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  • It's AumSum Time

  • Can you guess the title of my next video?

  • Hurry up.

  • Write your guess in the comments section below.

  • How do we know that our stomach is full?

  • Usually, our stomach and brain are constantly communicating with each other.

  • With the help of hormones and nerves.

  • So, when our stomach is empty and the glucose level in our blood is low.

  • The stomach produces a hormone called ghrelin.

  • Ghrelin generally travels to the brain through blood and informs the brain that we need to eat and thus, we feel hungry.

  • Now, when we eat food to satisfy our hunger, the food enters our stomach, causing its walls to stretch and expand.

  • When this happens.

  • The nerves on the stomach walls detect the expansion and tell the brain that our stomach is full and our hunger is satisfied.

  • However, our stomach also expands when we drink a lot of water.

  • But in this case, our hunger is not satisfied.

  • Do you know why?

  • This is because there is one more method by which our brain can identify whether we are eating food or just drinking water.

  • Can you guess what that method is?

  • Alright.

  • I'll tell you.

  • As mentioned earlier, our stomach and brain constantly communicate with each other with the help of hormones.

  • One of these hormones is cholecystokinin.

  • When we begin to eat.

  • Nutrients in food stimulate the release of cholecystokinin which eventually enters the bloodstream.

  • It is the presence of this cholecystokinin in the blood.

  • Which informs the brain that we are eating food and not just drinking water.

  • Now, as we eat more food, more cholecystokinin is released.

  • Informing our brain that our stomach is getting full with food.

  • Thus, the brain needs to suppress the desire to eat.

  • Last but not least, did you know that boiled potatoes are the most hunger satisfying foods.

  • So, next time if you are hungry try them and find out the truth.

  • Why can't we tickle ourselves?

  • Because we are lazy.

  • No.

  • Areas that are more prone to getting tickled are our vulnerable areas like neck, stomach and armpits.

  • Yes.

  • You are right.

  • Some researchers suggest that laughing on getting tickled by others could be a defense mechanism.

  • It has evolved over the years when touched suddenly in vulnerable areas.

  • This laughter could either be a way to laugh out of a tense situation.

  • Or to show submission to the person tickling you to stop further tickles.

  • Now, when we tickle ourselves, our brain is programmed in such a way that it predicts.

  • Recognizes our own movements.

  • It knows where our hands can reach.

  • There is no element of surprise or threat, even if touched in vulnerable areas.

  • Hence, we can't tickle ourselves.

  • Why do dogs lick their wounds?

  • Dogs including animals like cats, chimpanzees, rodents, etc. don't have access to a proper medical treatment.

  • Hence, a little licking helps to heal and clean the wound.

  • What?

  • But how?

  • When dogs lick, they apply saliva on their wounds.

  • This saliva has antiviral and antibacterial compounds like an enzyme called lysozyme.

  • Lysozyme destroys cell walls of certain bacteria and helps kill them, thus preventing infection.

  • The saliva also contains a protein called tissue factor which promotes blood clotting and thus stops bleeding.

  • Besides this, licking also removes dirt from the wound.

  • So, dogs should always lick their wounds.

  • No.

  • Excess licking is not beneficial.

  • This is because a dog's saliva can also contain harmful pathogens.

  • They could aggravate the wound and make it more painful.

  • Hence, now a days, dogs are made to wear an Elizabethan collar to prevent them from licking.

  • How do x-rays work?

  • It's confidential.

  • No.

  • X-rays are very high energy waves.

  • They were accidentally discovered by a physicist named Wilhelmntgen.

  • As he did not know what they were, he named them ''X-rays''.

  • X-rays can pass through many objects but if an object's density is more, then these rays get absorbed and don't pass.

  • Due to this property, X-rays are used to detect fractures, tumors, etc.

  • To detect a fracture, x-rays are passed through our body which then hit an x-ray detector or a photographic film.

  • Now, since our tissues are not dense enough, much of the x-rays pass through them and get detected by the film.

  • Thus casting a dark or grey shadow on the film.

  • But as the bones are much denser, the rays get absorbed and hence, the bones appear white on the film.

  • This allows doctors to have a look at the structure of bones and thus, spot the fracture.

  • Topic: Oxidation.

  • Why do papers turn yellow?

  • They really do.

  • You don't believe me?

  • Alright.

  • Then why don't you spray some oxygen on the papers?

  • See, I was correct.

  • Do you know why this happens?

  • This happens mainly because of oxidation.

  • Oxidation is a chemical process in which a substance combines with oxygen.

  • Now, paper is primarily made up of wood.

  • Wood is made up of cellulose and lignin.

  • Now, these two components which are present in paper are susceptible to oxidation.

  • i.e., when they are exposed to air, they are likely to combine with oxygen.

  • Causing the color of paper to change from white to yellow.

  • But did you know that newspapers turn yellow relatively quickly as compared to books?

  • This is because there is more lignin in newspapers than in papers made for books.

  • Lignin is more susceptible to oxidation as compared to cellulose.

  • Hence, newspapers turn yellow faster than papers of books.

It's AumSum Time


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お腹がいっぱいだとわかる方法とは?| お腹がいっぱいだということをどうやって知るのか? (How do we know that our Stomach is Full? | #aumsum)

  • 53 4
    AumSum に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日