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  • Hey it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and life you love, and this is the MarieTV Call-In Show.

  • Bam!

  • I am here with Gregory Patterson.

  • Salutations.

  • Yes.

  • And we are gonna take your questions, and do our very best to give you, hopefully, some

  • good answers.

  • Let's do this.

  • I like that intro.

  • Hello, this is Jackie, can I help you?

  • Hi!

  • Hello!

  • Hi!

  • Oh we don't know what was goin' on there.

  • It was the minute of like hello, hello, hello, hello.

  • Hi Jackie, you're on MarieTV, how ya doin'?

  • Oh my gosh, I'm about to pee my pants right now!

  • Oh don't do that, don't do that!

  • That's how I'm doing!

  • Well actually, if you really wanna do that, go ahead and do that, you can do whatever

  • you want.

  • I'm at an age where that can happen any time, so, let's just do this.

  • Jackie you are here with myself, with Gregory, the rest of the MarieTV crew.

  • Hey.

  • And we are here to offer any insight and guidance.

  • So tell us your question, and then we'll dive in.

  • Okay, here's my Q. It actually is a little bit of a story, and it kinda starts a little

  • Debbie Downer.

  • So, seven years ago my mom passed away very unexpectedly.

  • Mm, so sorry.

  • So I... thank you.

  • I took that as a huge, huge wake-up call that I needed to live a more purposeful life, and

  • really go after my dream, which was to be a portrait photographer, and really just to

  • put all of my creativity out in the world that I could.

  • So I, within a week, quit my job, and decided to start my portrait photography business.

  • At the same time, a colleague of mine was starting her consulting business, a communication

  • consulting business, and she said, "Hey, you're probably gonna have some free time, and you

  • might need some cash to get your business going.

  • Why don't you consult with me, and, you know I'll throw you some work and you can make

  • some money along the way, and you can grow your photography business."

  • And I said, "Great, let's do this!"

  • So, seven years later, fast forward, her business is going gangbusters, and I'm doing like 90%

  • consulting, maybe 10% working on my photography business.

  • And I feel like...

  • I love a good recess metaphor.

  • I feel like I'm on the jungle gym, on the playground, and I'm holdin' onto one bar,

  • I got one hand on the consulting job, and one hand on the photography job, and I can't

  • let go of either, but my little arms are just gettin' so tired.

  • And,I feel like I either need someone to smack a hand and say, "Let go of the consulting

  • work and you need to go do your thing."

  • 'Cause I feel like I'm runnin' out of time to do my thing.

  • Yeah.

  • Or, just, "You know what, "maybe the dream isn't for you, maybe you just need to stick

  • with your consulting work."

  • Well, so you're lookin' for a little bit of guidance, in which hand to let go of, am I

  • hearin' ya right?

  • Yeah, which hand to let go of, and, you know I listen to your podcasts, and I've read so

  • many books that you guys have recommended.

  • Yes.

  • I feel like I'm just not getting, like the kick in the pants I need...

  • Yes.

  • make something happen.

  • Absolutely, well I have a couple questions I wanna ask you, but before we go there, I

  • do want you to write this down.

  • If you Google my name, and then GoogleDecision Making: 4 Simple Tests to Help You Make the

  • Right Decision Every Time,” we have a great episode that you may or may not have seen,

  • but I think if you have seen it, it's worth it to re-watch and re-listen, 'cause I run

  • through four tests that help you really make great decisions, and they're very wholistic

  • tests, so they tap into different aspects of you, both your body wisdom, intellectual,

  • psychological, all these different things, and I wanna make sure that you have those

  • tools, even in addition to this conversation, so...

  • Awesome.

  • Question for you, now, you said the dream about starting your own photography business,

  • and I can see that you have a website, and I click through to your website, and you've

  • definitely taken some portraits and some photographs and they're absolutely beautiful.

  • Do you feel like your dream is to take photographs of women?

  • Or is your dream to run a photography business that's profitable and have that be full time?

  • Um, my dream is to run a profitable photography business.

  • Okay.

  • And my ultimate, give every bit of my creativity, and make that make money.

  • Cool, okay so then it sounds like you're clear on what you want, but the challenge is around

  • giving up, not only the financial security, but going towards the business not knowing

  • if that's gonna work, and all of the things that come with it, is that right?

