字幕表 動画を再生する
Here in Madou, there are some old streets and old stuff, 麻豆至今仍保有許多傳統特色 像是老街和古物
and of course, the old traditional culture. 當然也包括在地傳統文化
From what I can see, 就我所觀察
they do highly praise the value of the traditional arts and crafts. 傳統藝文在麻豆相當受到重視
And speaking of which, 既然說到傳統藝文
let's get going and explore this beautiful place, okay? 不妨跟著我一起探索這美麗的藝文中心吧
The Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center 總爺藝文中心在1911年的時候
is the former headquarter of Meiji Sugar Co., Ltd 由日本的明治製糖株式會社
built in 1911. 在這裡成立了總社
In 2001, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tainan City Government 在2001年由臺南市政府文化局
established the Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center here. 成立了總爺藝文中心
The site consists of four historic buildings 這裡主要有四棟古蹟區
where exhibitions are presented, 提供室內展覽
while on the vast lawn, 而戶外的大草地
a variety of performances are staged. 則有各式各樣的表演活動
Once served as a guesthouse, 這裡是總爺藝文中心的招待所
this is a rare two-story Japanese building in Taiwan. 是臺灣少見的二層樓日式建築
On the first floor of the guesthouse, 招待所一樓
there are toy blocks with mortise and tenon joints that can be enjoyed by all ages. 有大人小朋友都可以體驗的榫卯積木
No nails or screws will be used 不用任何一根釘子
to build these blocks, 就可以組裝起來
which allows visitors to experience the ancient Japanese building technique. 算是日本的一種建築工法體驗
Okay, the last one. 這是最後一塊
Ta-dah, I finished it. 耶 完成了
So do you think that this is a fun place to come? 你覺得這個地方好玩嗎?
Do you like this place? 你喜不喜歡這裡呢?
I often come here for exercises. 在這邊運動
After that, I go to the snack stands to grab some food. 或是看完會累的時候可以去那邊(小舖)打打牙祭
Sometimes, I would come visit the exhibitions centers. 當然這裡每個地方的展覽館也會過來看
There are a lot fun things to do here. 其實都蠻好玩的
This giant piece of work was created by a Japanese artist named Takahito Kimura 這個作品是日本藝術家木村崇仁
and is currently on display during the 2019 Madou Sugar Industry Art Triennial 他在2019麻豆糖業大地藝術季裡面
inside the Red House. 在紅樓很大的一個作品
Using the cyanotype process, 這個作品是用藍曬的手法
the artist invited locals in Madou 藝術家邀請很多麻豆當地民眾
to participate in his project 一起參與他作品的擺拍
in order to create this massive piece of artwork. 最後染出這塊很大的作品
The Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center invites artists from Taiwan and from overseas. 總爺藝文中心邀請海內外的藝術家
They are welcomed to experience the local culture of Madou 來麻豆體驗當地文化
and get some inspiration for their artworks. 汲取創作靈感
As you can see here, 我們可以看到
there are many scripts written by local people. 參展藝術家利用當地人所留下的手稿再創作
The artist who participates in this exhibition tried to tell the stories of Madou 試圖重現麻豆過往的歷史
as well as the stories of the old sugar factory. 回顧老糖廠的昔日風華
There are several things that should be taken into consideration when building a sugar factory. 在糖廠興建前 有不少因素必須納入考量
The quality of water is essential. 像是在地水質就是關鍵
The Zhenwen River had played a critical role in the development of the sugar industry in this area. 曾文溪在麻豆糖業的發展過程中 扮演不可或缺的角色
Even though the sugar factory is not in operation anymore, 即使老糖廠早已不再運轉
the site remains and is transformed into a place full of history and culture. 舊廠址仍被保留下來 更接下活化歷史與文化的重任
There are a lot of videos here that tell you more about this place – many, many of them. 這裡有許多介紹麻豆的影片
If you would like to find out more, 若想深入了解擁有百年歷史的總爺藝文中心
make a trip to the Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center yourself. 不妨親臨現場, 穿梭於老糖廠的古今歲月裡