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The threat that technological innovation will
destroy more jobs than it creates has spurred
a wide variety of proposals for ensuring that
workers aren't left out in the cold.
One such proposal is universal basic income.
The idea is simple: citizens or permanent
residents receive a fixed sum of money, giving
them the security and flexibility to participate
in reskilling or higher education programs,
to start their own businesses, to engage in
less lucrative but socially valuable activities,
or simply to spend less time working.
As the so-called gig economy grows, and unions'
capacity to protect workers weakens, a UBI
would be a powerful economic stabilizer.
And, because it would be universal, a UBI
would lack the stigma or means-testing that
often weaken political support for existing
welfare programs.
The most obvious question is how to pay for it.
One option is taxation of corporate profits,
though any tax-based financing scheme would
almost certainly face powerful – and possibly
fatal – political resistance.
Another option, advanced by Yanis Varoufakis,
seeks to avoid this problem by giving the
public a share of returns on capital.
For example, a percentage of capital stock
(shares) from every initial public offering
could be channeled into a Commons Capital
Depository, with the dividends funding what
would amount to a universal income scheme.
But financing UBI is just the first step.
The concept challenges traditional ideas about
work, success, and human fulfillment.
On the right, critics worry that a UBI would
give rise to mass dependency, with a large
share of the population no longer bothering
to work, leading to a drop in labor supply
and falling productivity.
Critics on the left, meanwhile, worry that
the UBI could be used as a Trojan horse for
cutting other social programs that are meant
to target disadvantaged groups.
In any case, UBI is not the only potential solution.
For example, in the United States, some advocate
the expansion of the earned income tax credit,
which benefits low-income workers based on
how many hours they work and children they
Some also advocate a guaranteed jobs program.
The federal government would guarantee employment,
with benefits and a living wage, to every
citizen or permanent resident willing and
able to work.
Among other things, a job guarantee, like
a UBI, would boost workers' negotiating
power throughout the economy by removing the
fear of unemployment.
None of these proposals has yet been implemented,
at least not on a scale large enough to assess
them properly.
And, for now, the political will to test bold
solutions is lacking in much of the world.
But with the specter of technological unemployment
closing in, governments may soon have no choice
but to test novel ideas.