  • That's right, exactly.

  • Okay, cool, well, you know it's a big move.

  • I don't know what your finances are, but of course, I would recommend this to anyone,

  • that you've gotta really take a strong look at your finances.

  • You may be able to, and I don't know what your friend's arrangement is, or what your

  • relationship is like, but if at all possible, I would investigate, rather than doing 90%

  • consulting, and 10% photography, is it possible for you to change those dials a little bit?

  • So you actually move down from 90% consulting, to let's not say zero, right, but maybe about

  • 50%.

  • If you have to still build up a little bit of a nest egg, and from a financial perspective,

  • you're a little scared, that could be an option to consider.

  • Now again Jackie, I don't know if you're the type of person who's like, "Look, the only

  • way I'm gonna make somethin' work is if I burn the bridges behind me, like I need that

  • pressure, I need all of that momentum to move forward."

  • And some people are like that.

  • That's not me, but that might be you, is that you?

  • No, no I'm definitely not.

  • I don't think I would've take her opportunity if I was a burn the bridges kinda gal.

  • Yes.

  • But I'm a people-pleaser kinda gal, and so, if there's a, "Hey I need your help, we've

  • got this opportunity coming up, I need some people to jump on this project."

  • I don't say no, I'd say, "Okay."

  • And then I'm in up over my neck again with more consulting work.

  • Mmhmm, so this isn't necessarily a business problem, this is a boundaries problem.

  • Possibly.

  • Yeah, well here's the thing, it's completely possible, I know in my heart and soul, for

  • you to run a profitable photography business, right?

  • Any business, we don't have a crystal ball whether or not it's gonna work.

  • I would tell you, I don't think you're a B-Schooler, are you, Jackie?

  • Not yet.

  • No, you definitely should be.

  • Again, whether you learn it from me, or you learn it from someone else, anyone who runs

  • a small business, you have got to learn the ins and outs, the depth of marketing, so that

  • you can apply it in a way that makes whatever your gift is, your product or your service,

  • as profitable as it can be, and as impactful as it can be.

  • So, again, I would say if you are gonna let go of that handlebar of the consulting gig,

  • make sure you get your butt in B-School.

  • The next time we run it is February of 2019, so, make sure you get in there.

  • But apart from that, here's the deal.

  • Boundaries are gonna be huge for you, because even if you solve this issue with your friend

  • and the consulting gig, boundaries are gonna come up with your photography clients.

  • So this is about personal growth.

  • You can have everything you want my friend, and you can have it in a way that's really

  • joyful, you can retain that relationship, and I really think that you could probably

  • start dialing down that percentage, from 90% to 70 to 50 to 60 to 40, you've just gotta

  • set some clear boundaries for yourself, and communicate them effectively.

  • Got it.

  • Got it, got it, yep.

  • The communicator is always the worst at communicating her own things to her people.

  • Yeah, I mean again, all of us, we all need support with this, so you can talk with, do

  • you have friends that you can talk with that are other business owners?

  • Oh yeah, yep.

  • Oh, great, so you can practice this conversation, and again, I think this is completely possible

  • for you, but I think it would be a mistake, quite frankly, to let go of the consulting

  • gig 100%, because given who you say you are, and how you feel around finances, having that

  • bit of security coming in, is really gonna support you as you ratchet up your marketing,

  • and the rest of your business.

  • Yep, and that's what I've been doing for seven years, I've got processes in place, I've got,

  • you know, great gear.

  • I mean I am very grateful for the consulting business because it allowed me to put all

  • the pieces in place to get my portrait photography business going.

  • Now it just needs to like, start amplifying.

  • Yeah, but it's gonna take time and focus, and you have to be the one to create that

  • time.

  • Like you're not gonna find the time my friend, you have to make the time.

  • Oh, I know.

  • Yeah.

  • It's not gonna magically just fall in your lap, like, "Woo, Jackie here you go, three

  • days a week to just work on your business."

  • Not gonna happen!

  • What's your friend's name who runs the consulting business, what's her first name?

  • Her first name is Jamie, and she's awesome.

  • Yeah, and you can tell her, "Oh my God girl, I love you, I want to create this plan together,

  • so that it doesn't disrupt this explosive growth that's happening for you right now."

