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  • Translator: Nataliia Pysemska Reviewer: Denise RQ

  • I believe that we are responsible

  • for creating the moments of joy in our own lives.

  • We can't take credit for a beautiful sunrise,

  • but we can take credit for being there to see it.

  • We can take credit

  • for the decisions that we made that allowed us to experience that moment.

  • You decided to leave house early. You decided to go for a hike.

  • But making good decisions is really hard.

  • It's something I've struggled with my entire life.

  • When I was young, I was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder.

  • At the time, there was not a lot known about the condition,

  • and there were no resources, not to mention that there was no Internet.

  • So the few tools that I could find were either too rigid or too complicated.

  • They didn't work the way that my mind worked.

  • A big misconception about ADD is that we can't focus.

  • In my experience, I could focus.

  • I was just focusing on too many things at the same time.

  • So, over the next 25 years,

  • I silently made it my mission to design my own resources.

  • Over time, I actually outgrew my ADD,

  • but I found the methodologies I'd developed

  • remained relevant, incredibly helpful

  • so I shared them with a couple of my friends.

  • I was really surprised to find out that they too found it helpful.

  • Who knew?

  • I designed it for myself,

  • I'd never assumed that it would work for other people.

  • But with that in mind, about three years ago,

  • I built a website and shot some videos

  • to teach the system to others,

  • in hopes that it might help them the way that it helped me.

  • I called the system "The Bullet Journal."

  • If you search for the Bullet Journal on YouTube or Instagram today,

  • you will find hundreds of thousands of examples

  • of how people have adopted the Bullet Journal

  • to help them deal with challenges in their own lives.

  • Those tutorial videos have been seen over 5 million times.

  • It's incredible.

  • I just wished that I'd had this knowledge when I was that young struggling kid.

  • That's why I'm very excited to be here today

  • to share some of what I've learned with you.

  • We're going to talk about how to declutter your mind,

  • how to cultivate your curiosity,

  • and how to remain focused over time.

  • These practices will help you close the gap

  • from leading a distracted life to leading one of intention.

  • And all begins with reflection.

  • Studies suggest we have over 500,000 thoughts

  • every single day.

  • Remember, as a kid, my biggest problem was

  • I was focusing on way too many things at the same time.

  • Doesn't that some familiar though?

  • As an adult, that's just known as being busy.

  • But being busy doesn't mean that you're being productive, right?

  • A lot of time, being busy just means

  • you're in a state of being functionally-overwhelmed.

  • And a lot of this is due to the overwhelming amount of choices

  • that we have to make in our modern life.

  • Freedom of choice is absolutely your privilege,

  • but it's a privilege that comes at a cost

  • because for every one of these choices that we make,

  • we have to make a decision.

  • And every decision requires us to focus.

  • And focus costs us our two most valuable resources:

  • our energy and our time.

  • We don't like to think about how to invest our energy and time

  • because it's really stressful.

  • "What do I want to do with my life?"

  • It's a very overwhelming question.

  • It's like going shopping when you're super hungry

  • but you have no idea what you want to eat.

  • Have you ever done that?

  • You walk in, and there is a million different options,

  • you're immediately overwhelmed,

  • so you just start picking all sorts of random junk.

  • Most of it will end up in your pantry of shame.

  • The rest will go bad in the fridge. It's always a waste.

  • But you've vowed to do better next time

  • as you pick up the phone to order pizza again.

  • Decision fatigue is a real condition, and it can lead to decision avoidance.

  • Rather than dealing with these thoughts,

  • we just start stuffing them into the back of our mental pantry

  • until we have no more room left to think clearly.

  • That can cause an incredible amount of anxiety and stress

  • because we feel like we're losing control.

  • We're overwhelmed. We need room to think and to focus.

  • So how do we create room?

  • Like when you cleaning a pantry, we have to start by taking everything out.

  • We have to externalize our thoughts to declutter our mind.

  • A good way that I found to do this is to create a mental inventory.

  • Simply take a sheet of paper and a pen,

  • write down the things that you need to do,

  • the things that you should be doing, and the things that you want to do.

  • Holding thoughts in your mind is like trying to grasp water --

  • it's nearly impossible.

  • But by writing down our thoughts, we can capture them clearly

  • so we can work with them later.

  • So now we have this mental inventory; now what?

  • This mental inventory

  • will actually give you a pretty clear picture

  • as to how you're investing both your time and your energy.

  • So the next step is to ask yourself, "Why?"

  • Why am I doing these things? It's a simple question.

  • But you don't have to dive down some existential rabbit hole;

  • simply ask yourself, "Does it matter or is this actually holding me hostage?"

  • We burden ourselves with unnecessary responsibilities all the time.

