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  • In this video we'll uncover whether or not carbs are bad for you.

  • Hi ladies and gentlemen.

  • I'm Dr. Zyrowski and welcome back to the channel.

  • If you're new to the channel, it's a pleasure to have you here.

  • Be sure to subscribe and hit that bell notification, and join our notification community so I can

  • help you excel your health and your life.

  • In this video, we're talking about, "Are carbs bad for you?”

  • And then we also want to discuss how much - how many carbs you should be eating on a

  • regular basis.

  • And so you know, this is a really convoluted topic because there's people who are the ketogenic

  • diet and say you should have no carbs at all and then there's people who are on the complete

  • opposite end of that spectrum saying you should eat a lot of carbs and then there's even studies

  • out there that kind of show you, you know, the difference between those two.

  • There's studies saying that if you eat low carbs you're going to have an early chance

  • of death and there's studies saying that you're going to decrease your risk of stroke

  • and an early death if you actually have a low-carb diet.

  • So anyway, let's go ahead and try to clear up some of that confusion.

  • In this video, we're going to talk about a couple studies out there and what we need

  • to know about them, especially the ones that really go and demonize a low-carb diet and

  • then we're also going to look at the benefits of a low-carb diet and then from there we'll

  • discuss good carbs vs. bad carbs and also how many carbs you should eat a day.

  • And at the end of this video, what I will do is, I'll share with you where you can find

  • a link to my list of good carbohydrates that you can eat on a daily basis.

  • So let's go ahead and jump in.

  • Now when we look at this first study here that I'm going to talk about, it's important

  • to know that it was done in Lancet, which is a very prestigious medical journal and

  • so what they were doing in this study is they were looking at these people and seeing well

  • are carbohydrates good for you or are they bad for you?

  • And so what happened is a study came out and then all these different news outlets reported

  • on it and when they were looking to get a lot of clicks are looking to get a lot of

  • views and so you know they they didn't really dive into the study and give you the truth

  • behind it I'm just you at a glance gave you their initial thoughts and many of their initial

  • thoughts were first of all eating a low-carb diet is going to cause early death and then

  • the other thing was that if you are consuming this low-carb diet that you're going to be

  • unhealthy and that you should consume a high carb diet.

  • And some of these different news outlets were even saying that you should be consuming a

  • diet that is 50% carbohydrates or more and so here's the deal, let's go ahead and talk

  • about this for study.

  • So like I said, basically this study said low carb diet equals early death.

  • And so there are a couple of problems with this study that said a low-carb diet is going

  • to cause you to have a early death.

  • Basically when they refer to low-carb, they refer to anything that was 40% and below.

  • Most people would not consider that to be a low-carb diet.

  • What is a low carb diet at that point?

  • And the next thing is that there were a lot of confounding variables and what that means

  • is that there were variables that they couldn't control within this study.

  • Because the study even points out that many of the people who were consuming a low-carb

  • diet were the unhealthy people, the people who were smoking, they weren't exercising,

  • they were sitting around a lot 0 not moving, they were just living a very unhealthy lifestyle,

  • they may have already had a condition that they had developed prior to this whole thing

  • and that they're already facing and so anyway, there's a lot of variables and we know that

  • that's important because nobody ever had said that following the ketogenic diet or a low

  • carb diet but yet smoking and doing a whole bunch of things that are really bad for you

  • is going to offer you good health.

  • So, you know we have to be aware of that.

  • And the last thing I want to mention about the study that you know led to it being pretty

  • flawed is that it was all based on recalls and questionnaires, meaning that when they

  • were going back and finding the information out as to what these people were eating and

  • you know how many carbs and all that?

  • They were basically just doing it off of recall, so how many carbohydrates did you eat a month

  • ago for dinner?

  • And then the other thing was is that there was questionnaires.

  • And so a lot of people tend to put their best foot forward right and then we see this in

  • many of the YouTube videos we watch or maybe some of the different articles we read or

  • people you follow online, everybody's putting their best foot forward and so you know there's

  • no reason to believe that people wouldn't do that as well if they know that the diet

  • is looking for them to eat low carbohydrate, they're going to say well yeah I probably

  • didn't need as many as many as you know maybe I initially thought I did and so anyway you

  • know we have to take that into consideration as well.