  • My heart tells me she's amazing, and if you guys sat down, that you could crack a plan

  • that would work for both of you, and you can even ask her for the support, and say, "Hey

  • look, girl, I know there might come some big job down the pike, and you're gonna be goin',

  • 'Oh my gosh, like Jackie can you jump in on this one?'

  • I'm gonna ask you, first of all, not to ask me for that unless things are really on fire,

  • and literally the whole business is gonna go out of business unless I jump in, and two,

  • hold me accountable to not coming in on these days where I said I'm not gonna come in."

  • So you can actually enroll her in supporting you in moving into your own business.

  • And based on what you've said about her, and the feelings I get, she's gonna wanna do it.

  • Yeah, she asks me every once in while, "When are you gonna do your thing, I know, I love

  • you here, I don't want you to go, but I don't want you to not do what you wanna do too."

  • See that?

  • So she supports me.

  • Yeah, you've got everything you need.

  • I think you just have to muster up that courage inside, and start taking those steps.

  • And look, like I said it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

  • So don't have that analogy in your head that you have to let go of the consulting bar completely.

  • You just have to let go of like, two fingers.

  • Okay.

  • Cool?

  • Cool.

  • Start small, you'll get there, keep us posted, and get your butt in B-School, seriously.

  • Yes ma'am!

  • All right love, thank you so much for callin' in, and keep us posted on how it all goes.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Bye!

  • Bye guys!

  • Hello?

  • Hello, tell us your name and where you're calling from.

  • Hi Marie, I am Marines, and I'm calling from Norway.

  • Yay, Marines, we're so excited to have you on the show.

  • You're here with myself and all of team Forleo.

  • Tell us your question, and we will do our very best to help you out.

  • Thank you so much.

  • So my question is, I moved to Norway last year, because my husband is Norwegian.

  • Before coming here, my life was pretty nice.

  • I was working in something that I really liked and I was engaged in projects that were very

  • interesting, and I never anticipated that it was gonna be so difficult to move to Norway.

  • I have really struggled to find relevant work, and I have been doing my homework, I've been

  • studying Norwegian, and I'm really trying to, yeah, to look for work, but it's been

  • very difficult.

  • So my question is, how do I deal with frustration, because I'm becoming very negative and very

  • sad during this process and I've never been like this, so I would love your advice.

  • Absolutely, and by the way, thank you so much for calling in today, because I know that

  • there are many of us out there that find ourselves in challenging situations, and while the details

  • of the story may not be exactly the same, I think many of us can identify with that

  • place of feeling stuck, of feeling like we're not showing up like we normally do, and it

  • feels like we don't know where to go.

  • So, thank you, for being brave.

  • Question for you, where did you live prior to Norway?

  • Vanuatu.

  • Where's that?

  • It's, it's an island in the Pacific.

  • Okay, so, big change in terms of climate, in terms of culture, in terms of, even the

  • surroundings, yeah?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, okay, has that been challenging for you, in terms of climate and the weather and

  • all of those things?

  • Yeah, yeah, it has, everything has been, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Everything is different, yeah.

  • Yep, okay so, few thoughts off the top of my head.

  • One, I think part of the difficulty that you're navigating right now, is you have so much

  • change layered upon change, right?

  • It's one thing if it was just moving to a new location, but you have moving to a new

  • location, you have a completely new language that you're trying to learn, and you have

  • the challenge of trying to find meaningful work, right, all of those things are happening

  • at once?

  • Yep.

  • My love, it is completely understandable that you are finding this so difficult and so frustrating.

  • I would be in your exact same shoes if I were you.

  • Oh, thank you, yeah.

  • So please, don't beat yourself up at all.

  • If there's any voice in your mind that says, "You should be stronger than this," or "You

  • should be handling this better."

  • Please know, that voice isn't telling you the truth.

  • One question for you, because it's something that really helps me regain my own sense of

  • perspective and my own sense of strength when things are difficult in my life.

  • Do you have a physical movement practice?

  • Yeah yeah.

  • Yeah yeah, good.

  • I exercise every day.

  • Oh good, okay good.

  • So that's checked off.

  • That's really really good.

  • Next level of questioning.

  • Do you have any community around you?

  • Have you made any friends outside of your husband that you feel really connected with?

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • Uh maybe, yeah, yeah yeah, I do.

