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  • Nintendo has been doing great in the past year.


  • The Nintendo Switch is the fastest-selling console of the current generation.


  • And Nintendo sold more games than any other publisher during 2018.


  • Six of the top-20-selling games in 2018 were actually Nintendo Switch exclusives.

    2018年の売上トップ20のうち、実は6本が Nintendo Switch の独占ゲームでした。

  • Compared to Sony and Microsoft who were trying to turn PlayStation and Xbox into large entertainment brands, Nintendo is focusing on making games more portable, accessible, and just plain fun with the Switch.

    ソニーとマイクロソフトが PlayStation と Xbox を大きなエンターテインメントブランドにしようとしたのに比べ、任天堂は Switch でゲームをよりポータブルに、より身近に、そしてただただ楽しくすることに注力しているのです。

  • Nintendo has always had a reputation for making great games, but the Wii U was a major misstep.

    任天堂はこれまで素晴らしいゲームを作ることに定評がありましたが、Wii U は大きな誤算でした。

  • The company has gotten back on its feet and back in the game with the Nintendo Switch.


  • Since March 2018, Nintendo has sold 8.7 million Switch consoles in the US.

    2018年3月以降、任天堂は米国で870万台の Switch 本体を販売しました。

  • And the company expects to sell 35 million worldwide by March 2019.


  • So why's the Switch selling so well?

    では、なぜ Switch は売れているのでしょうか?

  • Because it actually works.


  • You can hook it up to your TV at home.


  • And when you're ready, you can pick it up and take it to play on the go.


  • One of the biggest benefits the Switch has over the Wii U and the Wii is the larger digital library.

    Switch が Wii U や Wii と比較して持つ最大のメリットは、デジタルライブラリが充実していることです。

  • There are just so many games you can play on the Switch, your favorite, my favorite.

    Switch で遊べるゲームはたくさんあります。あなたのお気に入り、私のお気に入りです。

  • Nintendo has built a cast of iconic characters with games like "Super Mario," "The Legend of Zelda," the Pokémon franchise.


  • These characters have followed players across generations to different games, different consoles.


  • And this is no more apparent than in "Super Smash Bros. Ultimate," which is a megamash of Nintendo characters.

    そしてそれは、任天堂キャラクターのメガマッシュである『大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ Ultimate』ほど、顕著に表れています。

  • You've got Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Zelda, Samus, Luigi, Yoshi, Diddy Kong, Marth, Roy.


  • I mean, come on, that's the whole family right there.


  • This year is gonna bring some more cool Switch games too.

    今年は Switch のゲームももっとイケてるのが出てきそうですね。

  • Like "Super Mario Maker 2," "Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening," which is an awesome remake of a Game Boy classic.

    『スーパーマリオメーカー2』とか、『ゼルダの伝説 リンクの覚醒』とか、ゲームボーイの名作をすごい勢いでリメイクしていますね。

  • AndMarvel Ultimate Alliance 3,“ which is a Switch exclusive.

    そして、Switch 独占の『マーベル アルティメット アライアンス3』など。

  • I think that Reggie and the different marketing videos and silly demonstrations that they did really resonated with fans who were just as excited and crazy about the games.


  • Seeing an executive at the top just as excited about a new Pokémon game.


  • Not excited to sell you a new Pokémon game but excited about the Pokémon, was just fun, and that was important.


  • As it stands right now, the Switch has very little competition in the portable gaming space.

    現状では、Switch は携帯ゲーム機の分野ではほとんど競合がいません。

  • I think that a lot of their competitors are looking past what the Switch is right now and looking into streaming games and removing the need for a console or hardware entirely.

    多くの競合他社は、Switch が今あるものを見越して、ゲームのストリーミング配信や、ゲーム機やハードウェアを完全に不要にすることに目を向けていると思います。

  • But I think the Switch is going to stand out as a unique piece of hardware for a long time.

    でも、Switch は長くユニークなハードとして存在感を発揮すると思います。

  • There's still going to be an audience that wants what is essentially the Game Boy, the original handheld system that you can go around and play.


  • And it certainly won't hurt if you can bring it home and plug it up to your TV.


  • Given the success of the Switch, we'll have to wonder where Nintendo's going next.

    Switch の成功を考えると、任天堂が次にどこへ行くのか、気になるところです。

  • The company is still supporting software for its other handheld console, the 3DS, and that came out in February 2011.


  • So if that's any indication, the Nintendo Switch could be [around] for a very, very long time.

    ですから、これが何らかの指標になれば、Nintendo Switch は非常に、非常に長い間、(その周りに)存在し続けることができるのです。

  • With streaming and other technology getting off the ground, there will still be opportunities for Nintendo to get their games out.


  • On other consoles or platforms if they so choose, but so far the company seems pretty interested in protecting their own games.


  • So long as Nintendo can keep making great games for their iconic characters and delivering innovative hardware to their fans,


  • they're gonna be on top of the video game industry for years to come.


  • And now we have Bowser, president of Nintendo of America.


  • I don't know nothing about this man.


  • Nobody knows nothing about this man.


  • He's just a guy with the name Bowser: It's hilarious.


Nintendo has been doing great in the past year.


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