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Hey, how's it going Dave 2D here. This is the 2018 HP omen
やあ、調子はどうだい?Dave2Dだ これは2018 HP OMEN
so, when they first came out with the original omen gaming laptop in like 2015,
I liked it, did a good review on it
And then they did two years like the 2016 version and the 2017 version were just ehh
I just didn't recommend them. I did reviews on them. I just told people honestly not to buy them
お勧めできる物じゃなかった レビューはしたけど、買わないよう勧めた
2018 model kicks ass. Straight up, this is such a big improvement over the previous generation
ただ2018年モデルはそうじゃない 前世代から大きな進化を遂げた
That, well, I'm pretty excited to do this video. Okay
このビデオを撮るのにとてもワクワク しているよ
So the design of this thing is very OMENy still. It's got the red face, and the classic red accents for HP omen
But the design is a little bit different from before.So the whole chassis is a little bit smaller
ただ少し以前と違うのは 筐体が小さくなったこと
It's a little bit more compact and they've redesigned this whole product. The bottom half of
コンパクトになって、全体的に再設計されている このラップトップの下半分は
This laptop has an aluminum keyboard deck and a plastic bottom panel both well-made both quite sturdy
But the top half of the laptop isn't as sturdy. It's still well built
ただ上半分はそうじゃない それでも作りは良いけど
It's just there's a little bit more flex to the materials and stuff. There's just no aluminum on the top part of it
素材が柔軟な物なんだ トップ部分にはアルミニウムはつかわれていない
So the screen has a little bit of flex and I also don't love the hinge. Some companies do this hinge really poorly
つまりスクリーンは少し柔軟で、ヒンジもあまり好きじゃない ヒンジを適当に作る会社もあるけど
They didn't. And HP actually has and like there's no clicking or there's no like weird tension or anything like that.
But we've seen some companies in the past put hinges close together like this and they develop some weird play that just causes the hinge
To fail over time. I don't think that's gonna happen on this one. It just feels actually like a good hinge.
これにはそういうことは起こらなさそう 良いヒンジだと思う
Okay, this whole device isn't an ultra premium super thin laptop, right?
It's built pretty well considering the price but there are a lot of plastic components and it starts at
$800 if you get the base model that's with the i5 and in gtx 1050
But even fully specced out,. I think it hits like eleven maybe twelve hundred dollars in amazon
that's with the gtx 1060 and I feel like that's really
reasonable for what you're getting.
and I think the biggest change this year in terms of the aesthetics is actually the screen. It used to have really thick bezels and
見た目の観点からして、今年の最も大きな点はスクリーンだと思う 元々太いベゼルだったけど
It's no longer a member of the thick bezels club. It's got a nice and thin top and side bezel
もうそうじゃない より良いトップ、サイドベゼルになった
The screen uses a 144 hertz panel, excellent for games and pretty usable for a color accurate work
Now this model is running the gtx 1060
It's not like the fastest GPU out there but a very respectable card even right now in
2018 despite this GPU being a couple years old
It still delivers really good performance for most AAA titles. Another big change
もう一つの大きな変化はサーマルパフォーマンスだ 2016と2017モデルの
This year is the thermal performance . The 2016 model and the 2017 model had
Not great thermals to the point where I just didn't recommend those devices
2018モデルは非常に進化した ベンチマークではスロットリングは確認できない
2018 model has significantly improved. I'm not seeing thermal throttling under benchmarks
Now the temperatures still run hotter than I'd like, but at least we're not seeing thermal throttling. That being said
I don't love the fans
アイドル状態でも、静かじゃない それは僕にとって重要で
So for one, on idle, this thing doesn't run silent and that's something that is important to me
皆にはそうじゃないかもしれない でも、ただウェブブラウジングしているだけでも音がするのは気に入らない
Not everyone cares about that stuff. But when this thing's not doing anything if I'm just like browsing the web, I don't like that
I can still hear the fans they're quiet but it's still audible and that's with the
それが普通の状態でも。 もっとアグレッシブに動かせば、もっとひどくなる
Kind of default profile. If you go for the more aggressive profile, it's even worse