  • You do, okay.

  • I do have very good friends, yeah.

  • Do you feel like you connect with them often enough where there's enough of that friend

  • juice that happens that can sometimes lift you up over a difficult time?

  • Yeah, yeah, but it's like a different type of friendship, you know?

  • Tell me more.

  • Like, I think my deepest friendships were from when I was younger.

  • Okay.

  • But they are very nice people, and they're very supportive as well, so I don't think

  • I can complain about that.

  • Okay, great.

  • If it was possible, and you can let me know if this is possible, could you potentially

  • focus on either learning the language for a little bit, and give yourself a break on

  • the job front, or vice versa?

  • Yeah, I think so, the thing is that I need to learn the language in order to be able

  • to get a job.

  • Okay.

  • 'Cause that's how the market works.

  • Yes.

  • And I do, I could take a break from looking for work.

  • Yes.

  • But I feel so frustrated just not being useful.

  • Yes.

  • That I just, yeah.

  • I can't, I feel like I can't, you know?

  • How long have you not had work?

  • Since January.

  • Since January.

  • So I've been having like a little bit of work until June, and then I began working a little

  • bit in August, but it's not my work, it's not what I've done before, you know what I

  • mean, it's not, I identify myself a lot with the work that I do.

  • So, yeah, I feel like I have lost part of me, if that makes sense.

  • Yes.

  • Yeah.

  • It does, and I can relate to that because, there's many of us, and I will say this straight

  • up, it's not the healthiest place to operate from.

  • And again, I say this as a person who has this in me as well, where we identify so much

  • with our work, that when that goes away, we feel like, "Oh my goodness I don't know who

  • I am anymore."

  • Mmhmm, mmhmm, yeah.

  • That's not to say that you're doing anything wrong, it's just to say that for all of us,

  • our work, it's not going to last forever.

  • So, one of the things to explore is to see if you can discover––and you'll have to

  • approach this with a sense of curiosity, and also a lot of self compassion––is, are

  • there ways for you to find delight in being useful that aren't through traditional work

  • means?

  • Whether it's around, you know, calling up these dear friends that you've made, whether

  • it's doing stuff in your immediate community, you know whatever it is that you can do, it

  • may not be tied to any type of monetary pay, but the feeling of being needed and being

  • useful, that's something that you can generate.

  • Yeah.

  • Someone doesn't have to give you a job in order for you to contribute and to feel useful.

  • And the reason that I asked if it was possible for you to lay off the job hunt for now, is

  • because our brains are not designed to process this much newness at once, and I think that's

  • what's happening with your frustration.

  • My gut tells me that if you gave yourself the grace and the space to focus on the language

  • learning, and I know it's difficult, but if that was the thing that you're like, "I'm

  • gonna immerse myself in this, and make myself useful to me and to this country by learning

  • this language and then being able to get a job," I think you're gonna find the process

  • is gonna go faster.

  • If I was trying to learn a new language, acclimate to a new culture, and find a job in that culture,

  • I'd be in a puddle on the floor.

  • But if I gave myself a little bit of space to just say, "Hey, I need to get conversational

  • in this language and really give it my best, if that's gonna last another three months

  • or six months or whatever it's gonna take."

  • My intuition tells me––and whether or not you agree with it or not is completely

  • up to you––but I think you're gonna find a little bit of the pressure eased, and possibly

  • find a path to more joy.

  • Yeah, that's good advice, it could work.

  • Yeah, another question for you, what do you do for fun?

  • I really like to cook, and have people over.

  • Okay.

  • I like to...

  • Hold on, hold on, I have to pause.

  • Cooking, and having people over your place to like share a meal.

  • Yeah.

  • I need to let you know, that does fall in the category of, not only usefulness, but

  • you said it falls in the category of joy and pleasure.

  • Yeah, yeah yeah, it's, I love that, mmhmm.

  • So we might need to reframe your mindset a little bit, that your paid work isn't the

  • only methodology through which you can contribute and be useful.

  • Just for right now, possibly.

  • Yeah.

  • What else do you like to do for joy and fun?

  • I really like to, well I actually really like to learn languages.

  • So that's something that I enjoy, but this process has been a little bit, I feel a lot

  • of pressure about learning the language fast, so that makes it not so much fun.

