字幕表 動画を再生する
It's 3 in the morning in The Mecca
メッカ 午前3時
and this is about as quiet as it gets
Hajj is the largest annual pilgrimage in The World.
It happens in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
ハッジは 世界最大級の 巡礼儀式だ
and for Muslims it's a requirment that you have to do once in your lifetime
イスラム教徒にとっては 一生に一度の務め
The Saudi government estimated that last year
サウジ政府は 巡礼者数をー
there were over 3 million pilgrims who attended
300万人以上と発表 実際はもっと多い
but the unofficial number is much higher
パキスタン出身の オレの両親がー
My parents are originally from Lahora, Pakistan
2010年に 初の巡礼を決意
They are practicing Muslims
【バイス創設者 サルーシュ】 オレも興味があって 同行した
And, last year they decided it was time for them to perform Hujj.
初の巡礼で 取材する気はなかったがー
So, I went with them to help them with their journey
小型カメラを忍ばせ 撮影禁止の聖地をこっそり撮った
But, also for myself as well.
これが その秘蔵映像だ
It was the first time for all of us
NYから約10時間で メディナに到着
and I didn't go thinking I was gonna make a VBS documentary
そこで6日間滞在し 心の準備を
I just took the smallest camera we had in the office
【サウジアラビア メディナ】 イスラム支配の前ー
and literally shot from the hip. You're not allowed to shoot in most of the holy places
ここは ラクダで砂漠を 渡る人の 休憩所だった
So, this is the footage I managed to sneak out.
We flew out on Saudi Arabian Airlines. It was about a 10 hour flight.
街の役割は 今も同じだが ラクダは少なくなった
from JFK to Medina
【預言者モスク】 街には美しいモスクがある
Where we spent 6 days getting mentally prepared
for the Hujj that we were about to embark on.
ここでは6日間 1日5回 モスクでー
[MEDINA, SAUDI ARABIA] In Pre-islamic times, Medina was a place
where the travelers who were crossing the desert
70万人を収容できる モスクだがー
in camel caravans would come to rest
金曜礼拝は 満員だった
It was kind of like a desert oasis.
メッカに行くフライトは風変わりで 搭乗前に身を清めー
In modern times it's kind of the same thing, but less camels
全員 縫い目のない 白い巡礼服に 着替えなくちゃならない
and more shopping malls and hotels.
身分を表すものを 捨てることでー
There's also a stunning mosque there
誰もが皆 同等になるのだ
called The Prophets Masjid
階級の差は消え 布を着た ただの人となる
Which is the 2nd holiest site in Islam
この状態をイフラームといい 他にも決まりがある
When you're there, you're basically just go to the mosque
喫煙 性行為 ひげそり 爪切りなど 禁止事項は多い
five times a day for six days straight
巡礼用のチャーター機に乗り 離陸10分後ー
to get into meditative state
The mosque is huge. It holds almost 700,000 people.
聖域に入ったら 祈らなければならない
And when we were there for the Friday prayer
ツアーガイドが マイクで祈り始めるとー
it was pretty much full
Flying to Mecca from Medina was really interesting
オレは 白いローブ姿の女や ひげ面の男を見て ふと思った
Before we went to the airport, we cleansed ourselves in a very specific way
we had to put on a white seamless garment made out of terry cloth
ジハードを掲げる狂信者と 思うだろう
that all the pilgrims have to wear
聖なる旅に出た ただの巡礼者なのに
it's a renunciation of the life that you come from
it's supposed to put everyone on the same level
乗務員が全員 制服姿の フィリピン人だったことだ
There's no upper class or lower class.
Everyone's the same- it's just you in the sheet and that's it.
街へは バスで入る
This is called getting into a state of eran
こんなワイルドな光景は 見たことがない
Besides the clothes, there are a lot of other rules.
