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  • Hey, guys spirit of the law here. This is a follow up list

  • to my first top 10 hero units in age of empires 2.

  • Last time i only included heroes from age of kings and conquerors

  • But the HD expansions have added a lot of new ones in their campaigns and in the editor as well.

  • So in this video i'm opening it up and including all of those for consideration. In addition

  • some commenters made a passionate case on behalf of units that they thought might have been overlooked last time

  • Basically every hero unit not on that list is fair game for this one let's check it out

  • Starting things off at number 10 is bayinnaung who appears in the burmese campaign of the rise of the rogers

  • Expansion now battle elephants, do have some innate weaknesses, not only are they slow, but

  • They, also take a lot of bonus damage from pikes and camels luckily as heroes they

  • Can't be converted so that takes away one major

  • Counter but overall as far as base units go they're really one of the easiest to exploit

  • The trade-off is if you manage to get them into a fight they tend to have very good stats and

  • Bayinnaung is no exception in fact he's on roughly the same level as el cid

  • Who, was top 3 on the previous list in case you haven't guessed

  • He's definitely not the last elephant that we're gonna see next up that number 9 is frederick barbarossa

  • He never actually appeared in his age of kings campaign but

  • He has been added to the scenario editor it might look

  • Like a step backward in terms of stats with, less than half of the previous heroes hp

  • But his teutonic knight armor actually, means barbarossa, wins one-on-one armor can have a pretty big impact

  • And with the blacksmith upgrades in there as

  • Well it's entirely possible

  • Most of the units he fights end up only doing one or two damage per attack the rest of his stats are

  • also Quite strong compared to generic units so he's a solid entry on the list

  • Number eight is tab and schweddy i told you guys elephants would show

  • Up, again, and this is yet another one from the burmese campaign this time it's an elephant archer though

  • Which carries the deadly advantage of range the attack seems a little low

  • At first but for a ranged unit it's quite good and around double that of a normal elephant archer, while

  • Also, having the best hp of the heroes we've seen so far up next at number 7 is orin liu?

  • The, wolf he was eligible but didn't, make the previous talk to end heroes list if you, recognize the name it's probably

  • Because he shows up all over the place in the cab hands and seems to have a bit of a fan following

  • Just looking at his hp an attack. He seems comparable to william wallace but there is an important difference

  • And that's his lack of armor in many situations he ends up taking more damage than you would think

  • Including anti building and anti boat bonus damage a villager with, sappers for example

  • Gains an extra plus 30 attack against him and he stands no chance

  • Against rams in fact if you factor in all his bonus, damage he loses one-on-one

  • Against a japanese halberdier another thing holding him

  • Back is he doesn't auto target enemy units that makes him a bit micro intensity use though once you get him, going he can

  • Certainly handle himself against many of the other heroes and he's, also a pretty popular one in its

  • Own right next up on the list is gadjah mada, who has an entire campaign dedicated to him

  • Which he obviously appears in functionally he's pretty similar to oren liu, maybe just a bit stronger side, by side, we can

  • See he has a bit more hp, melee armor and generally takes, less, bonus, damage he's still a bit on the slow

  • Side but technically he's the fastest movie hero in the video so far his animation, also makes it look

  • Like he's skating and as a canadian i'll give him a

  • Bonus point for that entering the top half the list at number 5, is wang tong is actually similar to attila

  • And that he looks like a cataphract and is affected by cavalry upgrades but is essentially an infantry unit from a bonus damage

  • perspective

  • His stats are quite a bit better than atilla's though and he ends up at a nice compromise between hp

  • Attack and mobility i also consider it a

  • Good thing that he's unexpectedly strong against what you might think his counters are at first glance so to me he's a top 5 hero

  • Moving on to the truly impressive though at number 4 is dogma john he has the most hp of any unit in the game

  • With high pierce armor and some range as, well even with large attack

  • bonuses from pikes and

  • skirmishers he holds up against those counter units for longer than you'd expect for playing a central role in one of the campaign missions he

  • Even gets his

  • Own unique look with him being visible right on top of a slightly modified elephant archer his only real drawbacks are his relatively low

  • Hack, and movement rate so he's more of a damaged sponge than an offensive unit now entering the top three

  • We have harald hardrada, he

  • Was almost an honorable mention in the last video for his ubiquity in custom scenarios

  • But i just couldn't get over his stats it's been pointed out to me though that he's secretly a lot

  • Better than he looks first of all he's a lot, faster than the typical infantry unit while

  • Also being ranged but more importantly his attack rate is double a normal berserk meaning you can almost consider

  • His attack to be twenty six though you do still have to think

  • About the effects of armor still though that's a lot of damage from range and it's, also considered melee damage

  • Which can, be quite potent against buildings rams and many different units he should have been on the previous list

  • But i'll make it up. By putting him here in the top

  • Three moving on now to number two, we have laid, tree n, the armor isn't impressive but the hp an attack both stand out

  • He, also, wins easily against every unit on the list up to this point

  • His stats are that good he never appears in a campaign, so i'm not entirely sure, why

  • His stats are so good but he beats william wallace and has a higher attack than, any unit we've seen so far

  • It's hard to believe there could be an even better unit out there but

  • Unquestionably there still is before that though let's take a quick look at a few honorable mentions

  • The first is lay lie, and lay lloyd, from the vietnamese campaign statistically speaking all three of these units should

  • Make, the middle of the countdown but i didn't

  • Want different versions of essentially one unit template to make up a big chunk of the list they

  • Do deserve at least a mention though, going, back further though i, also, want to acknowledge her

  • Off the gander he's basically a stronger attacking but, slower moving harald hardrada without the range his

  • 140 hp would have been the lowest on the list

  • Had he been included and as a melee unit hp is quite important another fan favorite that didn't quite

  • Make the list, is last year as everyone knows? You find him in the joan of arc campaign

  • Yeah, he wishes to kids i'm saying

  • Based on stats, alone he probably shouldn't. Be here but his go get him, attitude really grows on you as?

  • Well as his habit of referring to himself in the third person

  • Here's all these almost dry

  • Do is joe english papa, thiam, brits can't make a catches stronger than a, year

  • Here has been grievously wounded

  • Speaking of the joan of arc campaign jean de lorraine also deserves a mention but

  • His stats, again, weren't quite good enough for top ten

  • He has extra armor attack and two more range than a normal bombard cannon, which is nice but his low

  • Hp, is just too much of a hindrance it's actually lower than a regular, bombard cannon

  • And they aren't exactly known, for their tankyness without, any

  • Doubt though the number one on this list is the abraha elephant

  • You, may!

  • Not have seen it before since it's in none of the campaigns but it's one you should remember it seems to be named after a

  • Viceroy of yemen in southern arabia during the 6th century the unit has the best attack we've seen

  • So far and the second-highest hp, which is a powerful combination?

  • Even factoring in the intrinsic weaknesses of elephants to various bonus damage

  • He's still the best overall the abraha elephant beats every unit on this list in melee combat as

  • Well as every land unit on the previous list as, well in my mind it's clearly number one but let me know

  • What you think and if anyone else should have, made the list thanks for watching guys, and i'll see you next time

Hey, guys spirit of the law here. This is a follow up list


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もう一つのトップ10 AoE2ヒーロー (Another Top 10 AoE2 Heroes)

  • 24 0
    wei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日