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  • In the mid-1970's, Erno Rubik invented the Rubik's cube.

    1970 年代中頃、エルネー・ルビクがルービックキューブを発明しました。

  • But that doesn't mean knew how to solve it.


  • It took him a few months to figure it out.


  • By the time the first World Rubik's Cube Championships were held in 1982, the winner - he could solve the cube in a little less than 23 seconds.

    1982 年に初のルービックキューブの世界大会が開かれるまでに、優勝者は、23 秒弱でキューブを完成させることができました。

  • And these days? (news montage of Collin's record)


  • This is world record holder Collin Burns, and today, we find out how he did it.


  • It could last another week; it could last another few years.


  • The previous record lasted for just over 2 years.


  • But with...especially with single solve, you just need to get lucky.


  • Or at least that's a big part of it.


  • Collin tends to downplay his skills but it's worth noting there are two types of world records.

    コリンは自分のスキルを控えめに語っていますが、まず私たちは世界記録には 2 種類あることを知っておくべきで

  • The way speedcubing competitions work is that volunteers scramble the cubes according to instructions that are generated by a computer, so competitors all get the same scramble.


  • They do 5 solves and their three middle scores are averaged.

    それを5回解き、そのうちタイムが中間であった 3 回の記録が平均に出されます。

  • So Collin holds the world record for a single solve.

    つまり、コリンが保持するシングルソーブの記録とは、キューブを1 回のみ解く記録のことです。

  • But the world record for an average score is held by a 19-year-old in Australia.

    一方で、平均記録の世界記録保持者は 19 歳のオーストラリア人です。

  • Still, Collin's record is a huge deal.


  • At the competition where we met up with him, kids were asking him for his autograph.


  • Are you that famous cube guy?


  • He's now being sponsored by a cube company and by a cube retailer, which are paying for him to travel internationally.


  • And he wants people to know, you could do this too.


  • The biggest misconception about cubing is that it's difficult, which it really isn't.


  • Pop culture treats the Rubik's cube like some sort of IQ test, but it's not.

    ポップカルチャーはルービックキューブを IQ テストのように扱いますが、実際そうではありません。

  • At least not anymore.


  • I recently bought a cube online and it came with instructions for beginners.


  • And if you memorize those, you can solve the cube in a couple minutes.


  • It helps to understand the design of the puzzle.


  • At first glance, it looks's a cube made out of cubesright, three layers of nine.

    一見すると、いくつものキューブで構成されたキューブに見えますね。9 つのキューブが 3 列。

  • But if you look closer, you'll see there aren't actually any cubes here.

    しかし、よく見ると、キューブは 1 つもないのです。

  • So that tells you that the corners will always be corners, the edges will always be edges, and the middle pieces determine the color of that face.


  • Speedcubers will buy special cubes.


  • They can lubricate them and adjust the tension.


  • But the real key to their speed is efficiency.


  • They're looking several moves ahead, and they use fewer moves to get the same result.


  • So there are 43 quintillion possible arrangements for the cube.

    だから、キューブ一つには 43 京通りの組み合わせがあるのです。

  • A few years back, some researchers borrowed computing power from Google to find out that any scramble can be solved in 20 moves or less.

    数年前、ある研究者たちは Google の計算能力を借り、キューブがどんな組み合わせであっても 20回の動きで解くことができることがわかりました。

  • They call it God's Number.


  • But humans just aren't that good.


  • The beginners' method that I learned uses 100 to 200 moves.

    私が学んだ初級者のメソッドは 100 から 200 回の動きを伴います。

  • Speedcubers use more around 50 to 60 moves.

    スピードキューバーたちは、50 から 60 回の動きで解きます。

  • And they can do that, in part, because of the knowledge gained by the previous generation of speedcubers.


  • When the cube first spread around the world back in the 80s, people had to learn through trial and error.

    キューブが 80 年代に世界に広まった時、人々は試行錯誤を通して学ばなければなりませんでした。

  • This was happening in a lot of math departments and campus clubs.


  • People were discovering the cube at the same time, and they were sharing what they learned.


  • The method that Collin uses was developed by Jessica Fridrich.


  • She's an engineering professor who was a college student at the time.


  • It starts with a cross on one of the faces.


  • And that face becomes the bottom layer.


  • Then what they do is solve the corners of the bottom layer and the middle layer simultaneously.


  • So, you can see now that all of this is solved.


  • And for the final layer, they're choosing from dozens of algorithms that they've memorized.


  • And those are sequences of moves that will mess up the cube temporarily to move certain pieces into place.


  • And then put the rest of the cube back where it was.


  • The Rubik's cube has made a comeback in recent years along with that same ethic of sharing tips and strategies.


  • So all of resources you need are there.


  • There's just one other thing.

    もう 1 つ欠かせないものがあります。

  • Practice!


  • This is Collin nearly 5 years ago.

    こちらは 5 年近く前のコリンの様子です。

  • World records are not built in a day.

    世界記録は 1 日では築かれません。

In the mid-1970's, Erno Rubik invented the Rubik's cube.

1970 年代中頃、エルネー・ルビクがルービックキューブを発明しました。

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