  • I like reading, I like exercising, I like hiking, yeah.

  • Okay, so it sounds like all of the boxes are getting kind of ticked off for you, except

  • around this language one.

  • Can you release some of that pressure by taking off the time limit?

  • Yeah, maybe.

  • So I think the problem is that I have so much uncertainty around this, around when...

  • And what does that mean, uncertainty around what?

  • Around when I'm gonna sort of settle, when it's gonna be a little bit more stable.

  • And what does stable mean to you?

  • Probably have a job.

  • See?

  • That's, yeah.

  • So much is tied to this, I really wanna encourage you, if you can, and again it sounds like

  • it's possible for you, from a financial standpoint, at least for the moment.

  • Yeah.

  • And it is, this is definitely a mind trip for you as an individual.

  • You have so much tied in to your identity with work, that it's like, inside you're scrambling.

  • You're like, "Ugh if I don't have a job I'm not useful, if I can't get, I gotta get this

  • job so fast and..."

  • All of that angst and stress is slowing down your language-learning process.

  • So it's the very thing that's keeping you from what you say you want.

  • Oh.

  • Can you feel that?

  • Thank you Marie, that's, yeah, yeah yeah I do.

  • That's very helpful.

  • Yes, so, if you can, and again this is a little leap of faith for you, because I have a sense

  • that probably in the past you've learned other languages perhaps easier, you know, this isn't

  • going the way you thought it would go, like there's all of these things that you didn't

  • really plan on, so it is putting you into uncertainty, which for any of us, throws us

  • off balance.

  • Your methodology is like, "Ugh I wanna work harder and get this done!"

  • But all that frustration and negativity, as you can feel, is not doing you any good.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • So, let off the stress, take off the time, reinvest in the joy of learning this language.

  • Don't worry about getting a job right now.

  • You will find one, you're a very hard worker.

  • I promise you, it will come down the line, but it's gonna be so much more satisfying

  • when this new language of yours starts to live and breathe in your cells in a way that

  • really brings you to life.

  • Yeah, thank you so much.

  • You're so welcome, thank you for sharing, and we're sending you a huge hug, and so much

  • love.

  • Thank you so much Marie.

  • Okay, bye darling.

  • And your whole team.

  • Bye.

  • Bye-bye.

  • I have two little points to that.

  • Add!

  • I think, that it sounds like she's taking more withdraws than deposits from her soul

  • bank, and so, she hasn't found any joy to deposit into there, right?

  • And part of, like when I lived in Stockholm for a little bit, like everything is new.

  • It tastes new, it smells new, you talk new, you sound new, and I think if she were to

  • maybe share her culture with them, her cooking, her foods, her music that she loves, like

  • the Norwegians would go crazy for it.

  • Yeah.

  • And that might give her a little joy in sharing her bit of homesickness that she sounds like

  • she's feeling, just like continue to deposit into her soul bank, and it may one day just

  • be like, "Woo, okay, I'm feelin' a little less homesick," ya know?

  • Yeah, I think those were great ideas.

  • And I loved that she said how much she enjoys cooking.

  • Yes!

  • And having friends over for meals.

  • Yes, yeah, and while you're cookin' speak your language!

  • It's great, I love both of those things.

  • Yeah.

  • Hello, this is Mag.

  • Hi, this is Marie Forleo and you're on the MarieTV Call-In Show!

  • Oh my gosh, Marie.

  • How you doin', girl?

  • I'm doing amazing!

  • I cannot believe you're calling me and you sound exactly like in the videos.

  • I'm a real human.

  • I'm real, totally!

  • Would you imagine that!

  • Well we're so excited you're here with myself and Gregory, and all of Team Forleo, tell

  • us your question, and we will do our best to provide some insight and guidance.

  • Awesome, hi Greg, hi team!

  • Well hello, lovey.

  • I love you Greg, you're so adorable.

  • Oh, aw, I'm blushing.

  • I just got it.

  • Oh gosh, okay so here's my question, so, I created this community, global community of

  • people around the world who travel and work remotely, and I first started with a Facebook

  • group, and initially that was a small group of people from around the world, and then

  • it very quickly grew to this global platform with over 40,000 people from 121 countries

  • in the world.

  • And employers posting remote jobs daily.