  • We're so distracted by all the things

  • that we should be doing and we could be doing

  • but we completely forget to ask ourselves,

  • "Why are we doing these things? Do I even want to be doing those things?"

  • But now we have a mental inventory to remind us.

  • So, for every item on this inventory, ask yourself two questions.

  • One - "Is it vital?"

  • Is this item vital, this task vital; think rent, taxes - that kind of thing.

  • Two - "Does it matter?"

  • Does it actually matter to you or to someone that you love?

  • If the answer is no to both of those things,

  • you've just identified a distraction, and you can cross it off your list.

  • For every item you cross off your list, you're becoming less and less distracted.

  • OK, so now, your mental inventory is divided by the things you have to do,

  • and the rest is probably related to things that you aspire to -- your goals.

  • The key to setting goals is to set yourself up for success.

  • And the best way I found to do that

  • is to take your goals and to break them down into small actionable projects.

  • If you don't know how to cook, but you want to learn,

  • don't start by tackling an incredibly complicated meal

  • for six people.

  • Even if you don't make a total mess,

  • the experience will have been so unpleasant

  • that you run the risk of ruining your curiosity

  • about cooking all together.

  • Natural curiosity is incredibly important because it's genuine, it can't be faked.

  • These small projects allow us

  • to cultivate our curiosities and help them grow;

  • maybe even help some of them blossom into fully-fledged passions.

  • At the very least,

  • we learn more about ourselves, about the things that we want.

  • So what do these small projects look like?

  • For one, they have to have no barriers to entry.

  • What does that mean?

  • You don't have to wait on anybody or anything;

  • you can get started right away.

  • Two - they have to have a very clearly defined list of actions and tasks.

  • And three - it should take less than a month to complete.

  • If you estimate your project will take more than a month, that's fine.

  • Just break it into two smaller projects.

  • These projects don't even have to be part of some big epic goal.

  • They can be self-contained micro goals.

  • The goal really here is to be able to indulge your curiosity,

  • try it on for size and see if it fits so you don't waste time.

  • Unfortunately, time is not a renewable resource.

  • You can't make time. You can only take time.

  • It's our responsibility to take the time

  • to identify the things that interest us, to figure out ways to pursue them

  • because project after project, goal after goal,

  • we will learn what we want to eat,

  • and we'll have acquired all the skills that we need to prepare a beautiful meal.

  • We'll go from this state to something more along these lines.

  • But it takes time. And it takes dedication.

  • Please, raise your hands

  • if you've ever accomplished the goal that you set for yourself.

  • Congratulations.

  • (Laughter)

  • Now please, raise your hands again,

  • if by accomplishing a goal it was like a dream come true,

  • it was exactly like you thought it was going to be.

  • All right. Not as many hands. Why is that?

  • It's because time has passed.

  • You've learned new things, your circumstances have changed;

  • you're not the same person anymore.

  • This mental inventory is like a map

  • and as we navigate our lives,

  • we have to dedicate ourselves

  • to a habit of keeping that map updated with all the new things that we discover.

  • If we don't, our map becomes inaccurate, and we start to go off course, we drift.

  • And all of sudden, the distractions start leaking back into our lives.

  • Even if it's only five minutes a day, just five minutes a day,

  • we have to dedicate ourselves to a practice

  • that allows us to keep our mental inventory updated.

  • Over time this skill, this practice

  • will also provide you with a lot of personal data,

  • and that data can provide profound insights into your life:

  • what have you tried, what have you not tried,

  • what should you do more of, what's working, what's not.

  • I've been doing this for years,

  • and it's shown me just how much power I actually do have in shaping my life.

  • It's allowed that young struggling kid with ADD

  • to stand on this stage today in front of you.

  • It's also allowed this adult to get through the speech,

  • but we're almost there.

  • OK, so, to recap:

  • reflect - declutter your mind by creating a mental inventory,

  • get rid of what doesn't matter;

  • ideate - figure out ways to pursue the things that interest you

  • by creating small actual projects;

  • dedicate - get into a daily practice of keeping your mental inventory updated.

  • Reflect, ideate, dedicate.

  • Rid yourself of the things that don't matter,

  • so you have the time and the energy to focus on the things that do.

  • I'll help you go from leading that busy life

  • to leading an intentional life, to close that gap.

  • An intentional life is the one that you want to live

  • not the one that you endure.

  • The intentional life has the power

  • to grant you more of those beautiful moments in the sun.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

Translator: Nataliia Pysemska Reviewer: Denise RQ


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B1 中級

あなたの心をどのようにデクラッタするか - 日記をつけよう|ライダー・キャロル|TEDxYale (How to declutter your mind -- keep a journal | Ryder Carroll | TEDxYale)

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    Vivien Tea に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日