  • So, the recall and questionnaire is basically going to cause a little bit of a problem there

  • and so there's a lot of flaws in the study and so we have to take that whole thing into

  • consideration.

  • Now Lancet did another study and what I'll do by the way is link both of these studies

  • below so you can dive into them.

  • But this study is called the Pierce study and I'm just referring to it as study number

  • two and basically what they did is they had the complete opposite findings and in this

  • study they found that if you have a high carb diet you're going to have an increase in mortality.

  • And they also found that a high-fat diet in this study will decrease your risk of mortality

  • and decrease your risk of stroke.

  • And so anyway this is very confusing to the average person who is going and reading these

  • and what we want to do is make sure we interpret them correctly and understand that there's

  • a lot of flaws in this one that was saying that a low-carb diet is going to cause an

  • early death.

  • So we have to take that into consideration.

  • So let's go ahead and talk about the benefits of a low-carb diet.

  • As you know like I said in your heart of hearts you know that eating a high carb diet, high

  • sugar diet, low quality foods is going to destroy your health.

  • So let's go ahead and talk about the benefits of low carb diet.

  • So first of all you're going to have a decreased chance of getting type 2 diabetes.

  • So as we eat a lot of carbohydrates, a lot of refined carbohydrates you're going to spike

  • that insulin, you're going to spike that blood sugar and you're going to eventually get diabetes

  • that goes along with it.

  • So a low-carb diet will help to decrease your risk in that.

  • We're also going to improve our cognitive function with a low-carb diet and also improve

  • neurological health.

  • So people who are on a low-carb diet/high fat diet, they're able to have a lot more

  • energy to have good thought processes and being able to focus.

  • And then people who have a low-carb diet also have better neurological health.

  • It's just like diabetes.

  • Typically the same people with diabetes have Alzheimers and neurological degenerative disorders.

  • So when we have a low-carb diet, we're keeping that insulin low, keeping that blood sugar

  • low, essentially it's going to improve neurological function and well being.

  • And the next here is hormone balance, ok?

  • So the more carbs we eat, we're going to have more insulin spikes and so we want to

  • make sure that for a hormone balance perspective that were not consuming a super high carb

  • diet.

  • It's going to improve our digestion.

  • It's going to give you less cravings because the more sugar you eat the more cravings you

  • have, just simply because the sugar acts like a drug on the brain.

  • Basically it's going to boost up that neurotransmitter dopamine.

  • It's going to activate that brain reward cascade and as a result, the more sugar you

  • have the more sugar that you crave and so decreasing the amount of sugar you're consuming

  • is going to be really powerful.

  • The next thing here is you're gonna have more energy.

  • We've talked about this many times in other videos that having high fat diet/low carb

  • diet is going to give you more energy because fat is a more sustainable energy source.

  • People who are using sugar as an energy source have a lot of highs and lows and so that's

  • not good.

  • And the last thing here is going to be a decrease in metabolic syndrome.

  • So things such as heart disease, things such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance

  • - you're gonna have a much lower risk of that if you're following a low carb diet.

  • Now let's go ahead and talk about these good carbs versus bad carbs.

  • Now just like anything there's going to be good quality and bad quality foods and so

  • even when it comes to carbohydrates we need to make sure that we're differentiating between

  • good and bad carbs.

  • You know there's so many diets out there that just give you the number of carbs that you

  • should eat but they don't tell you to make sure that you're eating high quality carbs

  • and so this is really important because there's a huge difference.

  • When we look at good carbohydrates they're nutrient dense, they have benefit to the body,

  • they don't raise insulin as much, they don't raise blood sugar as much but when we look

  • at some of these different bad carbohydrates they lack nutrients, they're empty calories

  • in many cases, they have the fiber stripped away from them so they just act completely

  • different on the body, the blood sugar, the insulin and so it's very good to make sure

  • that you know the difference between them.

  • And so when we look at good carbs we're looking at sweet potato.