世界中から来た巡礼者と車が ごった返してる
You can't smoke, you can't have sex, you can't shave. You can't cut your nails
and there are a bunch of other no no's
屋根を飛び移る人も 皆メッカを目指してるんだ
So, we got on this charter just for the pilgrims
普段のメッカは 比較的のんびりした街だ
ten minutes after the plane took off from Medina
だが ハッジの期間は 様変わりする
the captain announced that we flown over a designation point
ハッジ達成の秘訣は 計画どおりに動くこと
and we were in the zone near Mecca
そして 同じ行動をする 300万人に負けないことだ
we all had to start reciting a prayer
オレたちは ホテルに着くと 歩いて聖モスクに向かった
our group guide got onto the loud speaker system of the airplane
【聖モスク】 ここはイスラム最大の聖地
and started yelling the prayer- everyone started chanting it
この巨大な建物には 屋内と屋外を合わせてー
I had a moment where I looked around
and saw all these men and women in the white robes- men with their beards
ハッジの期間には 世界最大規模の集会となりー
and just thought: if someone from the west could see us right now
世界中の人々が 聖モスクに 向かって祈る
they'd think we were a bunch of fanatical jihadis
誰もが憧れてきた地だ 近づくにつれ 期待が高まる
on some kind of an insa ne mission
モスクに入ると カーバ神殿が見えた
when in reality, it's just pilgrims who decided to go on a
中央の黒い箱が カーバだ
a spiritual quest
紀元前2000年頃に建てられ 多神教者の礼拝所だったがー
I think what was most odd about this flight
後に 預言者ムハンマドが カーバに置かれた偶像を排除
were the flight attendants who were all filipino- wearing
their normal Saudi flight attendant outfits
聖モスクでは 最初の儀式〝タワーフ〟を行う
looking like they would rather have any other gig in The World than this one.
カーバの周りを 反時計回りに 7周する儀式だ
We landed in Jeddah and took a bus into Mecca
そこはまるで 満杯のコンサート会場
That ride into the city was one of the wilder scenes I've ever seen in my life.
でも 周りはパンク野郎じゃなく 乱暴な南アジア人の婆さんらだ
There were all these pilgrims coming from all directions
All kinds of vehicles
支え合いながら 神殿を7周回った
You see them riding on the tops of cars and vans and buses
カーバには 霊的な力を感じる
I remember seeing a pilgrim jumping from the roof of one bus to another
だが そんな気分も 上を見ると台無しだ
and he's just trying to get to the city
部屋から祈りたい金持ちのための 高級ホテルが並んでる
Mecca is not a very big city
カーバのあとも やるべき儀式は続く
during the year it's a relatively mellow place
except during the week of Hujj
リストを作り 戦略を立てなきゃ 達成できない
The city completely transforms
次は 丘の間を走る サアイという儀式をこなす
Half the challenge of completing your Hujj
is getting all these rituals done
今じゃ2つの 長い廊下になってる
in a very strict timeline
今度は 預言者が 最後の説教をした アラファ山へ
and dealing with the fact that there are about 300 million other people there
ここで1日 黙想を
to try and do the exact same thing at the same time
神に罪の許しを請う 大事な時間だ
After we checked into our hotel in Mecca
オレは テントで過ごしたあと 山のほうに行ってみた
we walked towards the grand mosque which is also known as the
そこら中に動物を連れて 野営する人々がいる
[MASJID AL-HARAM: THE GRAND MOSQUE] Masjid Al-Haram. It's the holiest place in Islam
山の近くに来ると すごい光景が見えた
[MASJID AL-HARAM: THE GRAND MOSQUE] and it's a massive structure
そこは巡礼者で 雪山のようだった
[MASJID AL-HARAM: THE GRAND MOSQUE] this mosque can hold upwards of 4 million people
旅の前に渡されたツアー案内に こう書いてあった
[MASJID AL-HARAM: THE GRAND MOSQUE] with its outdoor and indoor space
「耐えなさい ひたすら忍耐強くありなさい」
during Hujj, it's technically the largest gathering of people in The World
この意味を 3キロの距離を 8時間バスに揺られー
at any given time
This mosque is what muslims pray towards from all over The World.