  • But, it wasn't until I shared my personal life story, when, almost overnight we're featured

  • in Business Insider, and Forbes.

  • And I find that a lot of people are really inspired by my story, and I'm getting more

  • requests to share it.

  • But I worry, because I don't want the story to become the center stage.

  • Instead I want the full focus of my dream and mission is to be on that community, building

  • that global community of people around the world and empowering them, regardless of their

  • geographic location, for remote work.

  • Uh huh.

  • So my question to you is, how do I balance sharing my story in order to attract attention

  • to our community of Pangian, instead of me?

  • Yeah, so I have a couple of questions for you.

  • One, what is really underneath that fear of your story becoming center stage?

  • What are you concerned or afraid of?

  • First of all, I personally don't think that story's so interesting, so I'm always puzzled

  • why others find it interesting.

  • And second of all, I feel like there is so many more important stories to tell from our

  • community, and the power of very talented people in that community, that I feel like

  • their stories and their mission and what they have to offer is so much more than just the

  • little story of me, and I don't want that story to overshadow how amazing this community

  • is.

  • Okay, great, so, couple things, are you able to tell us like just the two or three sentence

  • version of your story?

  • Are you willing to do that?

  • Yeah sure, I mean it's already in Business Insider, so.

  • Yeah, but for our viewers, I don't want them to click away and go research it.

  • So tell us right now, so that I can help you get to an answer that you're gonna love.

  • Sounds good.

  • Okay so, I was born in Poland, at the end of Communism, and I remember since I was five

  • years old, all I wanted is to travel the world and meet people from around the world.

  • And very quickly I was told by everybody around me that I will never be able to do it because

  • Communists, we don't have passports, nobody can travel.

  • But I remember from that moment I've always felt like, like a global citizen.

  • I've always felt I will do it.

  • I didn't know how, I didn't know when, but I just wanted to do it, and sure enough, soon

  • after, Communism collapsed, and I found a way to come to U.S., learn English, graduated

  • from college, got recruited by this big global aerospace company, started running global

  • projects, managing remote teams, and since then I travel over 50 countries and six continents,

  • and now I wake up every day and just open my laptop, and every morning I chat with somebody

  • from Hong Kong and Paris and London, and that's my life.

  • Ahh, I love it!

  • Sounds like a great life!

  • Okay so, thank you so much, and here's the thing.

  • So I'm gonna say a few things to you my friend, because, again, you're asking for my opinion,

  • and I'm gonna give it to you 'cause that's what I do.

  • One, your story is so inspiring, and I think what you're doing is you've got kind of this

  • false choice in your mind and in your heart.

  • It's like, "Either I tell my story or I center the stories of these other people."

  • And you're thinking it's one or the other.

  • Or like, "I don't wanna put too much of a shining on myself because it's gonna take

  • away from the folks that I'm really trying to get their stories out there."

  • My friend, that is so not the truth.

  • You have to get, first of all, your job, as a business owner, or as the leader of an organization,

  • is to evangelize, your job is to get attention.

  • Now, you want the attention on you, because guess what?

  • Every single time a Business Insider or a Forbes or an Entrepreneur or a Fortune or

  • whomever talks about your story, guess what, they're gonna say, "She's the founder of X,

  • who does X."

  • All of a sudden then, you're getting all of these eyeballs on your people, so, it is your

  • job to be a storyteller.

  • It is your job to recognize that while you don't think your story's that great, everyone

  • in the studio is like, "Oh my goodness!"

  • We all got little goosebumps on our arms, everyone wants that story.

  • Traveling the world, being a global citizen, coming out of a place that was oppressed and

  • now coming to a new place and making that dream come real, we need more of those stories.

  • And I think the other piece that you're missing is that your story, I bet you, is super connected

  • to your mission, and to the folks who are within your organization, the stories that

  • you wanna tell for them, right?

  • So now, you work with all these remote workers, and then you get to shine the light on them.

  • So it's not either/or.

  • It's not like there's just one little spot on the mountain top and if you take all of

  • the oxygen in the room there's no room for anyone else, that's bullshit.

  • Your story is important, and as a business owner, you have got to push it as much as

  • possible.

  • Let me ask you this, think about the stories of, you know, we'll just go to Apple because

  • I'm looking at an Apple computer.

