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  • Ketchup, so American!

  • It's basically the red in red, white, and blue, right?

  • And that red, clearly is from the tomatoes the ketchup is made from.

  • Yum!

  • But that wasn't always the case.

  • The first recorded recipe for ketchup comes from China.

  • And for more than a thousand years, it wasn't even made with tomatoes.

  • It was made with fish guts.

  • Eww!

  • Fish intestine, bladder, and stomach all mixed together with salt, then sealed and heated in the hot summer sun for 20 days.

  • That was the original ketchup, a fermented fish paste that dates back to 6th century China.

  • It was popular throughout Southeast Asia, and British and Dutch settlers who arrived in the 1600s loved the stuff.

  • Over time, they brought ketchup home to Europe and added their own modifications including beer, mushrooms, walnuts, oysters, strawberries, and peaches.

  • By the mid-1700s, English ketchup was a mainstay on British dinner tables;

  • and as colonists went west, it soon made its way across the pond.

  • That's where tomatoes come in.

  • They're native to the Americas.

  • And it's rumored Europeans once believed they were poisonous, but poisonous they were not.

  • In 1812, a Philadelphia horticulturalist and scientist by the name of James Mease introduced tomatoes into the mix.

  • He published a tomato ketchup recipe that was the beginning of a new crimson era.

  • From there, many different iterations were concocted.

  • And by the end of the 18th century, the New York Tribune called tomato ketchup"America's national condiment that was on every table in the land."

  • Which brings us back to this.

  • Tomato ketchup is here to stay.

  • And I, for one, don't miss the fish guts.

Ketchup, so American!


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B2 中上級

ケチャップの怪しい起源 (The Fishy Origins of Ketchup)

  • 93 4
    michelle に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日