真夜中 ムズダリファという所で 石拾いの儀式をする
As you're walking towards it- you feel the anticipation build
オレたちは バスを降り 地面で寝ている人の間を歩いた
people have been waiting their whole lives to come to this place
石を見つけたら 礼拝をする時間
once you enter the mosque, you see the kaaba
ラグを道路の脇に広げ お祈りを開始
The kaaba is a black box in the center of the grand mosque
オレの両親だ 道路の横で祈ってる
it was built around 2,000 BC
people have been praying towards it since before Islam started
When Mohammad finally showed up
he cleaned up the place. Got rid of all the idols the pagans had been worshipping
ある意味 きれいな風景だ
and reordained the building as The House of God
石を拾ったあとは 再びバスで ミナーへ
So, in the grand mosque we had to do our first ritual
which is called the toaf
人の数は1週間で 60万人以上に達するがー
which is basically doing seven counter clockwise laps around the kaaba
It's kind of like being in a moshpit with hundreds of thousands of people
But, instead of it being full of angry young punk kids
ミナーに到着し ここで石投げの儀式を
we were up against aggressive, pushy bangladeshi grandmothers
I had my parents on each arm interlocked
3つある悪魔の石投げ場に 7個ずつ石を投げる
and we held each other as we went around the structure seven times.
Staring at the kaaba
数年前まで悪魔は 穴に立てた柱だったがー
it's a very intense and heavy vibe
人が殺到し 死者が出た
but the one thing that's a total bummer is, you look up
そこで サウジ政府は 広い歩道橋を造りー
and all you see are these
悪魔を表す柱を 3本設置した
massive luxury five star hotels for the super rich muslims
柱は 緑色の光が当てられ 変わった低い音を立てる
who want to pray from the confines of their room.
おかげで悪魔は かなりシュールな印象だ
After running around the kaaba seven times
ハッジ終了前に いくつか儀式を繰り返す
you have to do a bunch of other rituals before completing your Hujj.
悪魔にあと2回 石を投げー
You have five days to get it done, and it's kind of like being
メッカに戻って またカーバを7周した
You have a checklist, you have to be smart, and you have to use strategy in order to make this happen on schedule.
そしてハッジの最後を飾る 犠牲祭を迎える
You have to do the sai
イフラームの制限から解放され お祝いに動物を捧げる
Which is walking an running back and forth between two hills
Back in the day it used to be outdoors. And now it's been turned into
床屋の前に 長蛇の列が
an indoor structure with two very, very long corridors
You have to spend a day at mount arafat
メッカの床屋は どこも大行列
It's where the prophet delivered his last sermon from.
何十万もの坊主が 歩いてる
You spend the day in prayer and contemplation
and you beg for forgiveness for all of your sins.
ハッジ対策は サウジ政府にとって 重要課題であるためー
It's a very important day.
And after spending the majority of it in a tent
過去には 橋が崩壊し 巡礼者が死亡する事故があった
I walked out and went into the direction of the mountain
政府は大金をつぎ込んで インフラ整備を行いー
I walked through this wild scene with people everywhere
camped out with their animals
オレが行った時は かろうじて問題はなかった
As I got closer to Mount Arafat
だが 300万人も 狭い場所に集まればー
it was such an incredible sight
because it had been completely transformed
これだけ多くの人がいれば 手を焼くのは仕方ない
and looked like a snow covered peak
どんなに政府が 問題に取り組んでもー
Our tour group operator before we went on this trip gave us some guidelines
結局 人が多すぎるのだ
and the last point on this sheet said
Be patient, be very patient, be very very patient.
