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  • It's AumSum Time

  • Hi guys.

  • Can you guess the title of my next video?

  • Hurry up.

  • Write your guess in the comments section below.

  • Is sleeping in Contact Lenses bad?

  • Not at all.

  • They help us see our dreams more clearly.

  • Stop bluffing.

  • Contact lenses act like a sponge and absorb the moisture present in our eyes.

  • They even trap bacteria.

  • So, wearing them for too long, failing to clean them periodically.

  • Sleeping in them can cause excessive dryness and even eye infection.

  • In addition to this, unlike other parts of our body.

  • The cornea of our eye receives oxygen from the surrounding air and not from blood vessels.

  • Now, when we wear contact lenses during the day, it reduces the oxygen supply to the cornea.

  • But when we wear them while sleeping also, it further reduces the oxygen supply to the cornea.

  • Hence, to satisfy the oxygen need, tiny blood vessels grow in the cornea, thus causing blurred vision.

  • Why do our fingers get wrinkly?

  • Because they want to look like raisins.

  • No.

  • A popular research suggests that wrinkly fingers are a reaction of our nervous system.

  • When our fingers are in water for a long time.

  • Our nervous system causes the blood vessels present in the deeper layers of our skin to constrict.

  • This in turn causes the deeper layers to shrink or contract.

  • But as the topmost layer does not shrink, it becomes loose thus, forming small folds or wrinkles.

  • But why does this happen?

  • Scientists suggest that this could be an evolutionary adaptation.

  • Wrinkly fingers help in getting a better grip to pick up wet objects.

  • Preventing them from slipping from our hands.

  • Even our feet get wrinkly, helping us to walk in water without slipping.

  • What if we stopped drinking water?

  • We will have to sell our water purifiers to scrap dealers.

  • You are unbelievable.

  • About 60% to 80% human body is water.

  • We need water for various purposes like digestion and excretion.

  • Water is also a major component of blood.

  • However, every day we lose about 2 to 3 liters of water through sweat, urine, breathing, etc.

  • Hence, to compensate the water loss, if we don't drink enough water, then we will get dehydrated.

  • During dehydration, our brain works harder than normal.

  • It informs kidneys to retain moisture, thus producing darker concentrated urine.

  • It reduces the production of saliva causing dry mouth.

  • Lack of water also causes our brain tissues to shrink.

  • We get headaches and feel nauseous.

  • Our energy levels drop and our skin becomes dry.

  • Besides this, chronic dehydration can lead to severe health problems and even death.

  • Topic: Lunar Eclipse

  • Why does the moon turn red?

  • To scare us.

  • No.

  • Moon does not have light of its own.

  • Why?

  • Didn't he pay the electricity bill.

  • Please listen.

  • Sunlight or white light is a mixture of visible colors.

  • Now, when the sunlight falls on the moon, it reflects all these visible colors equally.

  • Making the moon to mostly appear white.

  • However.

  • During a lunar eclipse when the earth is exactly between the sun and the moon, the moon appears red.

  • This happens because of the earth's atmosphere.

  • When the sunlight coming from the sun passes through the earth's atmosphere.

  • The earth's atmosphere scatters the colors of the sunlight having shorter wavelengths.

  • However, red color which has the longest wavelength is least scattered.

  • Hence, it makes its way to the moon, making it look red.

  • Are preservatives bad for you?

  • I don't know what they are.

  • So, they must be good for me.

  • No.

  • Wait, I'll explain.

  • A preservative is a substance added to foods, cosmetics, medicines, etc.

  • To prevent them from spoiling.

  • For example, preservatives like salt and sugar prevent the growth of harmful microbes in foods

  • Thus preventing them from spoiling.

  • However.

  • A high amount of salt and sugar can increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, etc.

  • Some food items even have preservatives like benzoic acid to inhibit the growth of harmful microbes.

  • But benzoic acid is said to cause hyperactivity in children, asthma, etc.

  • Sorbic acid which is used in cosmetics can cause skin irritation.

  • In people suffering from asthma, preservatives like sulfites can cause very serious problems.

  • Like difficulty in breathing, tightness in chest, etc.

  • Hence, it is very important to check the preservatives used and have them in moderate amounts.

It's AumSum Time


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

コンタクトレンズで寝るのは良くない?| 就寝中にコンタクトレンズをつけて寝るのは良くない? (Is sleeping in Contact Lenses bad? | #aumsum)

  • 13 2
    AumSum に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日