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  • When in Madou, many people go for the Wa Guei, the steamed rice cake. 許多遊客會特地來到麻豆品嚐碗粿

  • Speaking of this delicious snack food, 說到這美味的小吃

  • don't you want to know how to make it? 你想了解碗粿的製作過程嗎?

  • Let's go find out. 跟我一起去瞧瞧

  • What I am here today is to meet my friend, 我今天來這裡找個朋友

  • the owner of this eatery making Wa Guei. 也是這間碗粿店的老闆

  • I'm going to ask him some questions 我要好好請教他

  • about how to make this specialty. 究竟該如何做出美味的碗粿

  • Let's go. 走吧!

  • Hi, Rex. (Hello!) 嗨Rex.(哈囉!)

  • Hi, everyone. This is my friend Rex. 各位 這位就是我剛提到的朋友

  • He is owner of the eatery. 碗粿店老闆

  • I said that I am going to ask him some questions, 我說過要問他一些問題

  • so I really want to know 我真的很想知道

  • what makes Wa Guei so special here in Madou. 麻豆的碗粿到底有何特別之處

  • Since my grandparents were young, 我們家上一代

  • my family has been making snacks like steamed rice cake. 基本上大概都會做碗粿之類的東西

  • It turned out to be very popular, 那因為反應都不錯

  • so my family decided to focus on it. 所以 把它當作一門生意來做

  • My grandmother has been making steamed rice cake for over 3 or 4 decades. 像我阿嬤賣碗粿也大概三、四十年了

  • Five years ago, the owner returned to his hometown 五年前老闆回到家鄉

  • and took over this eatery. 接手碗粿店

  • He has even put some modern twists on the traditional steamed rice cake. 還在碗粿裡加了許多創新元素

  • It sounds so interesting. 聽起來很有趣

  • Could you teach me how to make this? 你可以教我怎麼做碗粿嗎

  • Of course! 當然可以呀

  • Okay, that's great. 太好了

  • Why don't you make it a one-day placement? 妳今天就來我們這邊打工吧

  • Alright, let's go. 那有什麼問題

  • This way. 走!

  • So, these are the ingredients needed to make a Wa Guei. 這些是製作碗粿所需的食材

  • There are eggs, lean pork, mushrooms, dried shrimps, 像是:蛋、瘦肉、香菇、蝦米

  • and the most important thing is this: the shallot. 最重要的是這個:油蔥

  • After making a traditional one, 在做完傳統碗粿之後

  • now we are going to make something so interesting. 我們接下來要試個有趣的東西

  • Look at these ingredients, 你看這些特殊的配料

  • like, pepper, 胡椒

  • chili sauce, 辣椒醬

  • XO sauce, XO醬k

  • andwhat is this? 還有這是…

  • Oh, sesame. 噢,芝麻

  • I see something really special. 我還看到一個特別的東西

  • The matcha powder. 居然還有抹茶粉

  • Can you imagine this thing being put in Wa Guei? 你可以想像用抹茶粉做成的碗粿嗎

  • Alright, let's see what I can do. 這就來看看我的能耐

  • Have you ever tried this? 你試過這種吃法嗎

  • Matcha. 抹茶耶

  • Let's see who is the lucky one 等一下看誰這麼幸運

  • to give it a try. 可以吃到抹茶口味的碗粿

  • When all the ingredients are in place, 放好配料後

  • pour in the freshly ground rice milk. 倒入剛磨好的米漿

  • Leave it in the steamer for forty minutes. 然後放入蒸籠40分鐘

  • While you wait, 在等待的同時

  • I am going to introduce someone important to you, 我要帶你們認識一位重要人物

  • she will reveal the secret behind Wa Guei's deliciousness. 告訴我們碗粿好吃的秘密

  • What makes this Wa Guei so delicious? 到底這碗粿為什麼會這麼好吃

  • There got to be a secret in it, 這中間一定有什麼秘密

  • so I'm going to ask her. 讓我來好好地討教一下

  • Granny, what makes your steamed rice cake so good? 阿嬤你的碗粿怎麼那麼好吃

  • Before I was going to start my own eatery, I had a dream. 那時我要開始(經營小吃攤)就做一個夢

  • In the dream, I was told to walk barefoot. 要赤腳下去走路

  • I didn't know what that sign was trying to tell me, 我就想赤腳走路是什麼意思?

  • and my master told me I had to keep my feet on the ground. 師父跟我說要腳踏實地去做

  • That's why I decided to use high quality ingredients. 我就了解,東西都要用好的

  • So, the secret is the experience. 原來好吃的秘訣,就在於阿嬤多年來的經驗

  • The granny has been making this for more than thirty years. 阿嬤做碗粿已經超過三十年

  • All the ingredients she chooses are locally sourced. 堅持只使用在地食材

  • That's why her Wa Guei is so successful. 難怪她的碗粿店會這麼成功

  • Forty minutes is up. 四十分鐘到啦

  • I am going to check if I did my work beautifully. 來看看我的成品如何

  • This is what I just made. 這就是我剛剛做的碗粿

  • It looks great, I think. 看起來還不錯

  • My Wa Guei looks quite delicious. 看起來我做的碗粿非常可口

  • The owner told us that 老闆說

  • there are a few steps to follow in order to eat Wa Guei properly. 吃碗粿還有特別的切法喔

  • The way that we eat Wa Guei is like this: 碗粿要這樣吃

  • First, we need to cut it open. 先把碗粿切開

  • Then we pour the soy sauce into the bowl. 再將醬油倒入碗中

  • We mix everything together before giving it a bite. 攪拌均勻之後再品嚐

  • I think this one tastes lighter 這碗粿吃起來挺清爽

  • because they didn't put too much heavy sauce in it, 沒有放太多過於濃郁的醬料

  • just some really simple ingredients 只有一些簡單的配料

  • like dried shrimps and shallot. 像是蝦米與油蔥

  • Shallot is the one that enhances the flavor. 油蔥更是讓碗粿香味撲鼻的關鍵

  • These are what we made, the six special-edition ones. 這六碗是我們剛剛做的限定版碗粿

  • Well, I'm going to try this. 先從這碗開始

  • I can't tell if this is interesting or scary. 我不確定到底好不好吃

  • Let's find out. 吃了就知道

  • Hmm, it smells like matcha. 有抹茶的味道

  • I'm sure it is. 大概是抹茶口味

  • I don't know for sure how it tastes like. 但不曉得味道如何

  • The taste is so hard to describe. 這味道實在很難形容

  • If you have the chance to visit Madou, 有機會來麻豆

  • make your own steamed rice cake 不妨自己試做一碗碗粿

  • and taste it yourself. 親自嚐嚐這奇妙的口味

  • By making a Wa Guei on my own, 在親手做了碗粿之後

  • I realized that it takes so much effort to do it right, 我才知道製作過程有多繁複

  • and that's exactly why they make good Wa Guei here. 而這也是麻豆碗粿如此美味的原因

When in Madou, many people go for the Wa Guei, the steamed rice cake. 許多遊客會特地來到麻豆品嚐碗粿


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B1 中級

ほっと台南EP2。懐かしの蒸し餅 (Hot Tainan EP2. The Nostalgic Steamed Rice Cake)

  • 71 2
    Hot Tainan 哈臺南 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日