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What's up guys? Coach Madden of YouGoProBaseball.com here with Brent
Pourciau of Top Velocity and we're gonna talk about pitching accuracy today
talk about how guys who are struggling with accuracy can possibly get better
with it your philosophy on it what they could do to work on it so to me like
accuracy is theirs there's two ways we define where the accuracy it's some
people call control/command accuracy precision so basically control
or accuracy is III can get it into the zone I'm just somewhere in the zone
precision command is I can get it in the zone in the bottom right corner so
ideally we want to have command right so here's the focus to do that we have to
be first consistent with our mechanics if I'm consistent with my mechanics then
I can predict where my ball is going to be at release right if I'm not
consistent with it then I can't predict where my ball is gonna be released then
it's gonna be hard for me to predict where I'm gonna locate the pitch or be
as precise of where I'm gonna hit the pit the target every time so once we
have consistency which means you've done it enough like you've put in enough reps
where it's become muscle memory and it's like you don't have to think about it
just happens and you know where you're gonna be every time you can be
consistent with bad mechanics you can be consistent with good mechanics so
accuracy and precision is affected by mechanics but it's not effective on
mechanics if you're just really good at consistently doing these bad mechanics
you probably can locate pretty well right but ideally if you understand your
mechanics and and you get consistent you then can do two things you can not only
predict where you're gonna be every time but if you're not there you know how to
make the change to get there and that's the difference to me between someone
trying to be accurate with bad mechanics to good mechanics is the bad mechanics
if that day for some reason they're not consistent they're struggling you know
they got the yips they're struggling to hone it in and fix the problem so that's
where the mechanics become very important so it's outside the
consistency here's the mechanical components that help us stay accurate or
precise and that is linear energy the more linear energy I create specifically
in my trunk to where I want to go it's more easy that I can make
corrections and adjustments because I'm gonna be more unlikely locating more in
a more precise area right so but if I'm really rotational and I'm spinning off
its I might think about just the angular aspects of it I'm gonna be you know I
could release here you know I cannot release over here I'm trying to find a
point where my arm crosses the zone as opposed to when I go linear I'm already
in the zone moving towards the zone it just comes down to a point of the timing
where I miss in that direction which more likely it's gonna be in the area it
comes down to missing up up and down so typically when guys are rotational
they're there mrs. are left to right typically when guys are more linear
their misses are up and down but better chance they they're more still more
accurate going forward so here's the thing if I keep missing arm side arm
side arm side and I know I'm pulling I'm rotational that means I'm dragging my
arms so my adjustment needs to be get more linear power with separation and
carry more trunk forward now I'm not armed side now I'm in the middle of the
plate as long as my energy is going that way now it's a did I miss up then my
trunk finished up or did I miss in the dirt maybe I transferred my trunk or now
I'm making those adjustments to the up or down so if I keep missing up I'm
gonna try to get more power and carry my trunk more into the target and then I'll
miss in the zone and so the point is like if I'm two rotation I'm missing
left or right if I'm two if I get good linear I'm missing up and down that's
where I rather miss I can make better adjustments there and I'm in the zone
and at that point it comes down can I correct like I went from missing glove
side glove side glove side now I made that correction to get more linear now
I'm hitting the middle of the target but now I want to shift over to the inside
part of the plate so now I'm going to carry maybe I'm gonna stride a little
bit in that direction I'm gonna carry my energy a little bit more towards that
side now I'm gonna get consistent there and my confidence there and now that's
where I'm looking so that's how I would do it if you're using a good
biomechanical understanding to be becoming accurate or precise very nice
two things I want to add to that one I did an old video
long time ago about I measured off being offline with the land foot I was off
like three or four interests and then I took a piece of string and went down to
the plate and that three or four inches turned into over a foot right over here
so something very small here can make a big difference over there in your
direction so a direction is huge second thing I like to talk about when it comes
to pitching accuracy or command is visualization just kind of having the
confidence conviction but also seeing it before it happens you know I used to see
like a laser being almost you know I kept my eyes open but I'd see that laser
beam hit the catcher's target mitt where I wanted to throw that ball and that
just helped me execute on the pitch a little bit better but I think it makes a
good point I think there is more than one way to do this you know I give you
away another coach to give you away I've had debates with coaches that it isn't
even biomechanical it's just a mindset like you're saying and and and at the
end of the day I understand all that but I what it comes down to there's many
different things that are affecting your accuracy or precision and ultimately I
believe you got to get good at understanding all them if you're really
gonna be good at it let's talk about real quick the guys who say that it
doesn't matter how hard you throw it's all about accuracy what do you have to
say about that I mean zack greinke did that in a minor league a are in a spring
training game he went out and threw like 82 82 and located his pitches and got
hit all over the place and he wanted to prove that velocity is important I think
that was a great very good lesson and I took typically land on that side of yeah
I understand when guys want to do the debate boy if you're throwing 100 and
you can't find the zone how are you gonna be good I get that but and but if
you're 80 82 in in big league ball and you're and you're painting and putting
the ball wherever you want how are you gonna fool someone because at the end of
the day what is velocity velocity is the amount of time they have to see what
you're doing it's the amount of time they have to see what strategies are you
using against them and when you cut that time off with velocity by giving them
like you know like they say like 100 minor festivals like 0.2 tenths of a
second you're I barely even has time to adjust to see where it is at that point
so you're never gonna win the velocity argument do we need it do
we don't because it's such a key piece to creating deception and to fooling the
hitter because you're giving them less time to react not only that but it's
something that is very measurable so people use it unfortunately whether with
whether you like it or not we use it in the baseball world to see oh this guy's
throwing 90 miles an hour okay he could play at our school that's like a get in
the door you know marker that's it but to me why does that because it levels
the playing field because if you're looking at a kid a Scouts looking at a
kid playing you know a little bit ec high school and dealing and then he's
got a kid to an average in the biggest High School in the country how does he
know the caliber the level of these two pitchers that he needs measurables you
know he more medals and than velocity but velocity is a key measurable to
understand well look at this kid he's dominating with an 82 mile an hour
fastball on this kids just getting by with a 90 probably because the level of
play is off and that gives them an understanding maybe that kid is not as
good as he looks because he's at a smaller level in a with a lower speed so
I guess the the best answer is the best players do both
you got you got to be able to do both do it all like where did where does that
ever go wrong you got to do it all what do you think makes a professional right
a highly skilled person who can do it all right absolutely
Brent and I shot a video where we talked about four tips to instantly increase
your pitching velocity so if you're someone who does have the accuracy in
command and you're looking to increase that velocity definitely check that out
because we talked about four big things that that kind of graph your program in
a nutshell and if you follow these big ideas and you watch that video and you
implement the stuff you're gonna see some huge results so all you got to do
is click the first link down in the description they'll take you to a page
answer your first name and your email will shoot you that video over right
away and watch it and check it out let us know what you think because we know
it's gonna help so thank you for watching guys and I will see you in the
next video thanks Brian yeah thanks but this video right here we're going to
talk about pitching velocity leaks where guys are leaking their velocity and
we're gonna make this a little bit fun we're gonna have a competition I'm gonna
give you one leak he's gonna give you a one leak we haven't talked about this we
don't even know what we're gonna talk about we're just gonna
please stop Yulin right now but in all seriousness this is gonna be some good
stuff because