字幕表 動画を再生する
Wait, the YouTube strike system is changing? Why?
Is this for copyright strikes or Community Guidelines strikes?
Is it true you now get an initial warning before you get penalised?
Hey, it's Matt from YouTube, back to help answer your burning questions.
マットです 皆さんの質問にお答えします
This time, around the latest changes
今回のトピックは コミュニティガイドライン違反警告です
to how we give strikes to channels that violate our Community Guidelines.
適用方法の変更について 質疑応答形式で説明します
Let me try to boil it down for you with some quick questions and answers.
So, what's changing with Community Guidelines strikes on YouTube?
2019年2月25日から 初回違反のみ ペナルティなしの事前警告を適用
Starting on 25 February 2019
there'll be a new one-time warning for your first violation
初回の違反の多くが偶発的なので 今回の変更を加えることにしました
with no penalties, except for the removal of that piece of content.
事前警告があればチャンネルに 影響が及ぶ前にポリシーの勉強ができます
We're making this change because we know a lot of first strikes are accidental
コンテンツの種類に関わらず 違反警告のペナルティが統一されます
people aren't purposely trying to break the rules
詳細なリソース、メール、通知で 最新の状況をお知らせします
they just haven't had time to review our policies.
A warning gives you a chance to pause and make sure you understand it
違反警告システム改善について 皆さんの意見を求めたところ
before there are any consequences to your channel.
ポリシーの明確性、適用の一貫性、 影響の透明性の不足が指摘されました
Another thing that's new is that all strikes will now have the same penalty
regardless of the type of content, like playlists, live streams and thumbnails.
And we'll have more detailed resources, emails and new notifications
初回の違反警告では YouTubeへの投稿が1週間停止されます
to keep you up to date on what's going on.
So, why did YouTube make changes to the Community Guidelines strike system?
2回目では2週間停止 90日以内に3回でチャンネルは削除されます
We've heard a lot of feedback from you
すでに違反警告があっても 事前警告をもらえる?
about how we can make the strike system work better.
新しいシステムになって1回目は すべて事前警告となります
You wanted clear explanations of our policies, consistent enforcement
違反警告が有効な間は投稿禁止って どういう意味?
and transparency about the impact of a strike on your channel.
These changes, and this video, are trying to do just that.
でも 動画、ライブ配信、ストーリー、 サムネイル、コミュニティの投稿はできません
What happens when I get a Community Guidelines strike?
After the warning, a first strike would result in a one-week temporary freeze
meaning you wouldn't be able to post any new content to YouTube.
Each strike will remain on your channel for 90 days before it expires.
有効な違反警告は クリエイターツールで確認できます
If it's your second strike, the freeze would be for two weeks.
著作権侵害の警告にも 事前警告はある?
If it's a third strike in a 90-day window, your channel would be terminated.
いいえ 著作権侵害には適用されません
If I have an existing strike on my channel, will I still get a one-time warning?
コミュニティガイドラインとは 異なるシステムで機能しています
Yeah, in the new system, everyone will receive a warning
the next time they violate the Community Guidelines.
著作権侵害による削除依頼があれば 法律に基づいて動画は削除され
What exactly does it mean not to be able to post anything
when I get a strike?
You can still comment in live chat, but you wouldn't be able to upload anything
including videos, live streams, Stories, custom thumbnails and Community posts.
事前警告後に 初めて違反警告を受けると アップロードもライブ配信も1週間停止されます
When do these changes go into effect?
This update starts on 25 February 2019.
It'll include clear emails and notifications to give you the details about the strike.
You can see if you have active strikes
in your YouTube Creator Studio.
ガイドライン違反がないとわかれば チャンネルから警告が解除されます
Do I get warnings for copyright strikes, too? Or is this only for Community Guidelines?
This is only for Community Guidelines, not copyright.
役に立ちましたか? 詳しくはヘルプセンターをご覧ください
Community Guidelines and copyright strikes are separate
ぜひチャンネル登録して チャンネルの成長に役立ててください
and they work off separate systems.
Community Guidelines are YouTube's own 'rules of the road'
for using our platform.
In the case of copyright violations, when we get a copyright takedown request
we take the upload down because we're required to by law.
Then we issue a copyright strike, even if it's the first time.
I'm a live streamer. Does the 90-day freeze on live streaming still exist?
We heard from lots of you that this was too harsh.
So we shortened the 90-day live stream restriction.
Now, following a warning, the first strike results in a one-week temporary freeze
on the ability to upload to YouTube, including live streams.
My warning or strike was incorrect. What can I do?
You can appeal, and our policy team will take another look.
See the link in the description of this video for more information on what to do.
What if I appeal and I'm right? Do you erase my strike?
Yeah, if we find that your video didn't violate Community Guidelines
we'll reinstate it, and remove the warning or strike from your channel.
You'll hear back via email as soon as we review your appeal.
I hope you found this helpful.
Learn more at our Help Centre, linked in the description of this video.
Make sure you subscribe to the official Creators channel
for updates and weekly videos on growing your channel.
Thanks for your time.