be aware of. You see some different charts so do some research, figure out. I
think one of the biggest things that keeps people at bay from investing
either in their home town or anywhere for that matter
we get this analysis paralysis, you know. You've probably heard that before. We get
so caught up in all the information that we don't know that we're afraid to make
any move forward and if you do a quick search, I mean I literally jumped on
for five minutes or so, did a couple searches, found a few articles, some old,
some new and I feel like I've got a decent taste for what's going on right
now in Australia and now granted, I've got a lot of experience in America and
and I've been able to maybe take some of that experience and apply it to what I'm
learning right now but in my mind, there are some areas in Australia that can
make a lot of sense to invest in right now, areas that are increasing and
improving. One of the things that I would do to dig a little deeper would be to
look at the economies in those specific areas because even though a real estate
area or a real estate market may be declining in a specific area, if the
economy in that area is increasing, if people are moving into it and businesses
is improving, you know, if population is growing, that
can be some great indicators that although it may be declining right now,
it will probably bounce back up, right. So there's things that you want to be aware
of so my recommendation would be, do some research, get in where you can, find out
what markets you're in and I think more than all anything, regardless of what the
markets are doing, if you get into a property and it has a good equity
position and if you get into a property in cash flow starting day one, you're
already building in some great fail-safes that can keep you above the
market even if the market declines a little bit that can keep you safe even
when things are turbulent a little bit around you so that would be my big
recommendation is, do some research, get moving, take some steps and get outside
the box. Maybe after your research you realized, man, I want to do some real
estate in America. Come on, there are so many people that are doing real estate
in America from other countries, it's crazy to me to see how many people are
reaching out to us from all around the world right now saying, hey, we want to
get involved in real estate in your backyard and I say, hey, if that's what
you want to do, if that's what you feel is your next step,
then come and come enjoy this, alright. Go and find out how that could
work for you and I will say this, you know, if
you are interested in finding out from our team what that might look like then
you know click the link here or in the in the description below, click the link
and talk to one of our team, see if there's something that we can do to help
you start doing real estate today, get outside of the fear of what's may be
holding you back and start making some really good steps to just start crushing
it in real estate so with that everyone have a fantastic day. We'll see you later.