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  • This machine is testing how chewy this fake meat burger is.


  • It's one of the many tests Beyond Meat puts its burgers through, but why?

    Beyond Meat は、このようにしてハンバーグに様々なテストをしていますが、それはどうしてでしょうか?

  • Alternative meat sales have increased across the globe.


  • The market is set to reach 6.3 billion in revenue by 2023.

    2023 年までには 63 億ドル規模にまで膨れ上がるとみられています。

  • UK-based company Quorn has been making meat substitutes since 1985, and it's on course to become a billion dollar company.

    イギリスの会社 Quorn は模造肉を 1985 年から製造しており、売り上げも 10 億ドル到達まで間近に迫ってきています。

  • Legacy meat brand are trying to get a slice of the pie, too.

    Legacy meat も、このトレンドの流れに乗ってきています。

  • Tyson Foods, the largest meat producer in the US, was part of a 55 million round of investment in Beyond Meat.

    そして、アメリカ最大の加工肉会社である Tyson Foods は、Beyond Meat に 550 億ドルの投資をつぎ込んでいます。

  • The reason for all this growth?


  • Flexitarians.


  • Or, those who seek protein alternatives.


  • In the United States, at least 6% of people consider themselves vegan.

    アメリカでは少なくとも全体の 6 %の人が自分は菜食主義だと考えています。

  • But in 2014, it was only 1%, and business is booming globally.

    しかし、2014 年にはその数はわずか 1 %でした。そして、世界的に見てもこの業界は急成長を遂げているのです。

  • The demand for vegan meat exploded by 451% in Europe.

    ヨーロッパでは菜食主義者用の代替肉の需要は 451 %も増加しています。

  • Another reason for the surge in meat alternatives is the environmental impact from greenhouse gases.


  • About a third of which, come from emissions from livestock.

    つまり、温暖化ガスのおよそ 3 分の 1 は家畜から排出されるものなのです。

  • Alternative meat companies are creating products to help dial back on meat consumption.


  • And by doing so, we're changing how we see meat.


  • Do you need an animal to produce a piece of meat and we've found that you really don't.


  • What you need is essentially four things; it's amino acids, it's lipids, it's trace minerals and it's predominantly water.

    絶対的に必要な要素は 4 つだけで、アミノ酸、脂質、微量ミネラル、そして大半は水分です。

  • What we can do is take those same core components from plants and assemble them through using heating, cooling and pressure into a piece of meat.


  • Brands like Beyond Meat say they don't want to be known as meat alternatives.

    Beyond Meat のようなブランドは、代替肉のメーカーとして知られることは望んでいません。

  • They're sold in the meat section at Whole Foods, and to them, what they're making is meat.

    同社の製品は Whole Foods の肉売り場で販売されていますし、あくまでも肉を製造しているという認識で

  • They create plant-based proteins using some of the same components that make up a slab of beef.


  • Even restaurants are breaking in to the alternative meat market.


  • Homegrown Smoker in Portland has an entirely vegan barbecue menu.

    ポートランドにある Homegrown Smoker のメニューは、全てが菜食主義の BBQ 料理です

  • With all these new types of alternatives popping up, what will be the future of the actual meat industry?


  • Well, it's not going anywhere.


  • Although the fake meat business is growing, the size of the US meat industry is still immense.


  • It costs the United States up to $289 billion a year.

    アメリカだけでも年間 2890 億ドルが動く業界ですし、

  • By 2050, that number could be as high as $1.6 trillion.

    2050 年までにはその数字は 1.6 兆ドルにまで増加すると見込まれています。

  • But, as the flexitarian demographic continues to grow.


  • It means, more cows might stay in the pasture.


This machine is testing how chewy this fake meat burger is.



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