The other thing is even when this thing's running full tilt in games the fans don't get super loud
But I wish there was more thermal Headroom
Honestly, if they'd given more granular control with the fans like being able to just ramp it up manually
それだけですべて解決すると思う ただ、これはソフトウェアの問題だろうから、修正してくれるといいな
I think that would have solved it alone. But yeah the fans maybe they can fix this with software
だから現在の状態では、もう少しファンが良ければと思う キーボードはとても良い
So I will say that but in its current state, I wish the fans were a little bit better. The keyboard is pretty good
It's comfortable, lighting in zones, not individually lit
But it's a good layout and I think most people can get used to it quickly the trackpad
ただキーボードは僕の好みじゃない ウィンドウズ正規ドライバで動作していないんだ
However is something that I don't like it doesn't use windows precision drivers
本当に正規ドライバで動作していればと思うよ 最近ほとんどの製造元はそれを使っているから
I really wish they did because so many manufacturers are using Windows precision drivers nowadays. It just feels like a bit of a miss
トラッキングよりも、ジェスチャーが時々反応しない だから反応しないことがあれば、それはドライバー関係だ
It's not the tracking. It's more the gestures like, sometimes it won't pick up whatever you're doing with your gestures, and that's a driver thing
ポートセレクション 背面にたくさんついている
Port selection there's a handful of them located on the back
Including a thunderbolt three port, and you get some usb on the sides as well as an SD card slot. The speakers
They're located on the side like the bottom side. So they're not in the best position, but they sound pretty good
Not bass-heavy or anything like that, but considering that this is kind of like mid tier gaming laptop
このスピーカーには満足している 内部は
I'm happy with the speaker's. The internals
とてもアクセスしやすい ネジがいくつかあって、どちらのドライブと、
These are really easy to get into. It's a handful of Phillips screws and you have access to both of your drives
RAM, Wi-Fi card, and you also have your battery.
So this battery is a reasonably large one at 70 watt hours, but I'm not getting amazing battery life looking at four
4時間か4時間半と驚くべき物じゃない、まともではあるけどね ただこれは15インチの比較的コンパクトなラップトップで
Maybe four and a half hours. It's still respectable. But because this is a relatively compact 15-inch laptop
I think a lot of people are looking at as like a daily driver they bring to school or for work
And for most people that are doing that you're going to bring the charger to last the full day
全体的な感想としては、とても気に入った 2016、2017モデルに比べて大きく進化して
Overall thoughts on this device though. I really like it. It's so much more improved compared to the 2016 and 2017 models like those ones
I did not recommend. This one, I highly recommend
そして最後に一つ ゲームをしているときに使っていたマウスは
So, yeah. One last thing. The mouse that I used when I was playing games on this thing was actually the HP omen
HP OMEN Reactorマウス ここには少し背景がある
Reactor mouse. So here's the tale.
This thing was sent as a demo for me to kind of check this the whole thing out with and
Usually when computer companies or computer manufacturers make mice they're not great
But I saw this thread on reddit where a bunch of people were praising this thing
I was like really? Is it? Is it actually legit ? And
これはとても良いマウスだよ 見た目は奇妙だけど
It's a really good Mouse. It looks weird
正直言って、見た目は全く僕の好みじゃないけど、パフォーマンスは良い ケーブルはメタルブレイズで守られていて
If I'm being honest, this is totally not my design aesthetic but people love the performance the cables wrapped in this metal braid
断線を防いでくれる そしてメカニカルスイッチと、光学センサが搭載されていて、この調節可能な部分もある
Which prevents fraying. It's got optima mechanical switches and optical sensor and this height adjustable air for the back where your palm goes
It's a strange-looking Mouse, but the performance is good
I understand why other people that have picked this up loved it because it says
型破りなマウスだよ 「HPのマウス」...だれが良いものになると思う?
Unconventional Mouse like 'HP mice' who would ever thought that it'd be a good mouse, but it's a good mouseI Okay
楽しんでくれたかな? 気に入ってくれたら高評価、好きになってくれたらチャンネル登録よろしく! また会おう
Hope you guys enjoyed this video. Thumbs if you liked it, subs if you loved it. See you guys next time