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審査済み この字幕は審査済みです
  • In 1992, a cargo ship carrying bath toys got caught in a storm.

    1992年おもちゃを積んだコンテナ船が 嵐にあいました。

  • Shipping containers washed overboard, and the waves swept 28,000 rubber ducks and other toys into the North Pacific.

    積んでいたコンテナは海に落ちゴム製のアヒル2万8千個などの おもちゃは北太平洋の波にさらわれました。

  • But they didn't stick together.


  • Quite the opposite, the ducks have since washed up all over the world, and researchers have used their paths to chart a better understanding of ocean currents.


  • Ocean currents are driven by a range of sources: the wind, tides, changes in water density, and the rotation of the Earth.

    海流が生じる原因はさまざまで風や潮 海水密度の違い地球の自転などが関係しています。

  • The topography of the ocean floor and the shoreline modifies those motions, causing currents to speed up, slow down, or change direction.


  • Ocean currents fall into two main categories: surface currents and deep ocean currents.


  • Surface currents control the motion of the top 10 percent of the ocean's water, while deep-ocean currents mobilize the other 90 percent.

    表層流は海面から およそ10パーセントまでの深さで起き深層流は 残り90パーセントの深さで起きます。

  • Though they have different causes, surface and deep ocean currents influence each other in an intricate dance that keeps the entire ocean moving.

    表層流と深層流は 起きる原因は違いますが おたがいに影響して海洋全体に複雑な流れを生みだします。

  • Near the shore, surface currents are driven by both the wind and tides, which draw water back and forth as the water level falls and rises.

    海岸近くでは、表層流は 風と潮の力によって海面の上下とともに 海水が前後することで生じます。

  • Meanwhile, in the open ocean, wind is the major force behind surface currents.


  • As wind blows over the ocean, it drags the top layers of water along with it.


  • That moving water pulls on the layers underneath, and those pull on the ones beneath them.

    この層の動きが さらに下の層の水を動かします

  • In fact, water as deep as 400 meters is still affected by the wind at the ocean's surface.

    なんと 海面から400メートルの深さでさえ海上を吹く風の影響を受けるのです。

  • If you zoom out to look at the patterns of surface currents all over the earth, you'll see that they form big loops called gyres, which travel clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

    ズームアウトして 海流を地球規模で見わたしてみましょう海流が大きな円をえがき 「環流」を作っているのがわかります。環流は北半球では時計まわりの円をえがき南半球では反時計まわりの円をえがきます。

  • That's because of the way the Earth's rotation affects the wind patterns that give rise to these currents.


  • If the earth didn't rotate, air and water would simply move back and forth between low pressure at the equator and high pressure at the poles.

    もし地球が自転しなければ 空気も水も気圧の低い赤道と気圧の高い南極・北極のあいだを 行き来するだけです。

  • But as the earth spins, air moving from the equator to the North Pole is deflected eastward, and air moving back down is deflected westward.


  • The mirror image happens in the southern hemisphere, so that the major streams of wind form loop-like patterns around the ocean basins.

    南半球ではこれと反対になりますそのため 主な風の流れは大洋上で 大きなループをえがきます。

  • This is called the Coriolis Effect.


  • The winds push the ocean beneath them into the same rotating gyres.

    この風によって環流も 円をえがいて流れるのです。

  • And because water holds onto heat more effectively than air, these currents help redistribute warmth around the globe.


  • Unlike surface currents, deep ocean currents are driven primarily by changes in the density of seawater.

    深層流は表層流と異なり主に海水密度の違いによって 生み出されます。

  • As water moves towards the North Pole, it gets colder.


  • It also has a higher concentration of salt, because the ice crystals that form trap water while leaving salt behind.

    水中の塩分も濃くなります。水だけが氷となり 塩分は海水中に残るからです。

  • This cold, salty water is more dense, so it sinks, and warmer surface water takes its place, setting up a vertical current called thermohaline circulation.

    冷たく塩分を多く含む水は 密度が高いため下にしずみ上には温かい水が流れこみます、この上下の流れは 「熱塩循環」と呼ばれます

  • Thermohaline circulation of deep water and wind-driven surface currents combine to form a winding loop called the Global Conveyor Belt.

    熱塩循環は 風が起こす表層流といっしょになって地球をかけめぐる 「海洋大循環」をつくります。

  • As water moves from the depths of the ocean to the surface, it carries nutrients that nourish the microorganisms, which form the base of many ocean food chains.

    海水は深海から海面へとのぼっていくとき食物連鎖の底辺にある微生物にとって 必要な栄養分を運んでいきます。

  • The global conveyor belt is the longest current in the world, snaking all around the globe.

    海洋大循環は もっとも長い海流で世界中の海をかけめぐりますが

  • But it only moves a few centimeters per second.

    毎秒2~3センチメートルしか 動きません。

  • It could take a drop of water a thousand years to make the full trip.

    1滴の水がひとめぐりするのに 1千年かかることもあります

  • However, rising sea temperatures are causing the conveyor belt to seemingly slow down.


  • Models show this causing havoc with weather systems on both sides of the Atlantic, and no one knows what would happen if it continues to slow or if it stopped altogether.

    モデルによると このことが気候システムに影響し大西洋の両岸に 被害をもたらしているようです。

  • The only way we'll be able to forecast correctly and prepare accordingly will be to continue to study currents and the powerful forces that shape them.

    減速がすすみ流れが止まったらどうなるかは誰にもわかりません。正しく予測し対策をたてるには 海流の研究と海流を起こす力の研究を続けるしか 方法はないのです。

In 1992, a cargo ship carrying bath toys got caught in a storm.

1992年おもちゃを積んだコンテナ船が 嵐にあいました。

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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