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  • Get Civilized with Culture in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

    『シヴィライゼーション VI』で 文化力を生み出し文明を進歩させよう

  • Culture is one of the major resources in Civilization.


  • Culture is used to unlock new Civics through the Civics Tree.

    文化力は社会制度ツリーから 社会制度を解除するための手段となる

  • This provides you with new Governments, Social Policies, Cultural Buildings and Diplomatic advances.

    これによって新たな政府や政策 建造物 外交手段が利用可能になる

  • The more culture you produce, the faster those civics unlock.

    文化力を生み出すほど 社会制度の解除は早まる

  • Initially culture is generated by your palace, and by building a monument.

    一番初めは 文化力は宮殿と モニュメントの建設で生み出される

  • You can also get culture from certain resources, natural wonders and the Theater District.

    資源や自然遺産 劇場区域からも 文化力は得られる

  • Inspirations are boosts to specific Civics, and you earn them through different things you do in the game.

    特定の社会制度をブーストするひらめきは ゲーム内の様々な行動から得られる

  • You don't need an Inspiration to complete a civic, but they can speed your cultural progress.

    ひらめきは社会制度に不可欠ではないが 文化的発展を加速してくれる

  • For example, founding a Religion automatically completes half of the Theology Civic, which helps you generate Faith and build Temples.

    宗教を創始すると神学の社会制度が進み 信仰力の生成と神殿の建設に役立つ

  • Discovering City States boosts Political Philosophy, which allows you to change to your first new Governments.

    都市国家を発見すると政治哲学が加速し 新しい政府に初めて変更できる

  • A government is the way you rule your people.


  • Each one will have built in bonuses and allows you to customize it further through the policies unlocked by civics.

    それぞれの政府にはボーナスがあり政策を 解除するとより細かく設定できるようになる

  • Military Policies focus on improving your forces by making units easier to build, cheaper to maintain, or more effective in certain situations.

    軍事政策は軍事ユニットに働きかけ 軍事力を向上することに重きをおく

  • Economic Policies mainly focus on improving how you generate and use resources.

    経済政策は主に生産と 資源の活用を改善する

  • Diplomatic policies focus on City State relations and Spies.

    外交政策は都市国家との関係や スパイに重きをおき

  • Finally, Wildcard Policies can be any policy from any other type, or special polices that generate Great People points.

    ワイルドカード政策はどの政策にも使え 偉人ポイントを生む特別政策にも使える

  • Be aware that changing policies and governments are free on the turn when a new civic is unlocked, but will cost you gold on other turns.

    新しい社会制度を解除したターンは政策と 政府の変更は無償だが他のターンでは有償だ

  • The Theater District is the best way to generate Culture.

    文化力を生み出すには 劇場区域が最も良い手段だ

  • Build Theaters next to other Districts and Wonders to get the highest adjacency bonuses.

    他の区域や自然遺産の隣に建てれば 劇場の隣接ボーナスが最大になる

  • Amphitheaters, Museums and Broadcast Towers in your Theater district will further increase their Culture output, and allow you to assign your population to this tile.

    円形競技場など特定の建物があると 文化力の生産が高まり人口を割り当てられる

  • Great Writers, Artists, and Musicians are all legendary people your civilization can earn.

    大著述家 大芸術家 大音楽家は 文明が獲得できる偉人だ

  • These people produce great works, which you can place in great works slots in your theater district to generate culture and Tourism.

    彼らの傑作を劇場のスロットに収めれば 文化力と観光力を生み出せる

  • Archaeologists also produce great works in the form of artifacts.


  • You can trade Great Works with other civs as a diplomatic option.

    傑作は外交で 他の文明と取引できる

  • You can even get a bonus if you display works of the same type from different artists in an Art museum, or Artifacts from the same era from different Civs in the Archaeological museum.

    異なる芸術家の同タイプの作品や 別文明で同時代の秘宝を展示するとボーナスが得られる

  • Tourism leads to the culture Victory in Civilization 6.

    『シヴィライゼーション VI』の観光力は 文化による勝利をもたらす

  • There are two types of Tourists, Domestic and Visiting.


  • Domestic Tourists are created from the total amount of Culture your Civilization has generated, and Visiting Tourists come from other Civs.

    国内観光客は文明の文化力によって数が決まり 国外からの観光客は他の文明から来る

  • You win a culture victory when there are more Visiting Tourists to your Civ than any rival Civ has Tourists at home.

    文化による勝利は国外からの観光客が 他文明の国内観光客以上だと達成できる

  • You will be able to attract visiting tourists to certain tiles, like Wonders, Theater Districts with Great Works, National Parks, and Seaside Resorts.

    国外からの観光客は遺産や傑作の劇場 国立公園やシーサイドリゾートで呼べる

  • National Parks can be built with a Naturalist unit on a Natural Wonder, while Seaside Resorts can be built by Builders on a Coast tile with an Appeal of 4 or higher.

    国立公園は自然主義者ユニットで自然遺産に建設でき シーサイドリゾートは沿岸タイルに労働者で建設可能だ

  • Certain other factors also affect tourism.


  • Tourists flock to Relics and Holy Cities but only if they share a religion with them, but this becomes less effective after their civ reaches the Enlightenment civic.

    遺物や聖地は同じ宗教の観光客を呼ぶが 文明が啓蒙思想に達すると効果が弱まる

  • The Cristo Redentor Wonder gives more tourism for seaside resorts and makes your Relics and Holy Sites more effective after the Enlightenment.

    コルコバードのキリスト像は観光客をシーサイドリゾートに呼び 啓蒙思想に到達した後も遺物や聖地の効果を高める

  • Tourism for Art and Artifacts is doubled if the Heritage Tourism Policy is in place, and Music is tripled for the Satellite Broadcasts Policy.

    遺産観光で芸術と秘宝の観光力は倍増し 衛星放送で音楽の効果は3倍になる

  • Finally all Tourism is doubled once the Computers Technology has been researched.

    コンピューターが研究されると 全ての観光力は倍になる

  • Can your Civilization be the shining standard of sophistication?


  • Get Civilized with Sid Meiers' Civilization VI.

    君も『シヴィライゼーション VI』で文明化を目指そう

Get Civilized with Culture in Sid Meier's Civilization VI.

『シヴィライゼーション VI』で 文化力を生み出し文明を進歩させよう


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