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  • Is it possible to create something out of nothing?

  • Or, more precisely, can energy be made into matter?

  • Yes, but only when it comes together

  • with its twin, antimatter.

  • And there's something pretty mysterious about antimatter:

  • there's way less of it out there than there should be.

  • Let's start with the most famous physics formula ever:

  • E equals m c squared.

  • It basically says that mass is concentrated energy,

  • and mass and energy are exchangeable,

  • like two currencies with a huge exchange rate.

  • 90 trillion Joules of energy

  • are equivalent to 1 gram of mass.

  • But how do I actually transform energy into matter?

  • The magic word is energy density.

  • If you concentrate a huge amount

  • of energy in a tiny space,

  • new particles will come into existence.

  • If we look closer,

  • we see that these particles always come in pairs,

  • like twins.

  • That's because particles always have a counterpart,

  • an antiparticle,

  • and these are always produced

  • in exactly equal amounts: 50/50.

  • This might sound like science fiction,

  • but it's the daily life of particle accelerators.

  • In the collisions between two protons

  • at CERN's Large Hadron Collider,

  • billions of particles and antiparticles

  • are produced every second.

  • Consider, for example, the electron.

  • It has a very small mass and negative electric charge.

  • It's antiparticle, the positron,

  • has exactly the same mass,

  • but a positive electric charge.

  • But, apart from the opposite charges,

  • both particles are identical and perfectly stable.

  • And the same is true for their heavy cousins,

  • the proton and the antiproton.

  • Therefore, scientists are convinced

  • that a world made of antimatter

  • would look, feel, and smell just like our world.

  • In this antiworld,

  • we may find antiwater,

  • antigold,

  • and, for example,

  • an antimarble.

  • Now imagine that a marble and an antimarble

  • are brought together.

  • These two apparently solid objects

  • would completely disappear

  • into a big flash of energy,

  • equivalent to an atomic bomb.

  • Because combining matter and antimatter

  • would create so much energy,

  • science fiction is full of ideas

  • about harnessing the energy stored in antimatter,

  • for example, to fuel spaceships like Star Trek.

  • After all, the energy content of antimatter

  • is a billion times higher than conventional fuel.

  • The energy of one gram of antimatter would be enough

  • for driving a car 1,000 times around the Earth,

  • or to bring the space shuttle into orbit.

  • So why don't we use antimatter for energy production?

  • Well, antimatter isn't just sitting around,

  • ready for us to harvest.

  • We have to make antimatter

  • before we can combust antimatter,

  • and it takes a billion times more energy

  • to make antimatter

  • than you get back.

  • But, what if there was some antimatter in outer space

  • and we could dig it out one day

  • from an antiplanet somewhere.

  • A few decades ago, many scientists believed

  • that this could actually be possible.

  • Today, observations have shown

  • that there is no significant amount of antimatter

  • anywhere in the visible universe,

  • which is weird because, like we said before,

  • there should be just as much antimatter

  • as there is matter in the universe.

  • Since antiparticles and particles

  • should exist in equal numbers,

  • this missing antimatter?

  • Now that is a real mystery.

  • To understand what might be happening,

  • we must go back to the Big Bang.

  • In the instant the universe was created,

  • a huge amount of energy was transformed into mass,

  • and our initial universe contained

  • equal amounts of matter and antimatter.

  • But just a second later,

  • most matter and all of the antimatter

  • had destroyed one another,

  • producing an enormous amount of radiation

  • that can still be observed today.

  • Just about 100 millionths

  • of the original amount of matter stuck around

  • and no antimatter whatsoever.

  • "Now, wait!" you might say,

  • "Why did all the antimatter disappear

  • and only matter was left?"

  • It seems that we were somehow lucky

  • that a tiny asymmetry exists

  • between matter and antimatter.

  • Otherwise, there would be no particles at all

  • anywhere in the universe

  • and also no human beings.

  • But what causes this asymmetry?

  • Experiments at CERN are trying to find out the reason

  • why something exists

  • and why we don't live in a universe

  • filled with radiation only?

  • But, so far, we just don't know the answer.

Is it possible to create something out of nothing?


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B2 中上級

TED-ED】反物質はどうなったのか?- ロルフ・ランドゥア (【TED-Ed】What happened to antimatter? - Rolf Landua)

  • 622 92
    Yu Syuan Luo に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日