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  • - In real life, I'm a graphic designer

  • but today, I'm gonna make my own glasses.

  • (bubbly music)

  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hello, and as always, welcome to the Laramy- K

  • optician works training center.

  • Were today, we have a special moment

  • our first guest ever.

  • Lee asked if I could make him a pair of glasses.

  • I said, "Sure".

  • And then he said " well, can I watch how those are made?"

  • and I said "no, you can make them yourself".

  • So that is what we're going to do today.

  • - Pfft, we're gonna try.

  • - Oh no,, we're gonna do it.

  • - Okay.

  • - Very good.

  • (swoosh)

  • Alright, these are your glasses.

  • We've got a right plus 275 minus 50 at 130.

  • I'll get this set up and then I'll hand it off to you.

  • Set my lens meter to plus 275.

  • that looks good.

  • Alright, three dots are on here

  • that center one is the lens oc

  • that's what we're going to put in front of your pupil

  • directly in front of your pupil.

  • These two outer marks just keep the lens oriented

  • in the right position for the rest of the process.

  • Would you put a big R on top of there

  • with your grease pencil and set it in the tray.

  • Thank you, and I'll get this one set up

  • which is a plus 325.

  • Alright, have a big L on top of that one.

  • Set it in the tray, and we're on to the next phase.

  • Alright then, grab that frame, perfect.

  • Then we're gonna lift that back, good.

  • Right in there, perfect.

  • Now we're gonna go ahead

  • and hit that big button in the middle.

  • And go ahead and pull that out, nice.

  • So what we're gonna do is we're gonna take that lens

  • and we've got the three dots there.

  • And what we're gonna do is try to place that

  • center red dot right there when we put the lens up here.

  • So go ahead and set the lens on those black posts.

  • And looking here, try to line those perf- yep, oh.

  • That's it, beautiful, perfect.

  • Lift up on that and let it down.

  • Okay, good, now this is a block

  • we're gonna load this, that little notch always goes up.

  • I'll do the first one, you can do the second one.

  • Grab that from that little tab there.

  • Nice and smooth, put that on there.

  • Peel it back, hold it from the edge.

  • You see the notch again, you see this little dot right here?

  • That has to go where the notch is

  • so it goes all the way up in there

  • so you can see how that feels and do that.

  • Feels good.

  • - Yep

  • - Alright, bring this over.

  • You can then push it all the way down, and firm.

  • Little, little push, yep good let it go.

  • Bring that back over, lift this back up all the way.

  • And lets take that lens out.

  • Lets do that again, I'll get that block for you.

  • If you want to go ahead and get that lined up.

  • - They're a little slippery.

  • - They are indeed.

  • Good AR coat.

  • Now let that down, perfect.

  • Alright now here is your block.

  • Ill give you that, now remember notch to the

  • to the middle dot there.

  • Good, that feels pretty good.

  • Bring that over, push it down, steady pressure.

  • Let it go.

  • Okay, bring that out of the way, bring this back up.

  • And the left is good, beautiful.

  • Alright, so we've got two lenses ready to be blocked.

  • Then it could be held in the edgers

  • so they'll be in the right place as we go along.

  • Alright, now we have to tell the edger two things.

  • One, that we have to tell it about the lenses.

  • And we have to tell it about you.

  • So, the first thing up here, we have our frame PD.

  • That's this and it knows everything about that now

  • because we did the trace.

  • Next we're gonna have to do your pupillary distance.

  • Right, we're gonna say you come up at 27.

  • Cause we're doing intermediate for you.

  • Enter.

  • And 28, cause your one eye

  • is a little bit more over than the other.

  • We won't make fun of you or anything, I swear.

  • (chuckles)

  • - Okay, so we've got 27 and 28.

  • This one is horizontal movement, we can check that actually.

  • Why don't we do that.

  • Why don't you put those on for me for a second.

  • Looking right straight at me.

  • You're about as dead center as can be.

  • And you're going to be looking down a little bit

  • on the office stuff anyway, so you're gonna be fine.

  • Put the lens back.

  • Now the size we're not going to do anything with

  • and these things we're good on.

  • Soft means it's a special cycle in here

  • that we would use because of the non glare coating

  • so it doesn't slip.

  • This is your lens choice, these are high index lenses

  • so we would hit high index.

  • You have your choices of a multifocal

  • like the old lined bifocal, or progressive lens

  • like your other pair, but we're doing single.

  • What kind of frame?

  • Is this a metal frame or plastic frame?

  • So plastic frame.

  • And we'll put a safety bevel on there for you, as well.

  • So now it knows you.

  • And it knows all the things it needs to know

  • about the lens and the frame

  • in order to cut these right.

  • Alright, so now we have told this everything

  • it needs to know about you and about the frame

  • and about the lens.

  • Now I hit data entry and that brings everything

  • from here to the edger itself.

  • Now were ready to actually cut the lens.

  • So ill do this, we're gonna bring this over.

  • And you'll load it right like this.

  • And if you come around here, you can see

  • how that fits all together just perfect.

