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But there is one question
that I ask myself that changed my whole perspective
on these topics, which brings us to the title of the video
and the entire message.
Without a doubt, the most important question
that you need to ask yourself
before you do anything in life is...
It's two in the morning in Melbourne, Australia
and I'm sitting on a public bench
with my friend, Patrick, and we are eating burritos.
While we're eating, we noticed a group
of five guys who are slightly intoxicated
and they were trying to talk to
every single girl that they came into contact with.
The interesting thing about this group of people
was that they all appeared to be from different countries.
Patrick jokingly commented that if there was one thing
that brings all men together from different backgrounds,
it's the pursuit of love and women.
The next day I woke up and I went to the gym.
As I was in the gym, I noticed
that there were people from many different countries
who were all working out.
When I saw this, I was reminded of Patrick's comment
and I thought to myself, I guess traveling
to cool places like Australia, looking good,
and the pursuit of love are things
that most people want in life.
When I got home, I started to think more about this concept.
I thought it was interesting how people
who were raised completely differently from me
and who were born in completely different cultures
can all want similar things.
I thought to myself, maybe people aren't that different
from each other, after all.
I started to think about other things
that pretty much all people want in life
and this is the small list that I came up with.
Most people want to look good.
Most people want to have money.
Most people want to meet someone
who they can fall in love with.
Most people want to have a family.
And most people want to travel
and see some of the world.
And even if I said something on that list
that you don't want, I probably said
at least two things that you do want.
To make things a little more simple,
I would summarize the three things
that most people want in life
to health, wealth, and love.
Despite most people wanting the same things,
there is one very important distinction
that I have to make, and that is the why behind it.
Have you ever stopped for a second
and really asked yourself why do I even want money?
Why do I want to have a family?
And why do I want to have six-pack abs?
As I've gotten to know myself and more people
from all over the world over the years,
I've learned that the reasons why
a lot of people want certain things
are not really what you might think.
I'll give you an example.
I think pretty much everyone on earth
wants to look good and be healthy.
But, let's look at why someone could want that.
Is it because they like the way working out makes them feel?
Is it because they want to live a long life
and have strong bones and a healthy immune system?
Or, is it because they like
to look at themselves in the mirror?
Is it because they want men and women to notice them
and to look at them when they walk in the room,
which gives them a little ego boost?
Are they insecure about something in their life
and are they trying to compensate for it
by working out all the time?
I think if everybody was being completely honest
with themselves, I would bet the answer,
because I wanna take care of my immune system
and bones is probably the least common answer.
Let's very quickly look at a more interesting example,
which is getting money and becoming rich.
Why do people want this?
Is it because they want to provide security
for themselves and their potential future family?
Or is it because society tells us
that you are better than the person beside you
if you have more money than them?
Do we think that if we have money
we will finally get that girl of our dreams?
Is it because you have low self-esteem
and you think getting money will finally
make you feel good about yourself
and it will fill that little hole
that has been with you since childhood?
Again, in my personal opinion,
the reason is probably not related
to providing for the family and getting security.
Now, I want to be very clear about something.
I don't think there is anything wrong
with people wanting money, women, or to look good.
I'm not saying that if you want these things
there is something wrong with you and you are insecure.
After all, these are all things that I want in my own life.
But there is one question that I asked myself
that changed my whole perspective on these topics,
which brings us to the title of the video
and the entire message.
Without a doubt, the most important question
that you need to ask yourself
before you do anything in life
or before you decide you want something in life
is to ask yourself why.
Why do I want this thing?
Why do I want money?
Why do I want women?
Asking yourself why over and over again
is like peeling an onion.
It allows you to get to the core of who you are
and what you really want.
The only trick is, is that you have to be 100% honest
with yourself, which is something
most people really don't like to do.
Doing this will only make you understand yourself better,
which will make you a better person.
I would recommend asking why for not only big things,
but also for the smaller things,
such as why do I want to do well on this test?
Why do I want to start my own business?
Why do I want to buy these fancy shoes?
Is it because I like them?
Or is it because I know my friends and family
will like them and then they will finally approve of me.
Try it out, see what happens.
It had a huge impact on my own life.
So, the channel has grown a lot over the past few weeks
and I just wanted to welcome
all the new members to the community.
If you are watching this,
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I want to be able to serve you guys better,
so if you ever want to suggest a video idea
or you don't like something about the video,
let me know because I really value your feedback.
If you guys enjoyed the video, please leave it a like
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As always, I'll see you in the next one.
(gentle music)