I fully grasped the meaning of this
貧しい人は 何日もずっと 道端で野宿してる
when we had to take a three kilometer bus ride
メッカは もうパンク寸前
and it ended up taking eight hours
It was the middle of night and we had to collect stones
使命を終えたあなた方は この世で最も幸福です
it was one of our rituals in a place called Muslifa
あなたは生まれ変わり 罪は許されました
We got off the bus and navigated our way
around sleeping bodies all over the ground
出身も仕事も 貧富も関係なくー
found the stones and then it was time to pray
巡礼中は 誰もが平等に思えた
and so we just threw the prayer rugs down on the side of the highway
こんな経験をしたのは 初めてだ
and hit the mats.
After picking up the stones we got back on the bus
両親もいたのに なぜか孤独を感じた
and drove to Mina
旅の間 日常は はるか遠くに感じられた
The valley of Mina is where the majority of the pilgrims stay.
朝 NYに到着してー
It's a tense city
すぐにバイスへ出社したのは 間違いだった
That fills up with the population of Seattle for a week
and after Hujj ends, it clears out again and goes away
字幕翻訳 日本映像翻訳アカデミー 字幕監修 大石レナ
It's tents as far as the eye can see.
We arrived in Mina, and that's where we had to
stone satan- that's the next ritual
this one was actually a lot of fun
We had to throw twenty-one stones
seven at three separate satan stoning stations
and I finally got to see what satan looks like
Up until a couple years ago
Satan looked like three large pillars
sticking up out of a large pit.
But, the space wasn't big enough
and there was a stampede and people died
so the Saudi government
They built three ramps the size of a mulit-lane highway
and there were three pillars inside of it that represent the devil.
They're lit in shades of green
and there's a strange rumbling loud sound coming out of them.
As my Dad pointed out- the whole thing made satan seem quit surreal
Before we finished the Hujj
We had to repeat some of the rituals that we'd already done.
We had to revisit satan
Throw rocks at him two more times
We had to go back to Mecca from Mina
And do another seven counter clockwise laps.
Then it was time for Eid
which marks the official end of Hujj
and is a big celebration.
It's the end of the state of eran that we've been in
and we slaughter an animal to celebrate it
And then the last thing you do
is, you shave your head.
This is the line for the barbershop
This is the line
Soon they will all be bald- all of these men.
The barbershops in Mecca have these massive lines outside of them
and you see
Hundreds of thousands of baldos walking around town.
Those people have all succeeded in completing their Hujj .
Dealing with the Hujj every year is a huge
legistial challenge for the Saudi Government.
So they sat up a ministy of H ujj
In the past, there have been incidences
where pilgrims were trampled, when ramps collapsed, and pilgrims died.
The Saudi govt. has invested billions of dollars
to create an infrastructure to make this work
with complex crowd-control techniques
What I saw when I went last year
was something that somehow manages to work.
But, it kind of goes without saying bringing 3 million people
to such a small place
is going to bring up some complications
There's a bit of a dark side
This many people in such a small place
it really gets unwieldy.
Despite the saudi govt's best efforts to deal with this profound
logistical challenge
The bottom line is that there are too manhy people.
And people need things
They need places to sleep.
They need food.
They need toilets.
The poor people that are there- you see them camped out on the side of the road.
For days on end.
It really felt like Mecca was maxing out by the end of Hujj.
The whole scene starts looking and feeling rather apocolyptic.
No matter where all these people come from
No matter what they do or how rich or poor they might be
During this pilgrimage to Mecca, I felt like everyone was just the same.
It was unlike any place I've ever been
or unlike anything I've ever experienced.
I was there standing amongst millions of people
I was there with my family.
On some level I felt like I was all alone.
On a personal trek
Everyday life felt like it was hundreds of thousands of miles away
We flew back to NY, we landed in the morning
And I went straight back to the Vice offices
Which may not have been the wisest of ideas
I felt like I had been catapulted from one end of the universe to the other.