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Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin.
どうもー!Life Noggin へようこそ。
The internet is pretty awesome, we know this.
It's what allowed my animator to create our wonderful Life Noggin universe!
こうやって Life Noggin の世界をアニメ化できるのも、インターネットのおかげですから!
But as cool as the internet can be, it can also connect people in bad, malicious ways.
It can be a place for hackers and data thieves to steal your personal information and then sell it to the highest bidder.
So that makes me wonder, just how valuable is your information?
The numbers vary between sources on a bunch of this stuff.
But your credit card details could be worth anywhere from say $5 to $15 or more depending on how complete the information is, while the login info to your favorite streaming service could go for about $10 to the right buyer.
クレジットカード情報は大体 5 ~ 15 ドルで、情報の充実度によって額は上下します。そしてストリーミングサービスへのログイン情報は 10 ドルほどで取引されるのが相場です。
Often times the more the information is tied to your financials, and the more it's something that you can't easily change, the more it's worth to internet thieves.
That's why your health record is a big one.
A report from the FBI back in 2014 said that cybercriminals could sell electronic health records, or EHRs, on the black market at a rate of about $50 per partial record.
2014 年の FBI の報告によると、EHR と呼ばれる電子医療記録はサイバーハッカーによって一部だけでも平均 50 ドルで闇市場で売りさばかれていたということです。
To see the scope of how much that can add up, they reported that in the first half of 2013, there were over two million health care records compromised — at least that they knew about.
それが積み重なってどれくらいの規模になるかというと、分かっているだけでも 2013 年前期だけでも 200 万件以上の医療記録が被害に遭ったということです。
It can be pretty difficult to know when there's a data breach in the healthcare space, often taking longer to identify than other types of hacking.
And these types of attacks are likely going to get even worse.
An expert on cyber security said that ransomware attacks on hospitals are estimated to have a fivefold increase by the year 2021 compared to what they were in 2018.
サイバー・セキュリティの専門家によると、医療施設へのランサムウェアによる攻撃頻度は 2018 年度に比べて 2021 年までには 5 倍にまで増加するとみられています。
Though it's not even just malicious hacking that you have to worry about.
A Protenus review of health data breaches in 2016 found that out of the 450 incidences that they found, only a little under 27% of them were from hacking.
Protenus が 2016 年に実施した医療データ侵害に関するレビューによると、明るみに出た 450 件の被害のうちハッキングによる被害はわずか 27 %以下にとどまっていたことが分かっています。
With a mix of wrongdoing and human error, insiders in the healthcare space were actually responsible for about 43% of the incidences.
違法行為や手違いも含め、医療業界内の人間が絡んだケース方が 43 %とはるかに多い数字となっているのです。
You can apply this same logic to your own personal devices — anyone who has physical access to your information can steal if it's not protected.
But how do actual hackers or scammers go about stealing your information?
Well, one way is through phishing.
Phishing is basically when a scammer uses fraudulent messages or copycat websites to get you to share valuable personal information or install things like ransomware on your devices that can lock you out of important files on your computer.
Ransomware is a type of malware, or "malicious software", which is a broad term for certain software that's was created to gain access to or damage your devices, usually without you knowing about it until it's too late.
Another big way for people to steal your info, and one that you might not be thinking about, is if you are ever using an insecure network, like a public wifi.
これ以外で他人の情報を盗む方法で、皆さんがあまり意識していないと思われるものは、公共 Wi-Fi などのセキュリティの弱いネットワークです。
Data that you send over this type of accessible connection is typically not secure or encrypted, which leaves you open to attacks.
To internet thieves, using a public wifi is kinda like getting rid of all the security at a bank.
ネット上で情報を盗む人間にとっては、公共 Wi-Fi を使うというのは銀行の金庫のセキュリティを全て解除しているようなものです。
So how much do you think your information worth? Let me know the price tag in the common section below.
Curious to know if someone could hack your body? Check out this video!
Implantable RFID chips are one of the most popular choices. These are commonly used in pets, but in humans, can be programmed to unlock doors or smartphnoes.
移植可能な RFID チップは頻繁に使われるほど人気ですが、通常ペットに使われることが多くなっています。それでも、人間に埋め込むことでドアやスマートフォンのロックを解除するのに使うこともできます。
As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin. Don't forget to keep on thinking.
いつものように、この Life Noggin は私ブロッコがお届けしました。皆さん、常に頭を働かせていましょうね。