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If you've ever gorged yourself at an all-you-can-eat buffet, you've probably wondered how they manage to make any money.
Letting people just eat anything they want all willy-nilly couldn't possibly be profitable, right?
Well, grab a plate, because we're about to reveal how all-you-can-eat buffets really make their money.
Cutting back on overhead.
One of the things buffets have going for them is an overhead different than traditional restaurants.
ビュッフェの有利な点を 1 つあげれば、通常のレストランとの経費の違いがあります。
That's because you're doing most of the work for them - and paying for the privilege.
それはビュッフェではサービスのほとんどをお客がすることになり - 特権を支払っているということです。
You serve yourself, and in some places, you might even get your own drinks.
This means there's next to no need for wait staff.
And since the menu relies heavily on a series of regular dishes which are prepared in advance, they can hire fewer and cheaper chefs.
Heck, at some buffets — like Korean BBQ places — the customers are even doing the cooking as well as the serving!
それどころか、あるビュッフェで - 韓国焼肉店なんかでは - お客が調理、料理の提供までしているところだってあります!
Minimizing waste.
Ovation Brands, which runs the Country Buffet chain, owns and manages more than one hundred buffets across America, and they have a ton of data on every aspect of their business.
Ovation Brands、Country Buffet チェーンを展開している企業ですが、アメリカ全土に 100 店舗以上のビュッフェを経営しています。彼らはビジネス全ての面において膨大な量のデータを所持しています。
They monitor everything, including weekly waste amounts, and plug it into a massive computer model.
That allows them to track exactly how much customers are eating and how much is getting thrown away, and allows them to adjust menus based on what's popular, allowing them to plan ahead and put out what people are going to want, and in the right quantities.
When they do put it out, they use small pans to minimize how much goes to waste.
"That is beautiful!"
"I told you, the buffet, man!"
"Boy, did we do the wrong thing!"
Cheap ingredients.
Psychology Today took a look at what's going in the buffet line, and they call it the "fill the customer's belly cheaply" metric.
Psychology Today がビュッフェに実態について調査をし、ビュッフェを「安くお客を満腹にする」と呼んでいます。
For a lot of buffets, things like vegetables, potatoes, and rice are staple dishes.
That's because they are both super cheap and extremely filling.
The more rice and veggies you eat, the more money the restaurant makes.
"What did I teach you about buffet strategy."
"Always start with your high-end meats, skip veggies, they'll only fill you up with nonsense."
Seasonal and regional specialties.
Psychology Today also reported that there are two good reasons you're likely to find a lot of seasonal and regional foods in the buffet line.
Psychology Today はビュッフェで季節限定や地域の特産料理を多く目にするのは 2 つ理由があるとも伝えています。
First, if something's in season or grown, the restaurant is going to be able to buy it cheaply in bulk, as it's readily available.
1 つ目、旬のものや季節的に多く収穫できるものは、たやすく購入ができるため大量の業務買いができ安く済むのです。
And secondly, it makes the buffet look good.
2 つ目に、ビュッフェの見栄えがいいことです。
When they can offer menus advertised with words like "locally-sourced" and "seasonal," it makes customers feel like they're getting something special — and it'll keep them coming back.
「地元産」や「旬、季節限定」とメニューに広告すると、お客は特別感を覚えます - そして何度も戻ってきたくなるのです。
Drink up!
Drinks usually aren't included in the price of the buffet, and there's a good reason for that.
While the food being served often has a relatively modest 30 percent markup over cost, restaurants can jack up the price of drinks by as much as 90 percent.
よく注文される食べ物はおよそ 30 %多めに価格設定されますが、レストランでは飲み物は 90 %も高く価格設定することができます。
And the more you eat, the thirstier you're going to get.
As a result, they make a lot of bank off of your beverage.
"Drinks. Cold. Are you ready? Here we go!"
Giving you smaller tools.
One of the biggest factors impacting your eating habits at a buffet are the tools you're given.
You'll almost never see full-sized dinner plates or actual soup bowls and instead, you'll be given small plates and even tiny dessert bowls instead in order to limit the amount of food you take.
Restaurant suppliers know this, and buffets can even purchase miniature tableware especially designed for buffets.
That even includes silverware, which tends to be smaller — but not small enough you'd really notice unless you already know their sneaky tricks.
それには銀製食器も含みます、これはより小さなものである傾向があります - ところがそれに気づかない程度の小ささです。この策略を知っていない限り。
You're welcome.
A strategic layout.
Buffets spend a lot of time figuring out the right layout for the food.
Those cheap, filling foods like salads, veggies, rice, and noodles are likely to come right at the start, so you can load up before you get to the expensive stuff like meat and fish.
Check out the way things are served, too.
You can grab a massive ladle-full of rice and veggies, but it's tongs when it comes to those inevitably small portions of meat.
They'll take longer to get on your plate, and most people don't like the pressure of holding up a line, so they tend to move quickly through.
Also, pans with more expensive foods are generally less full — a subtle encouragement to take less — while cheap ingredients will be served in giant, overflowing pans.
さらに、高価なものがのせられた皿は溢れるほど提供されていることはありません - 多く取らないよう促しているのです - 反対に安い材料のものは大盛りで提供されています。
There's plenty for all, and people like that.
Cheaper isn't always better.
The Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University conducted an experiment to see how the price of a buffet influenced customers.
コーネル大学の The Food and Brand Lab ではビュッフェの料金がいかにお客に影響があるのか、ある実験を行いました。
They offered two groups of customers the same pizza buffet, and charged one group $4, while the other group was charged $8.
2 種類のお客に同じピザのビュッフェを提供し、1 つのグループを 4 ドル、もう一方を 8 ドルとしました。
The group who paid more was overwhelmingly more satisfied with the entire experience.
That kind of psychology has filtered down even to Las Vegas.
Just a few years ago, $1.99 all you can eat buffets were everywhere, as a lure to bring hungry patrons into casinos.
ここ 2、3 年前 1 ドル 99 セントの食べ放題ビュッフェはいたるところにありました、お腹をすかせた宿泊客をカジノに誘導するためです。
By 2013, though, they had suddenly vanished, with the average buffet price hovering between $20 and $25.
ですが、2013 年までにそういった店は目にすることがなくなりました、代わりに平均 20 ドルから 25 ドルあたりの料金のビュッフェが増えました。
Because people now will pass on the cheaper buffets because they feel like they get better food and a better experience if they are paying more.
You know what they say: one way or the other, the house always wins.
People absolutely get banned.
Finally, you may not want to take the "all you can eat" part quite so literally.
People can and have been banned from buffets for eating too much food.
For instance, a Wisconsin man named Bill Wisth was not only banned, but had the cops called on him for abusing his local buffet.
例えば、ウィスコンシン州のある男性 Bill Wisth は禁止されただけでなく、地元のビュッフェを乱用しているとして警察による介入まであったのです。
"But the sign said 'All-You-Can-Eat'!"
So before you go back for that fourth plate of rice and veggies, ask yourself how much you might like the taste of jail food.
なので、4 皿目のご飯と野菜に手を出す前に、牢屋のご飯が食べたいか自分に聞いてみましょう。
Because the buffets there aren't nearly as good.
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