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  • - Hey, are you tired of your job?

  • Well, boy do I have some options for you.

  • Everybody has to do something to make a living.

  • Some jobs are better than others of course

  • but then there are some jobs

  • that aren't necessarily good or bad

  • but just kind of fall into a really gray area of weirdness.

  • Seriously, you might have a hard time believing

  • that the following jobs exist but I assure you they do.

  • Here are the 10 weirdest jobs on earth.

  • Number 10 is underwater pizza delivery.

  • If you're a scuba diver looking for a job,

  • you're probably thinking along the lines

  • of teaching scuba diving or even working with tourist groups

  • but there's one scuba diving job

  • that you're not gonna believe.

  • At Jules Lodge in Key Largo, Florida,

  • guests can call out for some pizza.

  • However, it can be pretty difficult to deliver

  • considering that the hotel is underwater.

  • That's where the underwater pizza delivery guy comes in.

  • His name is Rob Doyle and after getting into some scuba gear

  • and sealing the ordered pizza into a waterproof case,

  • he then deep dives underwater.

  • After entering up through an airlock,

  • he emerges, unlocks the case and delivers the pizza unharmed

  • and most importantly, dry unless it's Pizza Hut pizza

  • in which case you're gonna be bathing in grease.

  • The guests can then eat the pizza

  • while watching marine life float by through a window

  • though they better tip this guy real good.

  • Number nine is odor tester.

  • Most people are repelled by bad smells.

  • Right here.

  • When presented with a terrible odor,

  • must of us run the other way.

  • Hey, nice to meet you.

  • Oh, God, did you rub yourself down with onions?

  • However, an odor tester's job is to do the exact opposite

  • and get their noses up nice and close to the source

  • taking a deep breath.

  • Smell testers are employed in various industries

  • from deodorant companies

  • who require their testers to smell sweaty armpits

  • to see how effective a deodorant is

  • to breath mint companies needing to know how bad

  • a person's breath smells after eating garlic.

  • Even nail polish companies have to hire odor testers

  • to inhale their product

  • to see if the fumes cause any side effects.

  • Yes, I inhale nail polish all day.

  • Nothing's wrong with it.

  • Yeah, nothing wrong with it.

  • In all seriousness, that last one is a dangerous job

  • but the money's good and you get all the free nail polish

  • you could ever ask for even the sparkly ones

  • which I find delightful.

  • Number eight is the apologizer.

  • The apologizer kinda sounds like

  • a Denzel Washington movie gone bad

  • but it's actually a real job.

  • Some people find it almost impossible to say sorry.

  • This can happen for a variety of reasons

  • including pride or maybe just the other person

  • won't give them the time of day to say it.

  • That's where the apologizers come in.

  • As you might have guessed, this service is in Japan

  • where you can actually hire someone

  • to perform the apology for you.

  • This saves you time and face

  • while the other person gets the apology.

  • However, things can get a little dark

  • when apologizers are hired to break up with a person

  • who doesn't have the guts to do it and their fee varies.

  • It is not cheap.

  • It can be $250 for a face to face apology

  • and about $100 for a quick email or phone apology

  • which I don't understand 'cause you could do that yourself.

  • Wait a minute, that's lucrative.

  • I think I should change my profession.

  • After all, I'm Canadian, I'd be a billionaire by now.

  • Sorry, sorry, eh.

  • Number seven is the human scarecrow.

  • If you're a college or university student right now,

  • you might find it difficult

  • to get into your chosen profession right away.

  • So while you wait,

  • why not try your hand at something totally bizarre?

  • That's what a graduate from Bangor University

  • in the UK did in 2012.

  • Going by the name Mr. Fox,

  • he found employment as a human scarecrow.

  • Now, luckily, this didn't mean

  • that he had to tie himself to a wooden cross

  • and pull weird faces at bird trying to eat the field crops.

  • Why did I sign up for this, how do I go pee?

  • Instead, he wears a bright orange coat and hat.

  • Much better.

  • Whenever the birds hover nearby,

  • he'd start playing either a ukulele or an accordion

  • eight hours a day.

  • This was enough to frighten any nearby animal

  • keeping his employers' fields free of pesky critters.

  • Number six is a train pusher.

  • A train pusher is a bizarre but necessary job.

  • Though this job is typically characterized

  • as being a Japanese and Chinese phenomenon,

  • train pushers were actually quite common in the US

  • up to the 1950s.

  • The job involves pushing commuters into a train

  • or subway car as far as possible

  • to allow other passengers to join them.

  • Yeah, yeah, thanks for paying your ticket.

  • Just suck in your fat, get to the back.

  • Train pushers are occasionally still seen in Japan

  • during rush hour squeezing every person onto the train

  • until the doors close.

  • This isn't the case with every train

  • and in fact, there aren't many train pushers left in Japan

  • but in China however, the Beijing Subway network

  • has been using train pushers extensively

  • due to overcrowding.

  • Yeah, that sounds like a nightmare to me,

  • being squeezed onto a train with someone this close away

  • breathing into my face.

  • How you enjoying your ride?

  • Number five is the dog food tester.

  • You're probably not surprised to hear

  • that there's such a thing as a dog food tester..

  • However, you might be when you realize

  • those testers are not of the canine variety.

  • That's right, human beings are employed to eat dog food.