  • You know choosing sweet potato over white potato is a really good decision the next

  • is going to be butternut squash black beans blueberries you know really high nutrient

  • dense high antioxidant low glycemic index fruits are really great - blueberries, green

  • apples, grapefruit, and then these are just some quick examples.

  • Okay now to give you examples of you know bad things is going to be your pasta, your

  • white bread, you know the crackers and cookies and snack bars.

  • Once again these don't offer you nutrients but they offer you a lot of carbohydrates

  • and just because the nutrients are stripped away the fibers are stripped away what they're

  • going to do is really just skyrocket those blood sugar levels and also your insulin levels

  • so we have to make sure that we're making better choices because there's so many diets

  • out there as I mentioned that just don't differentiate between good and bad carbs.

  • They just tell you you know keep your carbs at this level but they don't tell you that

  • you need to make sure along with that that you're making good carbohydrate choices.

  • Let's go ahead and talk about how much okay?

  • Now when we look at the ketogenic diet, on average you're gonna want to be at 50 grams

  • of carbohydrates or less okay and this is just following kind of a standard keto diet

  • now.

  • If you're someone who has insulin resistance or you have you know diabetes, you have a

  • health condition that you're looking to get under control then you're gonna want to even

  • take that down further.

  • You know you go 25 grams or less you're gonna see a lot better results and so when we look

  • at carbs once again 50 grams are less on average but 20, 25, 20 grams or less if you have some

  • sort of health condition you're trying to overcome and that's gonna be very powerful.

  • Now though I love the ketogenic diet, I also love a low-carb diet and the reason for that

  • is because it's more sustainable for many people and you know I work clinically with

  • a lot of people and I know that it is you know following the ketogenic diet is way too

  • much for a lot of people and I say that because you know people will tell me they followed

  • the ketogenic diet and I'll ask details and I can you know, you know find out very quickly

  • that they followed a high-fat diet that was not keto at all.

  • They just added in a lot more fats and then you know a lot of people they will you know

  • try it for three days and give up and so here's the deal when we look at all these different

  • articles and videos on the internet, it's very quick to think that the ketogenic diet

  • is something that everybody is easily doing and following but what I can tell you is that

  • though the ketogenic is very powerful, it's very hard for many people to follow and so

  • that's why I also love a good low carb diet because you're going to see great results

  • with it as well.

  • Now on a low-carb diet you're going to want to consume between a 100 and 200 grams of

  • carbohydrates.

  • Okay now that also I understand that's a big variation from 100 to 200 but it really depends

  • on a lot of different factors.

  • So let's say average is 150 grams on a low carbohydrate diet okay?

  • Now whether you're a small petite person or you're a bigger person, that's going to make

  • a difference.

  • Whether you're an athlete or someone who doesn't exercise at all makes a big difference.

  • And so what you want to do is look at that goal and say okay if 150 grams is average

  • then where do I need to be and I think that if you go ahead and play with that a little

  • bit and you you know try a 100 grams and you try upwards of 200 grams you're gonna find

  • out real quick where you need to be and if you're consuming you know down until it towards

  • the lower amount you feel great and you're you know shedding fat and you're you know

  • getting the results that you want to see then stay there but if you're actually able to

  • go and consume 150 grams and feel really great and stay healthy and look healthy and feel

  • healthy then that's great as well so anyway the ketogenic diet is powerful, the low carb

  • diet is also very powerful and more sustainable for most people.

  • I also wanted to mention to you that when of course you're following these diets they're

  • always eating high quality carbohydrates, never low quality carbohydrates and what I'll

  • do is I'll put a list of the different carbohydrates that I recommend good high quality nutritious

  • carbohydrates that I recommend.

  • There'll be a link in the description below so we can email you that list of good carbs

  • that you can eat so other than that be sure to put any questions you have in the comment

  • section below and I'll get back to you.

  • Also be sure to subscribe to my channel here and give this video a thumbs up.

  • I'd greatly appreciate that and then check out my other videos on the ketogenic diet

  • and all the ways that you can improve your health I'll see you in the next video.

In this video we'll uncover whether or not carbs are bad for you.


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炭水化物はあなたのために悪いですか? (Are Carbs Bad For You | How Much is Enough?)

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    seedxiang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日