字幕表 動画を再生する
Welcome to Canada, the second largest country in the world,
stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and all the way up to the Arctic Ocean.
大西洋から太平洋をまたぎ 北極海にまでおよぶ大国です
Its biggest and most cosmopolitan city is Toronto, Ontario,
中でも オンタリオ州のトロントは
with 5 million people in the greater city area.
国際的で 人口5百万人の大都市です
Students come here from all over the world, adding to the city’s cultural diversity.
世界中から留学生が集まり その文化も多様
They can enjoy an eclectic mix of neighbourhoods and architecture.
From a boat cruise on Lake Ontario to a stunning view from the CN Tower,
オンタリオ湖では船に CNタワーでは眺望を
there are many different sides to this exciting city.
There’s so much to see and do,
from cool winter sports to a hot nightlife.
ホットなナイトスポットまで 様々
EF Toronto is perfectly located in the bustling Queen West District
EFトロントのある地区は 賑やかで
with its cafes and shopping and great student life.
The staff at the welcoming reception will show you the school’s facilities.
受付スタッフが学校内を 案内します
Students have access to an activities office, a library,
a quiet study area and three multimedia language labs.
図書室 自習室 語学学習ラボを 生徒用に完備
The spacious student lounges have computers and free Wi-Fi access.
広い生徒用ラウンジでは 無線LAN接続も
If studying makes you hungry,
there’s the friendly cafeteria serving international food.
メニュー豊富な カフェテリアへ
The school itself is a beautiful building with lots of natural light, high ceilings,
校舎は天井が高くて明るいし 木の廊下も綺麗で
wooden floors, and it’s close to all the amenities in Toronto.
トロントの中心にあって 便利な場所です
Toronto is a very multicultural city so there’s lots of great neighbourhoods
多文化の街 トロントには 様々な地区があって
with food and festivals and music from all over the world.
世界中の食事 お祭り 音楽もあります
EF’s unique curriculum caters to students of all levels and abilities.
EFの語学教育は 全てのレベル対応
Our advanced interactive teaching method, the Efekta System,
ensures you maximum progress in your learning.
This is regardless if you’re on a two week intensive course
or a nine month Academic Year Abroad programme.
9ヶ月プログラム参加者でも 同じです
Here at EF Toronto we use the communicative approach.
What that means is that students work together to accomplish tasks
生徒同士が 一緒に課題をこなしつつ
to practise and use the grammar and vocabulary they've learnt.
For example, students might do a role play
where they create a dialogue and then act out that dialogue.
台詞を作って 読み合います
All of this can then be applied to everything they do outside of EF
そこで使った表現は EFの外でも使えます
in their jobs, in their studies, in their future life.
I’ve improved my English, a lot. And now, I’m in a level five
英語力がすごく伸びたと思う 今はレベル5になって
Cambridge class – it’s difficult, but I’ve improved my English a lot.
ケンブリッジクラスで 難しいけど やっぱりすごく伸びたね
Students often take an internship during their EF programme.
参加者が多いのが インターンシップ
This allows them to put their language skills to practice in the workplace.
語学スキルを働く場で 実践できるのです
Choose to stay in a Host Family, or in one of our residences around the city.
滞在もホームステイから 学生寮まで自由選択
Choosing to stay with one of our host families is a great
opportunity for students to keep practising their English
英語を練習する環境が 帰宅後も続き
even when they’re not in school.
Here in Toronto we offer four different residences,
トロントにある 4つの学生寮は全て
all four centrally located.
Our residences are a great opportunity for our students
学生寮を選ぶ利点は 留学生同士が
to make friends from all over the world.
世界中から集まり 友達が作り易い点ですね
An essential part of learning is having new experiences outside the classroom.
教室の外での体験も 留学の大切な部分です
In summer discover all the sports on offer, like bike tours on the islands
夏ならではのスポーツには 自転車ツアーや
or canoeing on Lake Ontario.
Exploring Canada is a gorgeous experience.
From November to March you’ll enjoy skiing, skating
and all the other fun you can have in a winter wonderland.
Become a fan of one of Toronto’s seven pro sports teams.
Watch a great game of ice hockey with the Toronto Maple Leafs
or the Toronto Marlies.
Students come and see me to go on trips to New York for example,
or French Canada, which is a very nice one. They get to know Montreal, Ottawa
フレンチカナダ オタワ モントリオール
and Quebec City – also a must see is Niagara Falls.
ケベック それと ナイアガラの滝は見ものです
If you like a little shopping step inside one of the biggest
malls in Canada and be spoilt for choice.
It’s also nice to just hang out with new friends from other countries.
Go to China Town, the street markets, or one of the trendy student cafes.
中華街 ストリートマーケット 人気のカフェへ
I love it. I think it’s so multicultural, there are so many nationalities.
最高です!色んな国籍の人がいて 色んな文化に触れられるし
And no matter what you like, what you want to do
どんな趣味も やりたい事も
and what you’re looking for – you can do everything,
so everybody can come here.
Toronto is a city that embraces the arts, theatre, culture and music.
トロントは芸術 シアター 文化や音楽に溢れる街です
At night, the city comes alive with the best nightlife in Canada.
夜の活き活きとした ナイトシーンも必見です
How could you tire of a city with more than 1,000 festivals,
来た人を 飽きさせないこの街では
celebrations and events all year round?
年間 千以上もの イベントが
Come and get a taste of the diversity that is Toronto.
様々な文化を味わうなら トロントで
It’s an experience you’ll never forget!