  • We all know about Steve Jobs, the late great Steve Jobs, whatever you think of him.

  • But we knew about his story, and them starting up that company, it became legend, and then

  • what happens, more people learn about Apple, buy Apple Products become Apple evangelists,

  • that's how it happens.

  • So your story is one of the most powerful things that you have.

  • You have to extract out of that beautiful, brilliant, empathetic mind of yours, that

  • you could possibly tell your story too much, or that by telling your story you're taking

  • away from your people, that is completely untrue.

  • Wow.

  • I guess I needed a wake-up call.

  • Yeah.

  • Literally.

  • Yeah, I mean what you're building is so incredible, I believe it's part of the future of work,

  • you know, Marie Forleo International.

  • While we're here in the studio today, and I love these times, and I treasure these times,

  • the majority of our company, everyone works remotely, right?

  • There's over 30 of us.

  • Wow.

  • Nobody, I had the vision for this company to be completely remote and virtual and that's

  • what we are.

  • So, what you're doing is incredible.

  • You have got to keep going.

  • I think you need to go the opposite direction.

  • You gotta get more people to tell your story.

  • You gotta leverage all that press that you've already received to get even more press.

  • That's what's gonna grow opportunity, in terms of jobs and employers coming to your site.

  • That's what's gonna grow your mission, that's what's gonna help you make the change that

  • you are seeking to make in this world.

  • Wow, I'm just speechless, and I think you just really pushed me to that moment when

  • I need to realize, I mean what you said, "It's your job to do that," it's not even an option,

  • like that's my job as the leader of this community.

  • Yes it is, it's your mission, it's your responsibility, it is the opportunity that you have to shift

  • the culture in the way that you want to shift it.

  • And for you to back away from that, you're not only doing yourself a disservice, you're

  • doing a disservice to all of the people who have dreams just like you had one day.

  • Again, I have said this so many times, this is my position on it.

  • When you don't do everything possible to get your product or your service in front of the

  • people who most need it, you are stealing from those who need you most.

  • You are stealing a possibility from them that only you are here to give.

  • It's why I say at the end of every single show, the world needs that special gift that

  • only you have, and when it comes to marketing, when it comes to sharing, when it comes to

  • expressing yourself, if you don't do everything possible to get it out in front of the people

  • who you're meant to serve, you really are stealing from those who need you most.

  • All right, I got it.

  • Thank you so much!

  • Well thank you for inspiring everyone, motivating.

  • Honestly, like I've been always inspired and motivated by your videos and I shared it in

  • our community and people love you, but just hearing that from you straight like so direct,

  • like I completely get it, not only get it logically, but for the first time I have this

  • energy of like, this is what I'm gonna do.

  • Yes, Mama, well you keep us posted, we will be cheerin' you on, and thank you for doing

  • the work that you do in the world.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Thank you so much Marie.

  • Bye darling.

  • Bye.

  • Bye team.

  • Bye!

  • Buh-bye.

  • Well friends, I think we done did that, that was awesome.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • Greg did you have a good time?

  • I had a great time.

  • Woo!

  • All right, so, now here's my question for you.

  • Did you have a favorite question or part of a question or insight that you're taking away

  • from today's call-in show?

  • If so, leave a comment below and let us know.

  • As always, the best conversations happen over at the magical land of, so

  • that's where I want you to go and leave a comment now.

  • While you're there, if you're not already, please subscribe, and become an MF Insider.

  • I promise, my emails, they're like the best in the nation.

  • They're amazing!

  • You're gonna get instant access to an audio training I created called How to Get Anything

  • You Want and you'll get some exclusive content and some little personal updates from me that

  • I just don't share anywhere else.

  • So stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world really does need

  • that special gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for watching, and we'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

  • B-School is coming up, want in?

  • For more info and free training, go to

  • I'ma open it up.

  • Open it up!

  • Open your butt.

  • Thanks.

  • That sounds like a treat.

  • That was intense.

  • The person whom you're trying to reach is currently unavailable, please leave a message.

  • Anybody got a question, anybody?

  • Of course, of course.

  • I gots plenty answers, plenty answers.

  • Flowers, what do you got for me today?

Hey it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business


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How to Pursue Your Side Hustle Without Risking Everything

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    Ken Song に公開 2019 年 01 月 10 日