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Over two billion cups of coffee are consumed every day,
毎日、20 億杯以上のコーヒーが消費されています。そして、1 杯のコーヒーを作るだけにたくさんの人が関わっています。
and it takes a lot of people to make just one cup.
One man went on a quest to figure out what it's like to thank each and every one of them.
1 人の男が、その人たち 1 人ひとりに感謝を伝えることはどのようなことかを発見するために探求しました。
A.J. Jacobs is a writer who lives in New York City.
A.J. ジェイコブスは、ニューヨーク市に住む記者です。
Hi, I'm A.J.
どうも、私は A.J. です。
And he's the first to admit he can be a bit of a grouch.
My default state is grumpiness.
I am very good at noticing all the things that go wrong.
So, to make a change, he started giving thanks during dinner.
I would say "thank you" to everyone who helped make my meal.
Until one night.
My 10-year-old son was like, "You know, Dad, those people can't hear you."
10 歳の息子が「あのさ、お父さん、その人たちにお父さんの言葉が伝わらないよ」
"If you really cared, you would go and thank these people in person."
And that's when the light bulb went off.
He decided to hone in on something he knew he took for granted every day.
My morning cup of coffee.
Over the next 12 months, A.J. set out to thank every single person who had even the smallest role in his morning cup of joe.
その後 12 か月間、A.J.は彼のモーニングコーヒーを作るのに携わったちょっとした人にまで感謝を伝えようと動き出しました。
First, it was his local barista, the roaster, and the coffee shop sourcer.
Whenever I thanked one person, they would say, "Well, I couldn't do my job without this person."
1 人に感謝を伝える度に、「この人(ほかの人)なしでは私の仕事はできない」というのです。
So, one person led to another, led to another, led to another.
「なので 1 人がほかの人に、その人がまた別の人に、そしてまた別の人に繋がっていったのです。」
He ventured outside the city, and eventually the country.
I thanked the folks who provide electricity to the coffee shop,
the engineers who provide the water, the people who make the steel,
the farmer, and the importer, the truck driver,
the person who paved the road, even the woman who painted the yellow lines in the road so that my coffee beans could safely arrive at my coffee shop.
I remember I called the woman who does pest control for the warehouse and I said,
"I know this sounds strange, but I want to thank you for keeping the insects out of my coffee."
And she said, "Well, that does sound strange, but, thank YOU,
you know, I don't get a lot of appreciation in my job."
All in, A.J. ended up thanking over 1,000 different people,
そして、A.J は最終的に 1000 もの異なる人々に感謝を伝え、ほとんどの人が彼の感謝に嬉しく驚かれましたが、一番ためになったのは A.J. でした。
and while most were pleasantly surprised by his gratitude, it's A.J. who benefited the most.
The experience has made me grateful for the hundreds of things that go right every day as opposed to the three or four that go wrong.
この経験は、上手くいかない 3 、 4 つに対して、毎日上手くいく何百ものことに感謝することができました。
I tell my friends that they should try these gratitude trails themselves.
They could just be small gestures—looking someone in the eye, the cashier at the drugstore.
It could be sending a quick note to the designer of a logo you love.
I will tell you that it will make your life better.
It's changed the way I live my life.
[Great Big Story]