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  • In this video you will learn how to address a bacterial overgrowth

  • issue in the small intestines.

  • Hi, ladies and gentlemen.

  • I'm Dr. Zyrowski and welcome back to the channel.

  • If you're new to the channel then it is a pleasure to have you here.

  • Be sure to subscribe, hit that bell notification, and join our notification community so I can

  • help you excel in your health and your life.

  • In this video we are talking about Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth, also known as SIBO.

  • Now, this is a problem for a lot of people.

  • I've worked with many people who have had this issue.

  • But I have also had this issue myself, so I can give you some real clear advice as to

  • how I went about reversing it.

  • This problem can be very difficult to reverse in many cases, but let's go ahead and talk

  • about some of the different symptoms that arise with SIBO.

  • Let's go ahead and talk about the things that really cause SIBO.

  • And then what you need to do in order to reverse this issue.

  • Now, when we look at the small intestine let's do a quick little run through.

  • Basically the small intestine is responsible for taking food and absorbing the nutrients

  • for your body.

  • So it is broken down, it goes into the small intestine, that's where it is absorbing

  • the nutrients.

  • Then, after it goes into the small intestine it goes to the large intestine.

  • And in the large intestine the food is going to be broken down into waste so it can then

  • exit the body.

  • Now, the small intestine should have very little bacteria in it whereas the large intestine

  • should have a lot.

  • What happens in people who have Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth is essentially that they

  • get a lot of bacteria that goes into that small intestine and it causes a lot of symptoms.

  • Let's go ahead and discuss them.

  • The first one is bloating and distention.

  • This is a very common symptom.

  • People wake up in the morning and their stomach feels huge.

  • They eat a meal and their stomach feels huge.

  • It causes a lot of discomfort.

  • The reason for this and what is happening is that these different fibers and starches

  • and sugars are going into the small intestine and they are fermenting which causes a lot

  • of gas.

  • So we have to make sure that we are watching fibers, starches, and sugars and also supplementation.

  • That's another place where many people go wrong is with supplementation.

  • They find out that they have some small intestine bacteria issues and they jump into supplementation

  • that actually is having a negative effect on them.

  • So we've got to be careful with that.

  • We'll talk more about that in a minute.

  • The next is constipation and diarrhea.

  • Someone can have constipation or diarrhea or actually alter between both.

  • So that's important to know as well.

  • Next is nutrient deficiencies or nutrient deficits.

  • When we look at this issue what essentially happens is that all that bacteria in the small

  • intestine is going and taking those nutrients and keeping them from you.

  • So though you may be consuming some different vitamins and you may be consuming a healthy

  • diet, the bacteria is getting those nutrients and your body is not.

  • So your body can really be starving in this case.

  • The next one is antacids.

  • When people make chronic use of antacids - let's say they get heartburn all the time and they

  • are taking these antacids on a regular basis - I mean, I've heard of people taking them

  • after every single meal.

  • What you do is you alter the pH in the intestines and in the stomach, and as a result of that

  • you create a very bad bacterial environment.

  • Now, the pH in the stomach is responsible for keeping certain bacteria at bay and keeping

  • it out of certain places.

  • If you alter that, then essentially what will happen is you can have the Small Intestine

  • Bacterial Overgrowth issue.

  • So antacids are a big problem there.

  • Then, also an existing gut condition.

  • If you're someone who has leaky gut, if you have Celiac, if you have Crohn's, if

  • you have any of these existing gut conditions it can really be a way of opening the door

  • for this bacterial overgrowth issue.

  • So when we look at these different symptoms here, these are good signs that you are someone

  • who has Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.

  • Now, some of the ways that you can also determine if you have it is you can do a stool analysis

  • and then you can also do a breath test that will go and give some good data as to whether

  • or not you have some of these issues going on.

  • But to kind of give yourself a good starting point this is a really good way to go, just

  • looking at some of these different symptoms and seeing if you have them, because if you

  • can look at all of these and go, “Yep, that's me, that's me, that's me,” then there

  • is probably a good chance that you have this SIBO issue.

  • Now, Step Two is looking at why it happens.

  • So there are a couple of things we have to consider.

  • First of all, a depressed immune system.

  • So your immune system is just not functioning well.

  • The next is chronic stress.

  • Essentially, if you have chronic stress it is going to change and alter the way that

  • your intestine is functioning.

  • So chronic stress is never a good thing.

  • That's why people who have chronic stress get ulcers and all kinds of other issues.

  • It can alter the pH.

  • Here we have someone who has depressed gastric acid.

  • It alters the pH and essentially you are opening the door for this bacteria to be in places

  • it shouldn't be.

  • So that is something that we relate to the antacids and so on and so forth.

  • The other thing is irregular peristalsis.

  • Someone who is eating a lot and then is sitting at a desk chair all day, someone who is eating

  • a lot before bed.

  • Essentially what is going to happen is this causes an irregular peristalsis.

  • So movement of the body is very important for digestion and peristalsis.