  • This is of course to test the quality of the product.

  • Testers are asked to get into the canine frame of mind

  • and try and anticipate which flavors a dog will enjoy.

  • This sounds so nasty and gross, no thanks.

  • The more a dog likes its food,

  • the more likely it's said that the dog's owner

  • is going to keep buying that brand.

  • The dog food tester can also identify

  • when things have gone wrong such as meat being off

  • or an ingredient being difficult to stomach.

  • Invariably, dog food testers are also employed

  • to eat cat food and other pet foods.

  • Apparently, the job is paid well enough that it's enjoyable

  • though I'd ask them to pop in a mint once in a while

  • from time to time.

  • Number four is the car guard.

  • If you love your car

  • and want to take extra special precautions

  • to ensure that no one steals or vandalizes it

  • then you might want to hire a car guard.

  • They're usually self-employed

  • but sometimes they work for an agency or company.

  • They do the work of a car valet

  • and will find a safe place to park for a customer.

  • However, they will also guard the car while it's parked.

  • In countries where automobile theft is especially high,

  • a car guard can come in pretty handy and it's an easy job.

  • That is unless an armed car thief tries to take the car

  • in which you case you may be forced to use lethal force

  • to protect the customer's vehicle with your life.

  • On the plus side, you get to sit around a lot.

  • So that's good, right?

  • Number three is the professional sleeper.

  • Now, this is a job I can get behind.

  • Who doesn't love to have some sleep?

  • In places like Finland, some hotels have an unusual way

  • of making sure that their rooms at up to standard.

  • They hire a professional sleeper

  • to spend one night in each room

  • when they're vacant of course.

  • Otherwise that would be weirder.

  • The sleeper then rates each bed

  • and will identify which rooms are uncomfortable.

  • Professional sleepers can also find work

  • with sleep researchers.

  • All they need to do is literally just go to sleep

  • while researchers observe their brain waves.

  • Even NASA is in on this, hiring professional sleepers

  • to stay in bed for days at a time

  • to see what the long term effects would be

  • on astronauts traveling to Mars.

  • I just realized that sounds like

  • astronauts are traveling to Mars on their beds.

  • I meant beds inside the spaceship

  • in case you didn't catch that.

  • Just clearing that up.

  • Okay, moving on.

  • Number two is a vomit cleaner.

  • Have you ever watched those people on rollercoasters

  • throwing up everywhere?

  • No, me neither.

  • Really though, have you ever wondered where the vomit goes

  • besides all over the people on the ride I mean?

  • This is why I don't ride rollercoasters.

  • That stuff doesn't just clean itself up.

  • Somebody has to do it.

  • That's the job description of a vomit cleaner.

  • Yum yum.

  • Some amusement park owners specifically hire vomit cleaners

  • to do this thankless job.

  • This involves not just cleaning the rides

  • but identifying where vomit lands from above.

  • Sometimes it's on the walkway or on a rail

  • but other times it's on the roof.

  • The vomit cleaner must get to these places

  • to keep each park from smelling foul.

  • So the next time you throw up in an amusement park,

  • don't feel bad.

  • You're actually keeping someone in a job

  • and contributing to the employment market.

  • It's good for your country, noble person.

  • And number one is a professional mourner.

  • Funerals are of course tragic events

  • and emotionally draining.

  • Well, unless you're being paid to pretend to be sad

  • then it's a hoot.

  • Professional mourners were all the rage

  • thousands of years ago but in some Asian countries

  • the practice is still carried out.

  • In China for example, professional mourners

  • are trained to sing the equivalent of hymns

  • and even in some cases bring a band with them.

  • Okay, everyone, get the drums and guitars ready,

  • we're right over grandma, here we go and a one and a two.

  • In the United Kingdom, there are businesses

  • which also rent out professional mourners to families.

  • This is usually to increase numbers at a funeral

  • to make the ceremony larger than it would have been.

  • In some cases, it's because many of the deceased's friends

  • or relatives are no longer alive

  • or they just weren't a very loved person.

  • That's sad but for a small amount of money,

  • you can send them off in style

  • even if they were a serial killer.

  • What a lovely sentiment.

  • So there you go, the 10 weirdest jobs on earth.

  • If you guys want a job and you can't find one,

  • maybe apply for these.

  • I'm not saying you'll get it but if you do,

  • at least you'll make some money

  • but you'll be spending it on therapy bills

  • so maybe it's not worth it.

  • - Oh, this is gonna be such an ordeal but it's not.

  • I'm here.

  • This is splendid.

  • - No, it's amazing, well, I'm glad you're comfortable.

  • I made sure you had a water.

  • - I got a good water, the place is actually not that cold.

  • You said it was gonna be cold, I'm not cold.

  • If you're watching this, I'm wearing a tank top too.

  • - Do you ever have that anxiety?

  • How do you fight the,

  • do you find that you have anxiety day to day

  • or just when you have big projects?

  • What's it like in Lily's head?

  • - So before my life really started to get crazy,

  • so I'd say maybe two-ish years ago,

  • I never had anxiety honestly.

  • I was always able to just wrap my around things and be like.

- Hey, are you tired of your job?


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あなたが存在するとは信じられないWEIRDEST JOBS! (The WEIRDEST JOBS You Won't Believe Exist!)

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    Huang Yu-Fen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日