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Faction -- The Japanese Army -- World War II
大日本帝国陸軍 第二次世界大戦
Spontaneous subtitles from C.B. :)
00:00:07,920 --> 00:00:14,320 1920年代 大日本帝国陸軍は人員及び 予算の面において大きく増強されていた
During the 1920s, the Imperial Japanese Army expanded greatly in its number of men and military spending.
明治憲法の規定により 軍の統帥権は天皇が握っていた
The Meiji Constitution put the Emperor in charge of all the Imperial Japanese armed forces.
だが実際に軍を動かしていたのは 陸軍省と参謀本部である
Although most of the time, the Ministry of War and the General Staff Office controlled its actions.
大日本帝国陸軍総軍の一つである関東軍は 1931年に満州事変を起こす
The Kwantung Army -- an army group of the imperial Japanese Army started a new phase of Japanese imperialism by invading Manchuria in 1931.
The Imperial Japanese Army at this point had 17 divisions.
1937年初頭に勃発した日中戦争こそが 第二次世界大戦の始まりであるとする説もある
Starting in 1937, the Second Sino-Japanese War which some historians consider the beginning of World War II so Japan against China.
日中戦争において 日本軍は残忍さで有名になった
During this conflict, the Imperial Japanese Army gained its reputation for brutality.
同時に資源・人員の消耗が激しくなり 徴兵を強化する必要に迫られた
The war in China would drain the Army's resources and bring forward a need for increased conscription.
The Imperial Japanese Army also conflicted with the Red Army during the 1930s.
国境紛争が発端となり ノモンハンで 大規模な軍事衝突に発展した
Starting with a border clash, it turned into a large war near the city of Nomanhan.
1939年に起こったこの戦いは ノモンハン事件と呼ばれている
Ending in 1939 with the decisive Nomanhan Incident or the Battles of Khalkhyn Gol.
At the end of this conflict, the Red Army defeated the Japanese Army.
その後は日本海軍の影響力が強まり 敗北によって 評判を落とした陸軍との間に軋轢が生じることになった
This loss of prestige for the Imperial Japanese Army put the Imperial Japanese Navy as the priority and this inter-service rivalry would continue throughout World War II.
1941年 日本軍の真珠湾攻撃を きっかけにアメリカ合衆国が参戦
In 1941, the United States joined the War when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor under the orders of General Hideki Tojo.
当時首相であった東条英機は裕仁天皇の命により 陸軍大臣としての地位も得ることになる
Emperor Hirohito had appointed Tojo who was also the Minister of War from 1940 as Prime Minister.
この時点で日本陸軍の総兵力は170万 51個師団だった
By this time in the war the Imperial Japanese Army possessed 51 divisions totaling 1.7 million men.
師団の大半は中国に動員され 満州 朝鮮 台湾 インドシナ そして日本本土に大規模な守備隊が配備された
Most of these divisions were mobilised in China and large garrisons were held in Manchuria, Korea, Formosa, Indochina and the Home Islands.
太平洋戦争初期において 日本軍は連勝を遂げた
The Imperial Japanese Army was victorious early on in the Pacific Theater.
1941年に香港を制圧 1942年には日本軍を 過小評価していたイギリス軍をシンガポールで撃破
The capture of Hong Kong in 1941 and Singapore in 1942 humiliated Britain which underestimated the Japanese forces greatly.
1942年にはフィリピンを陥落させ 何千ものアメリカ及びフィリピン軍の兵士を捕虜にした
In 1942, the Japanese Army also captured the Philippines from United States, taking on thousands of American and Filipino prisoners of war.
As well as this, the Imperial Japanese Army assisted by Thai forces and the Burmese Independence Army occupied Burma and pushed the British and Chinese forces out.
しかし1942年におけるガダルカナルの戦いで敗北後 日本軍は防戦に転じることになった
Eventually allied counter-offensive such as the Guadalcanal campaign forced the Japanese army into a more defensive posture.
1943年に入ると武器 医療品 食料が不足し始め 大勢の日本兵が餓死で命を落とした
From 1943, there was a shortage of military, medicine and food supplies, and starvation would contribute to too many Japanese soldiers deaths.
戦況が絶望的になるにつれて 日本陸軍は捨て身の攻撃を行うようになった
As the war progressed and the situation became more desperate for the Army, Japanese soldiers started to use more sacrificial tactics.
In the Battle of Saipan in 1944, only a handful of troops surrendered to US forces.
1945年 米軍はフィリピン 硫黄島 沖縄を占拠 日本の敗北は時間の問題だった
In 1945, the War looked hopeless for the Japanese. U.S. forces had taken back the Philippines and captured Iwo Jima and Okinawa.
およそ200万の陸軍は本土に集結した 本土決戦に備えるためである
The Army had almost 2 million troops strong was recalled to defend the mainland against impending invasion.
だがその前に広島 長崎に原子爆弾が投下された
However, the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki prevented further conflict.
日本の降伏に伴い 大日本帝国陸軍は解体された
With the Japanese surrender at the end of the war, the Imperial Japanese Army was dissolved.
1937年から1945年にかけて 約630万の兵士が日本陸軍に従軍
Approximately 6.3 million men served in the Imperial Japanese Army from 1937 to 1945.
It is estimated that 1.3 million were killed or missing in action.