  • - [Lee] Yeah

  • - [John] Once you have it in place like that

  • just make sure you don't get your finger in there.

  • That's about 50 pounds coming over.

  • So just make sure you're just holding it from the edge

  • or you just let it go if its staying there

  • where you need it to.

  • And then we just push the start button.

  • So ill let you do that.

  • And take it from there.

  • - This side up?

  • - Yep, that notch again, that notch is set up for going up.

  • Just like that, good.

  • Alright, and you can hit the start button

  • and it'll do everything for you.

  • It'll come across with the chuck, it'll close the door.

  • And it'll start cutting.

  • What its doing right now is making sure that there

  • is enough lens there to fit the frame.

  • So if your PD was very narrow or the frame was really big.

  • If you get a finished lens, like this, out of the bag

  • instead of having it cut in a lab.

  • Sometimes they're not big enough.

  • This tells you before you go and ruin a lens for no reason.

  • And that's good to go.

  • And if you look in here now you can see

  • exactly what's going to happen.

  • It is literally grinding away the material.

  • - [Lee] Oh yeah

  • - [John] First it rough shapes it in.

  • So that's taking a whole lot of material off

  • pretty quickly, which is the reason why

  • you have the soft mode and we put that extra pad on there.

  • Because when it first hits

  • - It might turn.

  • - It can turn.

  • And then the other thing, the interface

  • that we are talking about that it will use

  • different wheels, different amounts of water

  • different speeds for different materials.

  • So that is why that's important.

  • Now the smell is normal for a high index lance.

  • - [Lee] Its plastic

  • - [John] Yeah, but only your higher indexes

  • have this smell to them.

  • We call it garlic but it amounts to more money.

  • Now, this one, if you look down, you can actually

  • see the notch in the wheel.

  • That's putting the v in to it and that v will correspond

  • with the one that's in the frame when you pop the lenses in.

  • Alright, okay, were just going to hold it like that.

  • And you're going to hit the chuck button

  • and take it out.

  • - Like that?

  • - Perfect, now set it over in the tray.

  • And lets get that left going, yeah you're fine.

  • Lets get that left going while we're doing it.

  • Good, okay, now we need to hit this button here

  • to tell it we're gonna do the left lens.

  • - [Lee] This one?

  • - [John] That one underneath it, yep.

  • Good, alright now that looks okay

  • so we can hit the start button

  • and we'll be letting that thing do its thing.

  • And we'll step over here and because it has an AR coat

  • we can just pop that off.

  • This thing has a special tool to take them off

  • but we probably don't need to worry about that.

  • That's trash.

  • I'll pop the right one in for you

  • and you can do the left one.

  • This is a nice brand new frame.

  • Its nice and soft, its fresh.

  • There is no reason to heat the frame.

  • Why risk the damage or chances of that.

  • You know, these lenses have a little flexibility

  • I think we can probably just get those in.

  • Obviously, right eye, right eye, right eye, right lens.

  • I'm going to do this just a little bit different and

  • that snap, that's what you're looking for.

  • So what I would do is take this

  • I think I'd probably start with this outside edge

  • get that in and kind of push here and here.

  • And see how you do, and see if you can get that snap going.

  • - Here, and here?

  • - Voila

  • - It's in

  • - You got it, you've got yourself a pair of glasses.

  • I'm just going to double check that the prescription

  • is where its suppose to be.

  • Alright, I think we've got ourselves

  • a complete pair of glasses here,

  • but we are going to make absolutely sure

  • that we have got the right powers in the right place.

  • So we've got a right lens, right lens plus 275

  • at an axis of 130, right lens.

  • Beautiful, lets see we got in here.

  • So far so good.

  • That looks wonderful, alright.

  • Left lens left, we've got a plus 325 at an axis of 95.

  • Oh I like that, looks good.

  • That looks good, alright.

  • And these are those dots back on there

  • that we talked about earlier.

  • That center white dot on the lens you'll see

  • and that one should line up perfectly

  • with the center of your pupil.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Because we took your measurement of 28 30.

  • So lets find out if that is the case.

  • Right, Left 28 right and a 30 on the left.

  • That is beautiful, alright.

  • I think you've got yourself a pair of glasses.

  • - I think I do.

  • - Let me clean these up, and off you go.

  • Thanks for stopping by.

  • - Thank you very much.

  • - We shot this video for one simple reason.

  • And that was to show you, just how easy it is today

  • to use finishing equipment like this.

  • And, no, of course Lee doesn't know everything

  • about the lens meter, the blocker, or layout work.

  • But you know what, if he spent some time on

  • Laramy- K optician works and our free

  • in office finishing course.

  • He could certainly learn how.

  • If you are interested about learning more

  • about finishing your own lenses in house.

  • Or have staff that you would like to train.

  • Please check out the free course at

  • I'll see you there.

- In real life, I'm a graphic designer


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

リーは自分のメガネを作る (Lee Makes His Own Glasses)

  • 5 0
    wei に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日