  • So when we look at this issue it also can cause a Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.

  • So these are some of the different reasons it can happen, some of the different reasons

  • behind it.

  • But also we can look at poor diet and a few other things as well.

  • Now the next step is going to be how do you actually go in and solve this issue?

  • So this is an interesting one because there is a lot of different content out there, blogs

  • and so on and so forth, that talk about this issue.

  • And like I said, from my personal experience, myself having it and my working with people

  • and reversing it with them, there is just no way that most of this information that

  • you're going to find online will even come close to fixing this issue.

  • What we need to look at first of all is food.

  • You need to avoid certain foods - starches, sugars, legumes.

  • Many foods that actually are very good for you, you need to avoid during this time.

  • Simply because you need to really avoid foods that are going to feed that bacteria.

  • On the other hand, you need to make sure that you are eating certain foods.

  • The reason for this is simply that what our goal is here is to actually starve down that

  • bacteria but also make sure that we're feeding the body.

  • Because once again, people who have this Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth issue - essentially

  • what happens is that you're going in and you're feeding this bacteria but you're

  • not feeding yourself.

  • You're not feeding your body.

  • So we need to make sure that you are getting the proper nutrients but we are actually taking

  • away the nutrients that the bacteria needs to thrive.

  • What I'm going to do is in the description below I will post a link to a chart that has

  • the foods that you need to avoid and the foods that you can consume.

  • There are a lot of them.

  • I will put them down below so that we don't spend 20 minutes going over them right now.

  • So that will be in the description.

  • The next thing is the power of doing some intermittent fasting.

  • Actually abstaining from food for a period of time can really help to kind of reset that

  • gut and can help kill down some of that bacteria as well.

  • Then last is supplementation.

  • Now a lot of people will talk about using fasting alone or using diet alone.

  • I can tell you that I have never seen anybody do it.

  • As a matter of fact it can be very, very hard to complete with just some of these different

  • strategies that we just talked about.

  • So supplementation is important, and there are a couple of things specifically that you

  • need to really focus on doing.

  • First of all, healing the gut lining.

  • Working on that gut lining which is probably inflamed and having a lot going on it.

  • A lot of times leaky gut is associated.

  • So anyway, healing that gut lining is very important.

  • The next thing when it comes to supplementation is making sure that you are actually clearing

  • out some of those different gut bacteria.

  • We want to make sure we are clearing out that bacteria so we can remove it from our small

  • intestine and have everything start functioning right.

  • It's not just about putting good bacteria in but a lot of times it's about taking

  • that bacteria out.

  • We will actually use a microbial cleanse to just cleanse that bacteria out of the gastrointestinal

  • tract with a natural remedy that does it safely.

  • Then, when we look at supplementation such as probiotic this is important, too.

  • Because most people will tell you to stay away from probiotic.

  • What they are failing to understand is that when it comes to the probiotic, the reason

  • that most people have a negative reaction to a probiotic when they have SIBO is simply

  • because of this.

  • Because most probiotics contain a prebiotic.

  • What that means is that not only are you getting a probiotic but you are getting food for that

  • probiotic, which in normal cases is very good.

  • However, if you have SIBO it's not good because that prebiotic is not only going to

  • feed that bacteria that you're taking but it's also going to feed all the bacteria

  • in the gut and it's going to cause you to become bloated and have a lot of issues from

  • it.

  • So we need to make sure that we have the good strains of bacteria in there, but we need

  • to make sure that we're not feeding the bad stuff.

  • So it's important to take a probiotic, but one that does not contain a prebiotic.

  • The other thing is that it is very important to make sure you are getting good nutrients.

  • We already talked about nutrient deficits being a very common problem as a result of

  • people who are suffering from SIBO, especially the fat soluble nutrients - the A, D, E, and

  • K are also very important during this time.

  • Making sure you are taking proper enzymes is important too.

  • Essentially when we look at this, what we're doing is we're looking to reset that whole

  • environment in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • We're looking to reset some of that acidity with apple cider vinegar capsules as well.

  • So we're looking to just cause a whole reset in there, clean out some of that bacteria,

  • and create an environment that is actually sustainable for your gut.

  • Because people who have Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth over time start to develop a lot

  • more issues.

  • So it's very important that you actually go in and solve this problem.

  • So all the resources for this video, the foods and the supplementation that I use, it will

  • all be in the description below.

  • Once again, this problem can be very difficult to reverse.

  • Even if you're doing everything right it can take several months to reverse.

  • So take that all into consideration, give this video a thumbs up, share it with your

  • friends who may be suffering from the same issue.

  • If you have any questions, put it in comments section below.

  • Subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos on fasting and ketosis and all the

  • other really great topics that are going to help you improve your health.

  • I'll see you in the next video.

In this video you will learn how to address a bacterial overgrowth


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小腸細菌過繁殖症|SIBOをリバースする方法 (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth | How To Reverse SIBO)

  • 42 1
    seedxiang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日