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  • Sophocles, wrote the ancient play Antigone in 441 BC.

  • The play begins with Antigone speaking with her sister Ismene.

  • Antigone wants help from Ismene to bury their brother, Polyneices.

  • Antigone repeats Creon's decree that anyone who attempts to bury Polyneices will be stoned.

  • Creon is the new king, so his threats are real.

  • But Antigone can't sit idly by while her brother is food for the vultures.

  • She feels compelled to bury him.

  • Yet, there's no way Ismene is going to help her.

  • The thought of being stoned to death petrifies Ismene.

  • Ismene reminds Antigone that they have already lost so much of their family due to the curse of Oedipus.

  • Ismene doesn't want to lose Antigone as well.

  • Unfortunately, Antigone makes it clear that she is not going to budge.

  • Antigone is determined to bury Polyneices.

  • When Ismene realizes she can't change Antigone's mind, she at least asks Antigone to keep her plans secret.

  • In the next scene, the Chorus is praying out loud to the god Apollo.

  • In the prayer, the Chorus is giving thanks for their recent victory.

  • Yet, the victory came with a steep price.

  • The city of 7 gates, Thebes, lost 7 of their generals which they had sent out to defeat the 7 enemy generals.

  • All died, including the brothers Eteocles and Polyneices who represented the opposing sides of the battle.

  • The brothers ended up killing each other with their bare hands.

  • Creon enters and restates his decree.

  • They will bury Eteocles with full military honors.

  • Meanwhile, they will leave Polyneices' body out to rot.

  • No one is to bury or grieve for the traitor Polyneices.

  • Then, Creon asks the Chorus to follow his orders.

  • But, they ask that younger men carry out the task.

  • Creon states that isn't an issue as soldiers are already guarding the body.

  • Then, a guard runs into the room.

  • He states that someone has performed a burial of Polyneices' body.

  • Unfortunately for the guard, he didn't see who did it.

  • This upsets Creon and he tells the guard that he had better find out who did, or he will be killed in their place.

  • Creon even accuses the guard of taking a bribe and allowing someone to bury Polyneices.

  • The guard leaves to find the perpetrator.

  • Almost immediately, the guard comes walking back into the throne room to speak with King Creon.

  • This time, the guard is hauling Antigone, Creon's niece.

  • The guard claims that he arrested Antigone while she was burying Polyneices.

  • The guard explains that when he returned to his post he swept the dirt off of Polyneices.

  • That's when Antigone came back to bury Polyneices again and got caught in the act.

  • The guard is relieved, which contrasts against the obvious pressure Creon must feel at his new predicament.

  • Antigone immediately admits to the crime.

  • She calls herself guilty, and doesn't try to deny it.

  • She continues with an attack on Creon for his immoral decree.

  • She states that she would have rather died than have left Polyneices unburied.

  • Creon remarks that even the stubborn Antigone will be made to follow the law, even if it takes violence.

  • Antigone continues to argue with Creon.

  • Her logic is that Polyneices deserved a burial as much as Eteocles.

  • She says that Polyneices actions in life should have no bearing on how his remains are treated.

  • Meanwhile, Creon argues that by honoring Polyneices, Antigone dishonors Eteocles.

  • Ismene comes into the room and is questioned by Creon.

  • Creon wants to know if Ismene helped Antigone in her treasonous crime.

  • Ismene admits that she did help Antigone.

  • But, Antigone won't let Ismene share the blame.

  • Antigone tells Creon that Ismene is lying.

  • Plus, Antigone is angry at Ismene.

  • Antigone remarks that she doesn't need any friends like Ismene who only help her in words, but not in action.

  • Antigone is a dead woman walking.

  • Creon has no intentions of sparing Antigone, despite them being family.

  • Additionally, Antigone makes no attempts to try and save herself.

  • Creon imprisons the two women while he finalizes his decision.

  • Haemon, Creon's son and Antigone's fiance at first agrees to defer to Creon's decision.

  • Yet, Haemon does make a case for Antigone.

  • Haemon states that there is a growing sentiment amongst the population that Antigone does not deserve to die.

  • Her convictions to bury her brother were noble.

  • The Chorus weighs in and advises Creon to heed Haemon's warning.

  • Unfortunately, the discussion devolves into a shouting match after Creon questions Haemon's character.

  • Creon reasons that Haemon is a fool to defend a traitor.

  • Haemon asks what will be the fate of Antigone and Creon explains her punishment.

  • Antigone is to be sealed in a cave and starved to death.

  • Teiresias the seer comes in and tries to talk some sense into Creon.

  • Teiresias claims that Creon is making a huge mistake.

  • His biggest mistake is his incapability to admit that he was wrong to not bury Polyneices.

  • After the seer leaves the Chorus advises Creon to take Teiresias seriously.

  • According to the Chorus, the seer has never been wrong before.

  • The Chorus suggests Creon release Antigone and then bury Polyneices.

  • Creon finally agrees and leaves to free Antigone.

  • Unfortunately, a messenger comes in and informs the Chorus that Antigone and Haemon are both dead.

  • Haemon, frustrated at Creon's decision took his own life.

  • Eurydice, the queen of Thebes comes in when she overhears the messenger.

  • She's stunned and asks the messenger to repeat his message.

  • The messenger says that Haemon found his love, Antigone, strangled by a rope.

  • Haemon got extremely upset.

  • He tried to kill his father but then turned his sword on himself.

  • When Creon returns to the palace we learn that Eurydice has also killed herself.

  • The messenger tells Creon that before Eurydice committed suicide she cursed Creon for having taken away her only son.

  • Creon can't believe what has happened.

  • He admits that he is responsible for the death of his son and his wife.

  • Creon is so shocked by the events that have transpired that he's not even able to walk away.

  • Instead, he has to command his guards to come and carry him away.

  • The End.

Sophocles, wrote the ancient play Antigone in 441 BC.


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    Nate Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日